Though in spanish


pronunciation: ɑunke part of speech: adverb
In gestures

though = no obstante, aunque, manque. 

Example: This is not to say, though, that in some countries the 'all' that is available to gather into a current national bibliography is only that which the ruling government approve of.


» Adjetivo + though + Nombre + be = por muy + Adjetivo + be.

Example: Simply adding a few books on rights, commendable though this may be, will not work miracles unless all aspects of the library service are relevant to the needs of all the community.

» appear + as though = parece como.

Example: Until recently, replacing the DLL seemed to solve the problem, but it appears as though that is no longer the case.

» as though = como si.

Example: All these influences are at work before a child goes to school, yet until quite recently we have behaved as though good teaching in good schools was enough to compensate for the disabilities of verbally impoverished children.

» as though it/they is/are/was/were going out of fashion = como si se estuviera/estuviese acabando el mundo.

Example: Not only was his wife as ugly as sin, and twice as evil, but had a voracious appetite for spending cash as though it was going out of fashion.

» difficult though it may seem = por muy difícil que parezca, aunque parezca difícil.

Example: Difficult though it may seem, try to limit yourself to a total of only three to five goals.

» even though = aunque, aun cuando, manque.

Example: Their objectives are however slightly different, even though in any discussion of computerised cataloguing systems co-operative networks and centralised cataloguing are inextricably linked.

» incredible though it may seem = por muy increíble que parezca, aunque parezca increíble, aunque parezca mentira, por muy mentira que parezca.

Example: Incredible though it may seem, the youngster didn't fire off a volley of cheerful curses, but silently obeyed.

» strange though it may seem = aunque parezca raro, aunque parezca extraño, aunque parezca mentira, por muy raro que parezca, por muy extraño que parezca, por muy mentira que parezca, aunque no lo parezca.

Example: Strange though it may seem, he wrote all but one before 1900.

Though synonyms

although in spanish: , pronunciation: ɔlðoʊ part of speech: adverb
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