Thought in spanish


pronunciation: pensɑmientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

think2 = creer, pensar, opinar, cavilar, discurrir. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio thought]

Example: Whether the juxtaposition of language with literature is as weighty an advantage as has on occasion been claimed is, I think, debatable.


» act without + thinking = actuar sin pensar(lo).

Example: Impulsive behavior means exactly what it sounds like: acting on impulse, or acting without thinking.

» act without + thinking twice = actuar sin pensar(lo) dos veces.

Example: Even adults act without thinking twice before they do things, but that is not the best way to solve problems.

» freedom to think = libertad de pensamiento.

Example: Librarians must turn to their own communities for the best defences against any restrictions in the freedom to read and think.

» get + Nombre + thinking = hacer pensar, poner a pensar.

Example: This event has really got me thinking not about politics per se but about the marketing of a candidate.

» give + Nombre + a lot to think about = dar mucho en qué pensar.

Example: Mr. Berman has given us a lot to think about.

» give + Nombre + much to think about = dar mucho en qué pensar.

Example: I have to admit that you've given me much to think about.

» great minds think alike = los genios pensamos igual, las grandes mentes pensamos igual, las mentes brillantes pensamos igual.

Example: My boss and I both said something at the same time and I said 'great minds think alike' -- to which she replied 'fools seldom differ'.

» I think then/therefore/thus/so I am = Pienso, luego existo.

Example: While he is remembered today as the philosopher who said, 'I think, therefore I am,' Descartes' work extended much further.

» keep + thinking = seguir pensando.

Example: I had beef tongue curry for lunch yesterday and kept thinking about it the rest of the day.

» make to + think = hacer pensar.

Example: Then there are those children made to think themselves failures because of the hammer-blow terms like dull, backward, retarded, underprivileged, disadvantaged, handicapped, less able, slow, rejected, remedial, reluctant, disturbed.

» not think clearly = estar espeso.

Example: I was trying to get work done this morning, but couldn't think clearly.

» not think much of = no darle demasiada importancia a, no importar Algo a Alguien, no tener un gran concepto de, no tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: I must admit I didn't think much of him first time I laid eyes on him; looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.

» not want to even think about it = no querer ni pensarlo.

Example: I didn't want to even think about it but I can see your heart isn't with us.

» not want to even think what = no querer ni pensar lo que.

Example: I do not want to even think what could have happened if we had not discovered the cause of their illness.

» now that I think of it = ahora que lo pienso.

Example: Now that I come to think of it, I have the distinct impression that this has been going on for some time but I'm only now really noticing it.

» out-think = adelantarse, ganarle la partida a, ganarle la vez a, mojarle la oreja a. [También escrito outthink. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que una persona o cosa supera a otra]

Example: Today's online information industry is playing a game of catch-up, and must out-think current market leaders in order to find profitable new markets.

» pause + to think = detenerse a pensar, pararse a pensar.

Example: If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.

» rethink [re-think] = reconsideración, reorganización, replanteamiento. 

Example: In this article a re-think about the nature of university education is given.

» rethink [re-think] = recapacitar, repensar, remodelar, replantear, reconsiderar, reorganizar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y pasado rethought. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Citation indexing would need to be carefully rethought in order to cater for the electronic journal.

» set + Nombre + thinking = hacer pensar, poner a pensar.

Example: Then on the screen came a story that moved me and set me thinking about what a lucky sod I am.

» there + be + every reason to think that = hay suficientes motivos para pensar que.

Example: There is every reason to think that the same will be true of digital resources = Hay suficientes motivos para pensar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las colecciones digitales.

» think about = pensar en/sobre.

Example: Not only is the material I have constantly changing but the way people think about it is constantly changing.

» think + afresh about = replantearse, plantearse de nuevo.

Example: With these flaws in mind, we suggest that there is a need to think afresh about the classification of eating disorders.

» think + again = recapacitar, reconsiderar, pensárselo mejor, reflexionar, replantearse Algo, pensar de nuevo, pensar otra vez.

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

» think + a great deal of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: Emma thought a great deal of him but her feelings did not run as deep as those she knew he held for her.

» think + alike = pensar del mismo modo, pensar de la misma manera, pensar de la misma forma, pensar igual.

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

» think + a lot of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: He was always smiling and pleasant, and I really thought a lot of him.

» think + aloud = pensar en voz alta.

Example: When asked if she was serious about that idea, she answered that she wasn't, that she was just thinking aloud.

» think + anew = volver a pensar.

Example: Start afresh, think anew; the frontiers are boundless.

» think back (to) = acordarse de, recordar, hacer memoria de, pensar en.

Example: Think back to the last person you were in a serious relationship with, would you ever get back together with them?.

» think + big = pensar a lo grande.

Example: The project's creators 'think big,' in ways libraries alone cannot.

» think + clearly = pensar con lucidez, pensar con claridad, pensar claramente, pensar lúcidamente.

Example: Whenever you have a lot on your mind and are stressed out, it is very hard to think clearly and make a decision.

» think + fit = creer adecuado.

Example: If you are dissatisfied with your responses, go back and revise such parts of the text as you think fit.

» think for + Reflexivo = pensar por Uno Mismo.

Example: Is television programming pacifying the masses by conditioning them not to think for themselves?.

» think + hard = pensar intensamente, pensar concienzudamente, pensarse muy bien, pensar mucho.

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

» think + highly of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: Swedes think highly of the Government but not of the royal family.

» think + little of = no darle demasiada importancia a, no importar Algo a Alguien, no tener un gran concepto de, no tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: It was obvious to the committeemen that these new residents of Boston were generally unlettered and `think little of moral and intellectual culture'.

» think + Nombre + over = considerar, deliberar, reflexionar sobre, pensar en, recapacitar sobre.

Example: I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision = Tendré que considerar esta oferta de trabajo antes de tomar una decisión.

» think + nothing of + Gerundio = no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo, no importar + Infinitivo.

Example: To visit Newport is to jump into a different world where Astors and Vandeerbilts thought nothing of setting aside $300,000 for summer entertaining.

» think of = pensar en.

Example: To overcome these problems users must think of all the various names that might have been applied, and must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned.

» think of + nothing = no + ocurrírsele + nada.

Example: Wherein had she erred? Try as she might she could think of nothing.

» think on + Posesivo + feet = pensar sobre la marcha, pensar rápido, pensar con rapidez, pensar rápidamente.

Example: When you're called on to thinking on your feet, it can be intimidating and stressful.

» think out = estudiar, pensar, analizar.

Example: A recitation of the best thought out principles for a cataloging code is easily drowned out by the clatter of a bank of direct access devices vainly searching for misplaced records.

» think out + a plan = elaborar un plan, diseñar un plan.

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.

» think + out loud = pensar en voz alta.

Example: I am here to rant, think out loud and possibly provide relevant information for all.

» think out(side) + (of) the box = salirse de convencionalismos, pensar de un modo diferente, pensar creativamente, pensar de forma creativa, romper los esquemas, salirse del molde.

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

» think + Reflexivo + lucky = considerarse afortunado, darse con un canto en los dientes, darse por afortunado.

Example: Cheryl will no doubt be thinking herself lucky that she hasn't got a custodial sentence.

» think + straight = pensar con lucidez, pensar con claridad, pensar claramente, pensar lúcidamente.

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

» think + the world of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: But as the last hymn faded and hundreds followed his coffin out into the sun, it was obvious again: his patients still thought the world of him.

» think through = estudiar detenidamente, analizar detenidamente.

Example: The survey did not provide much evidence that ethical issues relating to the Internet are being thought through in any depth.

» think + twice = pensárselo dos veces, vacilar, dudar, pensarse muy bien.

Example: I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.

» think up + an idea = pensar en una idea, ocurrírsele a Alguien una idea.

Example: The committee thought up the idea about a decade ago, when fund-raising cocktail parties failed to raise sufficient money.

» think + very little about/of = no darle importancia a.

Example: Microscopists think very little about plucking an innocent and unsuspecting insect from the garden, killing it, and pulling it to bits for study under a microscope.

» think + Posesivo + way to the truth = hallar el camino de la verdad.

Example: They both hoped that men would be able to think their way to the truth when given all the information.

» think within + the box = seguir convencionalismos, seguir los esquemas tradicionales.

Example: I think what he alludes to is the tendency of those whom we entrust with power to think within the box rather than outside the box.

» while I think of it... = ahora que pienso....

Example: While I think of it, he also has one of those posters of a semi-nude Derek up on his closet door.

thought1 = idea, pensamiento, reflexión. 

Example: Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.


» abstract thought = pensamiento abstracto.

Example: At this stage of 'concrete operations' children think in factual terms which are an essential preliminary to abstract and deductive thought.

» a moment's thought = unos segundos de reflexión.

Example: A moment's thought should show that whereas specificity is a device to increase relevance at the cost of recall, exhaustivity works in the opposite direction, by increasing recall, but at the expense of relevance.

» a penny for your thoughts = daría cualquier cosa por saber qué piensas, daría lo que fuera por saber qué estás pensando.

Example: He was staring out at the water so seriously that I said, 'A penny for your thoughts?'.

» a train of thought(s) = una cadena de pensamientos, una serie de pensamientos encadenados.

Example: In general, I think of this as a train of thought, since the metaphor is so very apt.

» at the thought of = de pensar en.

Example: Although the consensus among linguists was that prescriptive grammar was too rigid, they were still appalled at the thought of thoroughly descriptive grammar.

» can't/couldn't bear the thought of = sólo de pensarlo me/te/le/nos/os/les da escalofrío(s), no poder aguantar la idea de, no poder soportar la idea de, no querer ni pensar que.

Example: I can't bear the thought of my mother having to push me around in a wheelchair -- I'd rather die quickly.

» can't/couldn't stand the thought of = sólo de pensarlo me/te/le/nos/os/les da escalofrío(s), no poder aguantar la idea de, no poder soportar la idea de, no querer ni pensar que.

Example: I always wanted a bird, but I can't stand the thought of keeping him or her in a cage.

» a chain of thoughts = una cadena de pensamientos, una serie de pensamientos encadenados.

Example: By a curious chain of thoughts she soon found herself reconstituting in detail her association with the Deuxville Public Library.

» collect + Posesivo + thoughts = poner + Posesivo + ideas en orden, ordenar + Posesivo + ideas, ordenar + Posesivo + pensamientos.

Example: Needing a moment to collect my thoughts yesterday, I opted for a quick walk along the boardwalk.

» compulsive thought = pensamiento compulsivo.

Example: Can hypnosis cure someone of a obsessive compulsive thought such that the person will never think that thought again?.

» creative thought = pensamiento original, pensamiento creativo.

Example: Little wonder, then, that cognitive psychologists have long been fascinated by the mysteries of creative thought.

» deductive thought = pensamiento deductivo.

Example: At this stage of 'concrete operations' children think in factual terms which are an essential preliminary to abstract and deductive thought.

» elaborate + thoughts on = reflexionar.

Example: It does not help to further elaborate thoughts on what a national library is.

» entertain + a thought = albergar una idea, darle vueltas a una idea, contemplar una idea, sopesar una idea.

Example: We all know that the thoughts we entertain can stir up emotions and have physiological effects like increasing flow of saliva or anxiety.

» express + thoughts = expresar ideas.

Example: But there was a principle at stake here, and she too felt obligated to express her honest thoughts.

» food for thought = materia para la reflexión, dar que pensar, algo sobre lo que pensar, para que vayamos pensando, hacer reflexionar, ideas.

Example: The article 'Food for thought' argues that libraries need to be more competitive and have much to learn from supermarkets.

» forethought = previsión, premeditación. 

Example: With a little bit of forethought on such aspects as insulation, windows and even the shape of a building to name only some aspects, considerable economies can be achieved.

» freedom of thought = libertad de pensamiento.

Example: The aim is to provide varied information and to put it at the disposal of all different kinds of readers, thus contributing to equality of opportunity and freedom of thought.

» free thought = pensamiento libre, libertad de pensamiento.

Example: Because true censorship restricts freedom of information, public libraries must promote free thought and free speech through free books.

» give it + a lot of thought = pensárselo mucho, pensárselo seriamente, pensárselo detenidamente.

Example: I gave it a lot of thought but sadly I couldn't come up with a way to go about it.

» give it + a second thought = pensárselo dos veces, vacilar, dudar.

Example: If I had known it would be like this I might have given it a second thought.

» give it + a thought = pensárselo, pensarlo.

Example: If something like that comes my way, I will certainly give it a thought.

» give it + more thought = seguir pensando, seguir pensándoselo.

Example: 'I'll give it more thought,' she said with a sharp frown, resuming her former posture.

» give it + some thought = pensárselo, pensarlo.

Example: But after giving it some thought, we decided that we'd like it to stay that wa.

» give + little thought to = prestar poca atención a.

Example: The question of whether or not to reinsure the options attaching to a policy has been given very little thought by insurance companies.

» give + Posesivo + thoughts on = expresar la opinión de uno sobre.

Example: The cataloger and the technical services librarian of a small college library are asked to give their thoughts on how to resolve the problem of smokers versus non-smokers on the staff.

» give + (some) thought to = pensar, considerar, reflexionar, prestar atención.

Example: I encourage the reader to give thought to the longer case studies that have appeared in the library press.

» have + second thoughts = plantearse dudas, dudar.

Example: We can then have second thoughts, and possibly arrive at a more suitable form of truncation.

» human thought = pensamiento humano.

Example: The development of alphabets altered human consciousness and the linearity of written language clouding our minds to the multidimensionality of human thought.

» intellectual thought = pensamiento intelectual.

Example: While the reading habits of the elite form the leading edge of intellectual thought, the vast majority of humanity have had, in the past as well as the present, different habits and aims.

» in thought = meditativo.

Example: Against all precedent, Hoshikata had spent most of the trip silent and in thought.

» intrusive thought = pensamiento intrusivo.

Example: Children and adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suffer from unwanted and intrusive thoughts that they can't seem to get out of their heads (obsessions).

» invest + Posesivo + thoughts in = invertir esfuerzo intelectual en.

Example: And like fiction writers, they will attempt to imbue them with life and meaning and value for the people who are investing their thoughts and time in their analysis.

» laugh at + the thought of = reírse de la idea de, reírse de la posibilidad de, dar risa la idea de, dar risa la posibilidad de, hacer reír la idea de, hacer reír la posibilidad de.

Example: My friends and I laughed at the thought of Trump ever becoming president -- but now it's our reality.

» leader of thought = líder del pensamiento.

Example: Those who self-actualise are at a peak of mental development, they are usually creative, leaders of thought, and frequently leaders in our society.

» liberal thought = pensamiento liberal.

Example: These books have appeared at an inopportune time for radical or even liberal thought.

» line of thought = línea de pensamiento, manera de ver las cosas.

Example: This line of thought leads to the headings 'Engagement' and 'Premarital counseling'; the latter advises 'See Marriage counseling'.

» lose + Posesivo + train of thought = írsele a Alguien el santo al cielo, olvidarse de lo que Uno está diciendo, perder el hilo de + Posesivo + pensamientos, perder el hilo de + Posesivo + ideas.

Example: She was so shocked by the man's response that she lost her train of thought.

» lose + Reflexivo + in thought = perderse en el pensamiento.

Example: Linda climbed the stairs to her workroom, plumped down at the table, set her chin in her palms, and lost herself in thought.

» lost in thought = absorto en el pensamiento, pensativo, absorto, ensimismado.

Example: He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize that someone was talking to him until he got thumped on the head.

» meandering thought = pensamiento errante, pensamiento errático.

Example: You are the soundtrack to every ethereal dream, every meandering thought and every contemplative moment you've ever experienced.

» micro-thought [microthought] = micropensamiento.

Example: In such a world, the 'journal' would no longer exist and libraries would be cataloguing at the level of what S.R. Ranganathan called 'micro-thought' -- a level that we have always left to indexing and abstracting services = En este tipo de mundo, la "revista" ya no existiría y las bibliotecas catalogarían al nivel de lo que S.R. Ranganathan denominó "el micropensamiento", un nivel que siempre hemos dejado a los servicios de indización y resumen.

» mode of thought = modo de pensar, forma de pensar.

Example: The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.

» my thoughts go out to you (and your family) = mis pensamientos están contigo (y tu familia).

Example: Probably one of the most unhelpful and frustrating things people can say in these situations, in my opinion, is 'My thoughts go out to you...'.

» obsessive thought = pensamiento obsesivo.

Example: Trying to reason out or make sense from an obsessive thought usually only strengthens the thought.

» on first thought = a simple vista.

Example: On first thought, it might appear that an author would be the best person to write the abstract, since presumably he or she knows more about the paper than anybody else.

» on second thought(s) = pensándolo mejor, pensándolo bien.

Example: I found that a little odd at first but, on second thought, it dawned on me that there could be something here worth giving a thought about.

» pause for + thought = detenerse a pensar, pararse a pensar.

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

» perish the thought! = ¡Dios no lo quiera!, ¡Dios me/te/le/nos/os/les libre!, ¡toco madera!.

Example: But to listen is to have faith in the power of words, to admit that (perish the thought!) you don't know it all.

» Posesivo + train of thought = hilo de + Posesivo + pensamientos, hilo de + Posesivo + ideas.

Example: This potion will burn going down, but it will cleanse your body from your heart to your brain and it will essentially reset your train of thought.

» provide + food for thought = dar materia para la reflexión, dar lugar a la reflexión.

Example: Kozol's chapter heading referring to 'children of nonreaders' provides foot for thought.

» provoke + thought = hacer pensar.

Example: This article suggests different functions of printed material and computer use as educational media to provoke thought and combat all kinds of totalitarianism.

» push + Nombre + into new latitudes = abrir nuevos caminos.

Example: She sat a long time on the couch, confused, questioning, pushing her thoughts into new latitudes.

» quell + a thought = olvidar un pensamiento, apartar un pensamiento, relegar un pensamiento.

Example: But he could not forget, nor could he quell the thoughts and feelings of fire that inwardly consumed his peace, and rendered existence torture.

» rational thought = pensamiento racional.

Example: Our political class yaps and squeals but is incapable of rational thought.

» read + Posesivo + thoughts = adivinar el pensamiento, leer el pensamiento, leer la mente.

Example: Telling the difference between a subject looking at one thing or another by brain scan is interesting, but hardly constitutes 'reading their thoughts'.

» school of thought = escuela de pensamiento.

Example: Despite the school of thought that believes only informative and indicative abstracts can be regarded as true abstracts we will explore many other additional terms.

» scientific thought = pensamiento científico.

Example: This fundamental change might be likened to a paradigm shift in scientific thought which results in a new direction for any science.

» scoff at + the thought of = burlarse de la idea de, mofarse de la idea de, burlarse de la posibilidad de, mofarse de la posibilidad de.

Example: Before you scoff at the thought of New Year's resolutions, let's all admit that we want to stay healthy and improve our quality of life.

» second thoughts = dudas, cambios.

Example: Secondly, a clean proof of the sheet was generally shown to the author for his approval and (if the printer was unlucky) his second thoughts.

» share + Posesivo + thoughts = contar, compartir + Posesivo + ideas.

Example: This year's inductees share their thoughts on what they wished they had known when they were just starting their career.

» share + thoughts = compartir ideas.

Example: 'Since we're on the topic,' he sighed, massaging his temples, 'let me share a few other thoughts with you'.

» shudder at + the thought of = echarse a temblar con sólo pensar en, ponerse a temblar con sólo pensar en.

Example: I shudder at the thought of actually having to live in one of these God-forsaken places.

» sneer at + the thought of = burlarse de la idea de, mofarse de la idea de, burlarse de la posibilidad de, mofarse de la posibilidad de.

Example: They are the people who sneer at the thought of eating at a fast-food joint.

» spare + a thought for = pensar en, detenerse a pensar en, pensar un momento en.

Example: As people embark on the festive season's usual round of drinking they should spare a thought for the damage they are doing to their brains.

» strands of thought = ideas, pensamiento.

Example: By looking at the work of some cyberfeminists, the author attempts to give a clearer picture of key debates and strands of thought in cyberfeminism.

» stray thoughts = divagaciones.

Example: The title of the article is 'Some stray thoughts on Dewey Decimal Classification'.

» suicidal thought = pensamiento suicida.

Example: The physicians interviewed said that they did not like asking people about suicidal thoughts because they were worried that it might make them feel worse.

» system of thought = sistema ideológico.

Example: Within some main classes CC recognizes that the entire subject field can be studied from different philosophical or theoretical viewpoints or 'systems of thought'.

» take + thought = pensar.

Example: This an example of an interesting kind of genre that one encounters without taking any thought for it.

» the thought never + enter + Posesivo + mind (that) = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: She feared anyone else would drop her, but the thought never entered her mind with Dax = Temía que cualquier otra persona la dejaría, pero nunca pensar que Dax lo haría.

» thought balloon = globo de pensamiento, bocadillo de pensamiento.

Example: Wouldn't it be great if people in real life had thought balloons you could see while talking to them?.

» thought bubble = globo de pensamiento, bocadillo de pensamiento.

Example: Speech balloons and thought bubbles are among the most recognizable visual signs of the visual language used in comics.

» thought experiment = experimento mental.

Example: Let us perform a simple thought experiment: assume that a cataloger has committed a simple transposition error and transcribed YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER as YEATS, WILLIAM BULTER.

» thought-free = sin ningún esfuerzo mental, sin necesidad de pensar.

Example: Intenrnet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.

» thought must be given = deber pensarse.

Example: The scheme may well now be complete, but revision is recommended from time to time, and thought must be given as to how this might be achieved.

» thought never + enter + Posesivo + head = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: The thought never entered my head that a gollywog was offensive until it got banned -- to me it was just a doll.

» thought process = proceso mental.

Example: Adding a column of figures is a repetitive thought process, and it was long ago properly relegated to the machine.

» thought-provoking = que invita a la reflexión.

Example: First I want to thank Dr Richmond for what I thought was a very informative, thought-provoking, and stimulating presentation.

» thought + run through + Posesivo + head = pensamiento que ronda la cabeza de Uno.

Example: You know, another thought's been running through my head, now that you mention a relationship between the public library and the schools.

» thoughts = reflexiones.

Example: Thoughts of this sort kept running about like clockwork mice in his head, while the murmur of chatter filled the room and outside dusk had yielded to black night.

» trend of thought = corriente de pensamiento.

Example: The question of ideological thought (in the sense of a veiled interest-determined trend of thought) is again rearing its head in present times.

» turn + Posesivo + thoughts = dirigir + Posesivo + mirada, dirigir + Posesivo + atención, prestar + Posesivo + atención, dedicar + Posesivo + atención.

Example: There seems to be increasing support for the belief that the economy is still in decline, so companies will now be turning their thoughts to cost savings.

» wild thought = idea loca, locura.

Example: A wild thought of leaving the DPL shot through her mind and was gone.

» with little or no thought of = sin pensar en.

Example: The concern was usually on the present, with little or no thought of what rapid change might dictate.

» without a second thought = sin pensárselo dos veces.

Example: The worst interruptions of all, in my experience, come from those public address systems rigged in many schools in every room and used apparently without a second thought by administrative staff.

thought2 = Tiempo pasado y participio del verbo think. [Véase éste para sus distintos significados]

Example: She thought the director had got to the point of catching at straws.


» be carefully thought out = estar bien pensado.

Example: Unfortunately, librarians were unable to bring themselves to whole-heartedly accept and implement this new philosophy, and as a result it has never been carefully thought out or thoroughly tested.

» be thought of as = concebirse como, interpretarse como.

Example: These Centres were usually thought of initially as being a part of a national library or, indeed, a precursor to the development of a national library.

» long thought to be = considerado durante mucho tiempo, considerado por mucho tiempo.

Example: Although long thought to be oviparous, whale sharks are viviparous and pregnant females have been found containing hundreds of pups.

» once thought = pensaba(n).

Example: Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.

» Pronombre + thought as much = ya + Pronombre + lo imaginaba, ya + Pronombre + lo suponía, ya + Pronombre + lo figuraba.

Example: Sakura realised she must have sounded like an idiot and Ino's expression showed she thought as much too.

» the thought never + cross + Posesivo + mind (that) = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: Many thought I should leave her, but the thought never crossed my mind = Mucha gente pensaba que debería dejarla, pero yo nunca me lo planteé.

» well thought out = bien pensado, bien estructurado, concienzudo.

Example: Computerisation of internal procedures in different sectors of the Italian Public Administration was not carried out according to a well thought out plan.

Thought synonyms

view in spanish: , pronunciation: vju part of speech: noun opinion in spanish: , pronunciation: əpɪnjən part of speech: noun idea in spanish: , pronunciation: aɪdiə part of speech: noun sentiment in spanish: , pronunciation: sentəmənt part of speech: noun thinking in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪŋkɪŋ part of speech: noun persuasion in spanish: , pronunciation: pɜrsweɪʒən part of speech: noun mentation in spanish: , pronunciation: menteɪʃən part of speech: noun intellection in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntəlekʃən part of speech: noun cerebration in spanish: , pronunciation: serəbreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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