Those in spanish


pronunciation: ɑkejoʊs part of speech: none
In gestures

those = aquellos, esos. 

Example: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.


» all things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia esta la virtud.

Example: I have been patiently waiting for summer so that I can get out on my porch and I am sure that it will come just as all things come to those who wait.

» all those many moons ago = hace muchas lunas, hace mucho tiempo.

Example: Things were different back then, all those many moons ago.

» all those years = todos esos años.

Example: Nor did they know that their father had kidnapped Jaycee and held her in captivity all those years.

» continue along + those lines = continuar en esa línea.

Example: I woke up to the wind howling and the rain coming down in buckets, and from all indications, it's going to continue along those lines most of the day.

» everything comes to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia esta la virtud.

Example: She will undoubtedly prove that everything comes to those who wait and her time is definitely here.

» good things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia está la virtud, lo bueno se hace esperar.

Example: I don't believe that old cliche that good things come to those who wait -- I think good things come to those who want something so bad they can't sit still.

» Those were the days = ¡Qué días aquellos!, ¡Quién volviera a aquellos tiempos!.

Example: Those were the days -- you could buy stuff and put it on the slate and pay at the end of the week.

» in those cases = en aquellos casos, en esos casos.

Example: In those cases different approaches were taken to identify and verify data file structures and to reconstruct missing documentation.

» in those cases where = en aquellos casos en los que.

Example: A similar explanation must be given in those cases where the librarian believes as a matter of principle that enquirers should be shown how to find the answers to their own questions.

» in those days = en aquel entonces, en aquella época, en aquellos tiempos.

Example: In those days there was often more than one piper.

» the best things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia está la virtud.

Example: I am not a big fan of rushing into things -- as they say easy come, easy go or the best things come to those who wait or if it's not worth waiting for its not worth having.

» things like those = cosas así, cosas como ésas.

Example: I've known people who've passionately discussed things like those with others in heated debates.

» those early years = aquellos primeros años.

Example: After all of those early years playing against each other, it's great to finally be on the same team.

» those for = los de, las de.

Example: The ISBD(CP)'s recommendations are very similar in principle to those for AACR2's 'in' analytics, except for slight changes in punctuation and order.

» those held up for praise = personas importantes, personas relevantes, personas famosas.

Example: This sort of competitive blackmail does nothing but the problems that hinder poor readers and feed the egos of those held up for praise.

» those in = los de.

Example: The index should complement the classification scheme, and the relationships shown in the index should supplement those in the main classified sequence.

» those in the know = los entendidos.

Example: According to those in the know there's a debt of 1.2 million on a yearly turnover of about 3 million = Según los entendidos, en una facturación anual de cerca de 3 millones se acumula una deuda de 1,2 millones de dólares .

» those involved = participantes.

Example: In any case it is best to split up the work among all those involved, having an adult in charge of each group.

» those most in need = los más necesitados.

Example: The findings from the research are crucially important to ensure that our cancer prevention programmes are targeted at those most in need.

» those on the go = personas muy activas, las; personas muy ocupadas, las; personas que siempre están viajando, las.

Example: The article is entitled 'IBM Thinkpad. The notebook for those on the go'.

» those + Participio = los que + Verbo.

Example: Thesauri are likely to contain terms that are more specific than those found in subject headings lists.

» those who = aquellos que, los que.

Example: Those who question the relevance of IT express alarm at the rise of an electronic elite which has the potential to exclude others from access to electronic information.

» those who live by the sword die by the sword = quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere.

Example: The death of the deposed Libyan leader on Thursday brings to life the old saying that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
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