Thread in spanish


pronunciation: iloʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

thread1 = argumento, hilo, trama, tema, debate, discusión. 

Example: The thread linking these giants is the acknowledgement that libraries exist to serve their users.


» follow + the thread = seguir el hilo, seguir la conversación, seguir el debate.

Example: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.

» hang by + a thread = pender de un hilo, colgar de un hilo.

Example: Surgeons have managed to save the arm of a pregnant woman after it was left 'hanging by a thread' in an horrific dog attack.

» lose + the thread = perder el hilo.

Example: The first problem is that every sentence in the book makes you stop and think, which makes you lose the thread of the main argument.

» lose + the thread of the conversation = perder el hilo de la conversación.

Example: Whe I talked to him, he kept losing the thread of the conversation, much like a very elderly person does.

» pick up + the thread = retomar el hilo.

Example: Every event in history is a beginning, a middle, and an end; it just depends on where you pick up the thread and what story.

» take up + the thread = retomar el hilo.

Example: This book takes up the thread where Volume One left off.

» thread + pull upon = factor + influir.

Example: Therefore, any discussion of control must take into account the multiple threads that pull upon the director.

thread2 = hilo, hebra. 

Example: Wronski remained silent for a moment, looking at the thin gray threads of smoke that were rising from his cigarette.


» strand of thread = hebra de hilo.

Example: In structure, baskets were closely related to textiles: both were made by interlacing strands of threads by hand.

» threadworm = oxiuro, ascáride, lombriz intestinal.

Example: The main medications used to treat threadworms are available from your local pharmacy without prescription.

thread3 = rosca. [Generalmente de tornillo]

Example: It seems they sent me an oil filter with the wrong size thread diameter.

thread4 = enhebrar, ensartar, enhilar. 

Example: I remember helping to thread the tobacco leaves on strings for drying in the sun .


» thread through = progresar con dificultad.

Example: The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships.

thread5 = roscar. 

Example: It is not the same as working with copper pipe as you have to thread the pipe and screw fittings onto them.

Thread synonyms

wind in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪnd part of speech: noun string in spanish: , pronunciation: strɪŋ part of speech: noun weave in spanish: , pronunciation: wiv part of speech: verb, noun meander in spanish: , pronunciation: miændɜr part of speech: noun, verb yarn in spanish: , pronunciation: jɑrn part of speech: noun ribbon in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪbən part of speech: noun train of thought in spanish: , pronunciation: treɪnʌvθɔt part of speech: noun screw thread in spanish: , pronunciation: skruθred part of speech: noun
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