Thousand in spanish


pronunciation: mil part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

thousand = mil. 

Example: They have literally changed thousands of sexist job titles.


» a picture is worth more than ten thousand words = una imagen vale más que mil palabras.

Example: The true meaning of the cliche 'a picture is worth more than ten thousand words,' is never more evident than when students first see themselves on camera after simulating reference interviews in the classroom.

» be around for thousands of years = existir desde hace miles de años.

Example: Despite man being around for thousands of years, yet there are many discovered and undiscovered underwater caves all over the world.

» by the thousands = a miles, por miles.

Example: By the autumn of 1867, people were dying by the thousands.

» for thousands of years = durante miles de años.

Example: In one form or another, cashiers have been around for thousands of years.

» hundreds of thousands = cientos de miles.

Example: Note the automatic telephone exchange, which has hundreds of thousands of such contacts, and yet is reliable.

» one of a thousand = uno entre mil.

Example: It seems that a certain prestige value was attached to the possession of this roll as it was accessible only to the elite ('one of a thousand') among the population.

» run into + the thousands = ser innumerables.

Example: The fields to which this command can be applied run into the thousands.

» tens of thousands = decenas de miles, cientos de miles.

Example: Tens of thousands of records per week can be handled in this way.

» thousands of = miles de, millares de.

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

Thousand synonyms

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