Thirst in spanish


pronunciation: sed part of speech: noun
In gestures

thirst = deseo, ansia, ganas. 

Example: The thirst grew not just for preservation but for circulation of stories that gave meaning to life and coherence to communities.


» be parched with thirst = estar frito de sed, estar muerto de sed, estar sediento.

Example: The day was sultry, and some of the party, being parched with thirst, left the line of march, and scrambled down the bank of the river to drink.

» insatiable thirst = sed insaciable.

Example: A businessman, described by a judge as having an 'insatiable thirst' for acquiring property, faces the prospect of jail for contempt of court.

» quench + Posesivo + thirst = saciar la sed, apagar la sed, aplacar la sed, quitar la sed.

Example: Water not only quenches one's thirst, it also heals.

» slake + Posesivo + thirst = saciar la sed, apagar la sed, aplacar la sed, quitar la sed.

Example: People were just curious, and once they slaked their thirst for this new product, they dropped it like a hot potato.

» thirst for adventure = deseo de aventura, ansia de aventura, ganas de aventura.

Example: What they do bring with them is enthusiasm and a thirst for adventure.

» thirst for knowledge = deseo por aprender, ansia de saber.

Example: Here is an institution which knows, neither rank nor wealth within its walls, which stops the ignorant peer or the ignorant monarch at its threshold, and declines to unveil to him its treasures, or to waste time upon him, and yet welcomes the workman according to his knowledge or thirst for knowledge.

» thirst for revenge = sed de venganza.

Example: Their unquenchable thirst for revenge enabled them to concoct a diabolical scheme.

» thirst for vengeance = sed de venganza.

Example: In a last-ditch effort to avert disaster, Jack appeals to Davy Jones' thirst for vengeance.

» thirst quencher = bebida para quitar la sed, bebida que quita la sed.

Example: In Britain, we drink over six million litres of fizzy drinks each year -- but is our favourite thirst quencher good for our health?.

» work up + a thirst = entrar sed después del esfuerzo, tener sed después del esfuerzo, despertar la sed.

Example: The 2.1 km trail is perfect for working up a thirst - just long enough to make you feel like you got a bit of exercise, but short enough that you aren't pining for very long.

Thirst synonyms

lust in spanish: , pronunciation: lʌst part of speech: noun crave in spanish: , pronunciation: kreɪv part of speech: verb hunger in spanish: , pronunciation: hʌŋgɜr part of speech: noun starve in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑrv part of speech: verb
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