Thou in spanish

pronunciation: tu part of speech: noun
In gestures

thou = tú, usted. [Forma arcaica]

Example: The article 'Thou shalt not read: banned books for children' argues that the obligation of librarians to young adults is to offer a broad range of choices that entertain, comfort, enlighten and inspire them.


» whither thou goest = ¿a dónde vas?. [Frase arcaica]

Example: The article 'Interlibrary loan: automation, whither thou goest; some gripes and an accolade' advises postponing automation until dedicated funds are available and hardware is standardized.

Thou synonyms

m in spanish: , pronunciation: em part of speech: noun yard in spanish: , pronunciation: jɑrd part of speech: noun grand in spanish: , pronunciation: grænd part of speech: noun, adjective g in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒi part of speech: noun k in spanish: , pronunciation: keɪ part of speech: noun thousand in spanish: , pronunciation: θaʊzənd part of speech: noun, adjective chiliad in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃɪliəd part of speech: noun 1000 in spanish: , pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective one thousand in spanish: , pronunciation: wʌnθaʊzənd part of speech: noun, adjective
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