This in spanish


pronunciation: estɑ part of speech: none
In gestures

this = este, esta. 

Example: In this chapter a review of the development of cataloguing codes is given in order to explain and place in context the nature of modern cataloguing codes.


» about this and that = de esto y de lo otro, de todo un poco.

Example: They all met in the cafes to argue about this and that, to discuss their work, politics and philosophy.

» about this and that and everything else = de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá; de todo un poco.

Example: They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.

» about this time = entonces.

Example: About this time several of the old crones of the tribe offered their ribald advice on how the new couple should conduct themselves off in the forest together.

» all this said = a pesar de todo, no obstante, sin embargo.

Example: All this said, he is a restless person, but in the active, productive sense rather than a fidget.

» around this time of year = en esta época del año.

Example: Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.

» as of this time = hasta la presente, hasta el presente.

Example: As of this time, little literary materials for children are being included in automated data bases.

» at this = entonces.

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.

» at this juncture = llegado este punto, llegado este momento, en esta coyuntura, en este momento, en esta situación.

Example: So at this juncture all we can do is to apply common sense = Así pues, llegado este momento todo lo que podemos hacer es aplicar el sentido común.

» at this moment = en este momento.

Example: But, at this moment, all the tattle is slowly transforming into facts and even leaks from the company, with or without intention.

» at this moment in time = ahora, en este momento.

Example: While people dominate at this moment in time, they are altering their environment and, at some future point, will become extinct, giving way to dominance by another organism.

» at this point = en ese momento, en este momento, por ahora, llegado este momento, en este punto.

Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number.

» at this rate = a este ritmo, a este paso, si sigue así, como siga así.

Example: At this rate, Bryant has a chance to become the greatest scorer the NBA has ever seen.

» at this stage = en este momento.

Example: At this stage we need not worry about the precise nature of this information.

» at this time = en este momento, por ahora.

Example: Even though both projects are building of the Cornell software and experience, they have encountered the usual delays associated with new technologies, so no significant information is available at this time.

» at this time of (the) year = en esta época del año.

Example: At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.

» because of this = debido a esto, por esto.

Example: Because of this, it is very important that couples learn how to handle petty fights in their relationship = Debido a esto, es muy importante que las parejas aprendan a tratar las disputas sin importancia que surjan en sus relaciones.

» be neither this nor that = no ser ni esto ni (tampoco) eso/aquello.

Example: I do not say that it is not, nor do I say that it is neither this nor that = No digo que no sea, ni tampoco digo que no sea ni esto ni aquello.

» blow this for a lark! = ¡a tomar por culo todo!, ¡al carajo todo!.

Example: Blow this for a lark, I'm off to see men taking clothes off in air-conditioned surroundings.

» bugger this for a lark! = ¡a tomar por culo todo!, ¡al carajo todo!.

Example: Finally, after another twenty minutes, one of them said: 'Bugger this for a lark, he should have been here hours ago'.

» by this = con esto.

Example: By this, Obama didn't simply mean that their views were more nuanced than many outsiders understood.

» by this means = de este modo.

Example: By this means they both facilitate the searching for, and retrieval of, a document.

» by this point = para entonces, para aquel entonces, por aquel entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquel momento, en aquellos tiempos.

Example: By this point it was close to midnight and I decided to call it a night.

» by this time = por aquel entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquel momento, en aquellos tiempos, para entonces.

Example: By this time society could not tolerate anything which allowed the unlimited spread of knowledge for fear that it would upset the class system upon which the modern methods of mass production depended.

» cast in this light = presentado desde esta perspectiva.

Example: Cast in this light, it would be possible to assign categories of input to libraries across the country.

» down this road = por este camino.

Example: Continue down this road, crossing various traffic lights, in a southerly direction, until the Rondebult intersection = Continúe por este camino, cruzando varios semáforos, en dirección sur, hasta la intersección Rondebult.

» earlier (on) this afternoon = hace poco este (mismo) mediodía, hace unas horas este (mismo) mediodía.

Example: I took an antidepressant earlier this afternoon and can notice feeling just that bit calmer, although I know I have a long road ahead.

» earlier (on) this evening = hace poco esta (misma) tarde, hace unas horas esta (misma) tarde.

Example: She was rear ended earlier on this evening on her way back from work, hard enough to knock off her rear bumper.

» earlier (on) this month = hace poco este (mismo) mes, hace unos días este (mismo) mes.

Example: He came close to death when he was hospitalised earlier this month following a 'small emotional breakdown'.

» earlier (on) this morning = hace poco esta (misma) mañana, hace unas horas esta (misma) mañana.

Example: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Chile earlier this morning with several large aftershocks.

» earlier (on) this week = hace unos días esta (misma) semana, hace poco esta (misma) semana.

Example: Police have identified two teenagers and a baby who were shot to death earlier this week.

» earlier (on) this year = hace unos meses este (mismo) año, hace poco este (mismo) año. [Pero siempre dentro de este año en el que estamos]

Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.

» even to this day = incluso hasta ahora, incluso hasta la actualidad, incluso hasta la presente, incluso hasta el presente, incluso hasta hoy (día).

Example: The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.

» for this reason = por esta razón, por este motivo.

Example: Nevertheless, it is important to envisage the appearance of a catalogue and for this reason we shall refer, almost exclusively, to the widely adopted card catalogue.

» for this reason alone = por esta única razón.

Example: For this reason alone, the printed catalogue is not ideally suited to a rapidly changing stock.

» for this to be the case = para que este sea el caso, para que esto sea así.

Example: For this to be the case requires some standardisation in cataloguing and classifications practices.

» from this point on = a partir de ahora, de ahora en adelante.

Example: From this point on in the text the Colon Classification will be referred to by the commonly used abbreviation CC.

» from this time on = a partir de entonces.

Example: By 1960 a draft code had been produced, and from this time on, British and American Committees co-operated closely.

» from this time on = a partir de ahora.

Example: My hope is in the Lord from this time on and evermore.

» fuck this for a lark! = ¡a tomar por culo todo!, ¡al carajo todo!.

Example: And then halfway through our rehearsals we thought, well, fuck this for a lark, and we abandoned the whole thing .

» get + Nombre + this far = hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí.

Example: And getting children this far is the first aim of all the work we do with children and books.

» go along + this road = seguir este camino, hacer esto.

Example: Higher education needs to go along this road because of financial incentives.

» head + this way = venir de camino, avecinarse, acercarse, aproximarse, dirigirse hacia aquí, dirigirse hacia nosotros.

Example: Another blast of arctic air is headed this way from the Canadian interior -- and is threatening to push the mercury even lower this weekend.

» how on (this) earth...? = ¿cómo diablos...?, ¿cómo demonios...?, ¿cómo narices...?.

Example: How on this earth does she get her hair to look so fabulous?.

» if this is not the case = si no es así, si éste no es el caso.

Example: If this is not the case, then the definition of requirements may be a more loosely constructed document = Si no es así, entonces la especificación de los requisitos puede ser un documento con menos precisión.

» if this is the case = si es así, si éste es el caso.

Example: If this is the case, it may be possible to select a search term and display all the related terms, or go straight ahead and expand our search to include them = Si es así, puede ser posible seleccionar un término de búsqueda y mostrar todos los términos relacionados, o continuar y ampliar nuestra búsqueda de modo que los incluya.

» in this = con esto, de ese modo.

Example: In this it helps the user to recognise the structure of the scheme and to identify general subjects and their associated subdivisions.

» in this = para hacer esto.

Example: In this he may be assisted by the opportunity to use truncation, alphabetical lists of terms showing word variants, and so on.

» in this capacity = como tal.

Example: The National Library of Australia is the only library in the country with a large collection of overseas documents and in this capacity holds exhibitions of these materials.

» in this case = en este caso.

Example: In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.

» in this connection = en este sentido, al respecto.

Example: In this connection, Ohmes and Jones of the Florida State University Library have offered some rather penetrating insights regarding what they call 'The Other Half of Cataloging'.

» in this direction = en este sentido.

Example: However, its potential in this direction became evident, and in 1966 a catalogue card service was started.

» in this effort = en este sentido.

Example: One major element in this effort is developing and educating existing library staff.

» in this fashion = de este modo, de esta manera, de esta forma.

Example: In fact, all he is doing by forming the exercise in this fashion is to teach a misuse, not to say a misunderstanding, of language.

» in this instance = en este caso.

Example: In this instance, she worked successfully for years while taking her prescription medication, but they simply rejected her out of hand.

» in this manner = de esta manera, de este modo, de esta forma.

Example: When paying fines in this manner, it is not possible to specify the order of payment of the fines.

» in this particular case = en este caso en particular.

Example: In this particular case, the district has 27 school libraries and 49 kindergarten libraries.

» in this regard = en este sentido.

Example: In this regard, the traditional view of the library as a storehouse of materials cast a long shadow over future goals.

» in this respect = en este sentido, al respecto, a este respecto, en este punto.

Example: The socio-political reform now under way in Hungary requires renewal from librarianship as well, and one may draw on the author's ideas in this respect.

» in this sense = en este sentido.

Example: In other words, the elements of any single case may point to several concepts; in this sense, the cases are like icebergs -- more is hidden han appears on the surface.

» in this spirit = en este sentido.

Example: The most important events which took place in this spirit are the following.

» in this time = durante este tiempo.

Example: In this time toy libraries have loaned many hundreds of toys to children and their families all around the country = Durante este tiempo, las ludotecas han prestado miles de juguetes a los niños y sus familias de todo el país.

» in this vein = en este sentido.

Example: Except for a few library schools like that of the University of Botswana which is gradually attempting to adapt the curricula to the African environment, little has been done in this vein in the other library schools.

» in this way = de este modo, de esta forma, de esta manera.

Example: In this way, the need for a strong central organization is reduced, though it still exists = De este modo, se reduce la necesidad de una organización central fuerte, aunque ésta aún siga existiendo.

» just this once = sólo esta vez, solamente esta vez.

Example: Whether you do voice-overs all the time or just this once, take care of yourself -- a good night's sleep and a liter or two of water every day is a great start.

» later (on) this year = más adelante este año.

Example: Clearly, both political parties are making an all-out effort to woo young and first-time voters in the state which goes to polls later this year.

» let me put it this way = por decirlo de alguna manera.

Example: Let me put this way: we haven't yet traveled to another parallel universe so until we do that I can't answer this question.

» like this = así, tal cual, como esto.

Example: And as small as Iowa as, I think something like this can have a far larger effect than you might realize if you live in a large industrial area.

» on this basis = sobre esta base, a partir de esto, partiendo de esto, por ello, como consecuencia, en consecuencia, como resultado.

Example: On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.

» on this occasion = en esta ocasión.

Example: My main argument on this occasion is to say in effect that first things must come first.

» on this score = en este sentido.

Example: Abstracting journals especially suffer on this score because the preparation and inclusion of abstracts is time-consuming.

» on top of all of this = además de todo esto/eso, para colmo, para más inri, para mayor inri, por añadidura.

Example: when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.

» proceed + along this way = continuar en esta dirección, seguir este rumbo.

Example: Thus far the results are very encouraging and we definitely will be proceeding along this way.

» screw this for a lark! = ¡a tomar por culo todo!, ¡al carajo todo!.

Example: According to the Bible, after six days God said screw this for a lark, I'm having a nap.

» sod this for a lark! = ¡a tomar por culo todo!, ¡al carajo todo!.

Example: Well eventually I thought sod this for a lark and spent several days scouring the web for solutions.

» some time this year = en el transcurso de este año, a lo largo de este año.

Example: He's boxed before when he was younger and is hoping to box again as a heavyweight some time this year.

» things like this = cosas así, cosas como ésta.

Example: Things like this happen all the time and there is nothing we can do to stop them.

» this far = hasta aquí.

Example: If you've come this far, the rest is a breeze.

» this is how = así es como, de este modo.

Example: This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.

» this is not to say that = esto no quiere decir que.

Example: This is not to say that every book was proofed in three definable stages, for some books were less proofed than others.

» this is the case = esto es así.

Example: If this is the case, the definition will have to be used by the design and programming staff to build the system.

» this is the life! = ¡esto es vivir!, ¡esto es vida!.

Example: He laced his fingers behind his head, heaved a big sigh, and said, 'This is the life!'.

» this is why = ésta es la razón por la que.

Example: This is why it holds such potential for the reference librarian.

» this just won't do = esto no vale, esto no se debe hacer así.

Example: We know, as information professionals, that this just won't do.

» this long = tanto tiempo.

Example: And what I'm trying to suggest is that there's something shameful about a profession that has allowed this kind of blatant and rank ethnocentrism, racism, chauvinism, the whole schmier, to persist this long.

» thisness = el presente. 

Example: Good literature insists on 'the mass and majesty' of the world -- on its concreteness and sensuous reality, and on its meanings beyond 'thisness'.

» this past week = la semana pasada.

Example: Tropical birds arrived with a flourish this past week, bringing color and joy to the area.

» this sort of thing = este tipo de cosas, esto.

Example: Large corporate bureaucracies like those of traditional music and movie publishers do this sort of thing much better than most little beginner 'startups' do.

» this sort of thing happens everywhere = en todas partes (se) cuecen habas, en todos sitios (se) cuecen habas.

Example: I understand that this sort of thing happens everywhere, regardless of the country -- be it here in the US, in Europe, or wherever.

» this time = esta vez.

Example: His heart is telling him to hang on for dear life because deep down he knows she's letting go for good this time.

» this time (a)round = esta vez.

Example: It is the complacency and lack of reflectiveness surrounding machines, not the machines themselves, that need to be smashed this time round.

» this way = de este modo.

Example: This way the type of fund is immediately obvious from the list of funds.

» this way round = de este modo.

Example: On balance, it is more useful to have things this way round.

» to this day = hasta ahora, hasta la actualidad, hasta la presente, hasta el presente, hasta hoy (día).

Example: Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.

» to this effect = a tal efecto.

Example: If no copies are available in any library in the network, a message to this effect is displayed.

» to this end = con este fin, para este fin, a este fin, para ello.

Example: To this end some consultative procedure is to be recommended.

» to this extent = en este grado, en este extremo.

Example: I fear, however, that if you oversimplify to this extent you reduce everything to the lowest common denominator, at the expense of quality.

» up to this date = hasta la fecha, hasta la presente (fecha), hasta el día de hoy, hasta el presente.

Example: Up to this date, women are still fighting hard to be on equal footing with men.

» up to this day = hasta hoy día, hasta el día de hoy.

Example: Something about that film worked so well back then and still holds up to this day.

» up to this point = hasta ahora, hasta este momento.

Example: Up to this point, the discussion has covered what kind of research is not needed.

» watch this space! = te/le/les/os + mantendremos informado.

Example: We have yet to set a date for the unveiling of the plaque, but watch this space.

» when on (this) earth...? = ¿cuándo diablos...?, ¿cuándo demonios...?, ¿cuándo narices...?.

Example: When on this earth have we ever got anything for free?.

» who on (this) earth...? = ¿quién diablos...?, ¿quién demonios...?, ¿quién narices...?.

Example: Who on this earth does she think she is kidding?.

» with this/that in mind = teniendo esto presente, pensando en esto, asimismo.

Example: With that in mind, both girls were all set to go to Mindoro but the circumstances made it extra difficult for them to reach their destination.
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