Thirsty in spanish


pronunciation: sedientoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

thirsty [thirstier -comp., thirstiest -sup.] = sediento, con sed. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: We live in a thirsty world where the population is not only growing but using more water, even though the world's total supply remains the same.


» be thirsty = tener sed, estar sediento, sentir sed.

Example: They soon complained about the heat and being thirsty and hungry, even though they had only been out in the field about an hour.

» be thirsty for more = querer más, desear más, pedir más.

Example: The rise of fitness and health blogs is evidence that we are thirsty for more information on how to be healthy.

» be thirsty for power = tener sed de poder, tener hambre de poder.

Example: Money corrupts those who are thirsty for power.

» bloodthirsty = sanguinario, violento.

Example: All the way through, the Jews are portrayed as bloodthirsty.

» feel + thirsty = tener sed, estar sediento, sentir sed.

Example: It's important to drink plenty of water, but feeling thirsty all or most of the time can signal a medical problem.

» go + thirsty = pasar sed.

Example: Millions may go hungry and thirsty, warns climate report.

» thirsty for = con ansias de, con ganas de, deseoso de.

Example: Despite the faults in the movie, both actors did a great job and their performances left one thirsty for more.

» thirsty for knowledge = deseoso de aprender, ansioso por aprender.

Example: The article 'Drowning in information, but thirsty for knowledge' argues that a lack of structure, not the amount, is the reason for our growing inability to cope with information today.

» thirsty work = trabajo duro.

Example: Most important, moving house is very thirsty work for everyone involved so keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing.

Thirsty synonyms

dry in spanish: , pronunciation: draɪ part of speech: adjective hungry in spanish: , pronunciation: hʌŋgri part of speech: adjective absorbent in spanish: , pronunciation: əbzɔrbənt part of speech: noun absorptive in spanish: , pronunciation: əbzɔrptɪv part of speech: adjective athirst in spanish: , pronunciation: æθɜrst part of speech: adjective, verb, adverb

Thirsty antonyms

hungry pronunciation: hʌŋgri part of speech: adjective
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