Thorough in spanish


pronunciation: koʊmpletoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

thorough = completo, total, detallado, minucioso. 

Example: Timely and thorough planning is essential.


» thoroughbred = pura sangre, pura raza.

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Catalog editing with Carlyle's 'CATIE': a thoroughbred or a workhorse?'.

» thoroughfare = vía pública, calle, carretera.

Example: Information kiosks are located in public thoroughfares, shopping malls, airports and railway stations.

» thoroughgoing = profundo, concienzudo, exhaustivo, minucioso, riguroso.

Example: The project was not an end but merely a step along the road to more thoroughgoing bibliographic control.

Thorough synonyms

complete in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb careful in spanish: , pronunciation: kerfəl part of speech: adjective exhaustive in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzɔstɪv part of speech: adjective thoroughgoing in spanish: , pronunciation: θɔraʊgəgoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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