Think in spanish


pronunciation: pensɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures



» groupthink = pensamiento grupal, pensamiento de grupo.

Example: This paper considers two recent cases of possible groupthink in British corporate management at BA and Marks and Spencer.

» not think straight = estar espeso.

Example: I knew I had made a mistake, but when I tried to check my work, my head went into a whirl and I couldn't think straight.

» think balloon = globo de pensamiento, bocadillo de pensamiento.

Example: I saw what she saw and heard what she heard, every time I had a thought, (like a think balloon in a cartoon) she would answer it.

» think bubble = globo de pensamiento, bocadillo de pensamiento.

Example: The leaflet starts with a series of 'think bubbles' encouraging pupils to consider the reasons why it is important to go to school and the consequences of truancy.

» think tank = gabinete estratégico, comité asesor, grupo de expertos.

Example: The problem had been outlined in 1975 in a report from the government's Central Policy Review Staff, or 'Think Tank', as they were popularly called.

think2 = creer, pensar, opinar, cavilar, discurrir. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio thought]

Example: Whether the juxtaposition of language with literature is as weighty an advantage as has on occasion been claimed is, I think, debatable.


» act without + thinking = actuar sin pensar(lo).

Example: Impulsive behavior means exactly what it sounds like: acting on impulse, or acting without thinking.

» act without + thinking twice = actuar sin pensar(lo) dos veces.

Example: Even adults act without thinking twice before they do things, but that is not the best way to solve problems.

» freedom to think = libertad de pensamiento.

Example: Librarians must turn to their own communities for the best defences against any restrictions in the freedom to read and think.

» get + Nombre + thinking = hacer pensar, poner a pensar.

Example: This event has really got me thinking not about politics per se but about the marketing of a candidate.

» give + Nombre + a lot to think about = dar mucho en qué pensar.

Example: Mr. Berman has given us a lot to think about.

» give + Nombre + much to think about = dar mucho en qué pensar.

Example: I have to admit that you've given me much to think about.

» great minds think alike = los genios pensamos igual, las grandes mentes pensamos igual, las mentes brillantes pensamos igual.

Example: My boss and I both said something at the same time and I said 'great minds think alike' -- to which she replied 'fools seldom differ'.

» I think then/therefore/thus/so I am = Pienso, luego existo.

Example: While he is remembered today as the philosopher who said, 'I think, therefore I am,' Descartes' work extended much further.

» keep + thinking = seguir pensando.

Example: I had beef tongue curry for lunch yesterday and kept thinking about it the rest of the day.

» make to + think = hacer pensar.

Example: Then there are those children made to think themselves failures because of the hammer-blow terms like dull, backward, retarded, underprivileged, disadvantaged, handicapped, less able, slow, rejected, remedial, reluctant, disturbed.

» not think clearly = estar espeso.

Example: I was trying to get work done this morning, but couldn't think clearly.

» not think much of = no darle demasiada importancia a, no importar Algo a Alguien, no tener un gran concepto de, no tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: I must admit I didn't think much of him first time I laid eyes on him; looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.

» not want to even think about it = no querer ni pensarlo.

Example: I didn't want to even think about it but I can see your heart isn't with us.

» not want to even think what = no querer ni pensar lo que.

Example: I do not want to even think what could have happened if we had not discovered the cause of their illness.

» now that I think of it = ahora que lo pienso.

Example: Now that I come to think of it, I have the distinct impression that this has been going on for some time but I'm only now really noticing it.

» out-think = adelantarse, ganarle la partida a, ganarle la vez a, mojarle la oreja a. [También escrito outthink. Pincha en para ver una lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo usado para indicar generalmente que una persona o cosa supera a otra]

Example: Today's online information industry is playing a game of catch-up, and must out-think current market leaders in order to find profitable new markets.

» pause + to think = detenerse a pensar, pararse a pensar.

Example: If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.

» rethink [re-think] = reconsideración, reorganización, replanteamiento. 

Example: In this article a re-think about the nature of university education is given.

» rethink [re-think] = recapacitar, repensar, remodelar, replantear, reconsiderar, reorganizar. [Verbo irregular: pasado y pasado rethought. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Citation indexing would need to be carefully rethought in order to cater for the electronic journal.

» set + Nombre + thinking = hacer pensar, poner a pensar.

Example: Then on the screen came a story that moved me and set me thinking about what a lucky sod I am.

» there + be + every reason to think that = hay suficientes motivos para pensar que.

Example: There is every reason to think that the same will be true of digital resources = Hay suficientes motivos para pensar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las colecciones digitales.

» think about = pensar en/sobre.

Example: Not only is the material I have constantly changing but the way people think about it is constantly changing.

» think + afresh about = replantearse, plantearse de nuevo.

Example: With these flaws in mind, we suggest that there is a need to think afresh about the classification of eating disorders.

» think + again = recapacitar, reconsiderar, pensárselo mejor, reflexionar, replantearse Algo, pensar de nuevo, pensar otra vez.

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

» think + a great deal of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: Emma thought a great deal of him but her feelings did not run as deep as those she knew he held for her.

» think + alike = pensar del mismo modo, pensar de la misma manera, pensar de la misma forma, pensar igual.

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

» think + a lot of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: He was always smiling and pleasant, and I really thought a lot of him.

» think + aloud = pensar en voz alta.

Example: When asked if she was serious about that idea, she answered that she wasn't, that she was just thinking aloud.

» think + anew = volver a pensar.

Example: Start afresh, think anew; the frontiers are boundless.

» think back (to) = acordarse de, recordar, hacer memoria de, pensar en.

Example: Think back to the last person you were in a serious relationship with, would you ever get back together with them?.

» think + big = pensar a lo grande.

Example: The project's creators 'think big,' in ways libraries alone cannot.

» think + clearly = pensar con lucidez, pensar con claridad, pensar claramente, pensar lúcidamente.

Example: Whenever you have a lot on your mind and are stressed out, it is very hard to think clearly and make a decision.

» think + fit = creer adecuado.

Example: If you are dissatisfied with your responses, go back and revise such parts of the text as you think fit.

» think for + Reflexivo = pensar por Uno Mismo.

Example: Is television programming pacifying the masses by conditioning them not to think for themselves?.

» think + hard = pensar intensamente, pensar concienzudamente, pensarse muy bien, pensar mucho.

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

» think + highly of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: Swedes think highly of the Government but not of the royal family.

» think + little of = no darle demasiada importancia a, no importar Algo a Alguien, no tener un gran concepto de, no tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: It was obvious to the committeemen that these new residents of Boston were generally unlettered and `think little of moral and intellectual culture'.

» think + Nombre + over = considerar, deliberar, reflexionar sobre, pensar en, recapacitar sobre.

Example: I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision = Tendré que considerar esta oferta de trabajo antes de tomar una decisión.

» think + nothing of + Gerundio = no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo, no importar + Infinitivo.

Example: To visit Newport is to jump into a different world where Astors and Vandeerbilts thought nothing of setting aside $300,000 for summer entertaining.

» think of = pensar en.

Example: To overcome these problems users must think of all the various names that might have been applied, and must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned.

» think of + nothing = no + ocurrírsele + nada.

Example: Wherein had she erred? Try as she might she could think of nothing.

» think on + Posesivo + feet = pensar sobre la marcha, pensar rápido, pensar con rapidez, pensar rápidamente.

Example: When you're called on to thinking on your feet, it can be intimidating and stressful.

» think out = estudiar, pensar, analizar.

Example: A recitation of the best thought out principles for a cataloging code is easily drowned out by the clatter of a bank of direct access devices vainly searching for misplaced records.

» think out + a plan = elaborar un plan, diseñar un plan.

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.

» think + out loud = pensar en voz alta.

Example: I am here to rant, think out loud and possibly provide relevant information for all.

» think out(side) + (of) the box = salirse de convencionalismos, pensar de un modo diferente, pensar creativamente, pensar de forma creativa, romper los esquemas, salirse del molde.

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

» think + Reflexivo + lucky = considerarse afortunado, darse con un canto en los dientes, darse por afortunado.

Example: Cheryl will no doubt be thinking herself lucky that she hasn't got a custodial sentence.

» think + straight = pensar con lucidez, pensar con claridad, pensar claramente, pensar lúcidamente.

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

» think + the world of = admirar muchísimo, apreciar muchísimo, tener en gran estima, tener un gran concepto de, tener muy buena opinión de.

Example: But as the last hymn faded and hundreds followed his coffin out into the sun, it was obvious again: his patients still thought the world of him.

» think through = estudiar detenidamente, analizar detenidamente.

Example: The survey did not provide much evidence that ethical issues relating to the Internet are being thought through in any depth.

» think + twice = pensárselo dos veces, vacilar, dudar, pensarse muy bien.

Example: I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.

» think up + an idea = pensar en una idea, ocurrírsele a Alguien una idea.

Example: The committee thought up the idea about a decade ago, when fund-raising cocktail parties failed to raise sufficient money.

» think + very little about/of = no darle importancia a.

Example: Microscopists think very little about plucking an innocent and unsuspecting insect from the garden, killing it, and pulling it to bits for study under a microscope.

» think + Posesivo + way to the truth = hallar el camino de la verdad.

Example: They both hoped that men would be able to think their way to the truth when given all the information.

» think within + the box = seguir convencionalismos, seguir los esquemas tradicionales.

Example: I think what he alludes to is the tendency of those whom we entrust with power to think within the box rather than outside the box.

» while I think of it... = ahora que pienso....

Example: While I think of it, he also has one of those posters of a semi-nude Derek up on his closet door.

Think synonyms

mean in spanish: , pronunciation: min part of speech: verb, adjective, noun retrieve in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪtriv part of speech: verb consider in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsɪdɜr part of speech: verb believe in spanish: , pronunciation: bɪliv part of speech: verb recall in spanish: , pronunciation: rikɔl part of speech: verb, noun reckon in spanish: , pronunciation: rekən part of speech: verb conceive in spanish: , pronunciation: kənsiv part of speech: verb guess in spanish: , pronunciation: ges part of speech: verb, noun imagine in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmædʒən part of speech: verb intend in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntend part of speech: verb remember in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪmembɜr part of speech: verb suppose in spanish: , pronunciation: səpoʊz part of speech: verb remind in spanish: , pronunciation: rimaɪnd part of speech: verb cogitate in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑdʒɪteɪt part of speech: verb recollect in spanish: , pronunciation: rekəlekt part of speech: verb call up in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔlʌp part of speech: noun, verb cerebrate in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪrəbreɪt part of speech: verb call back in spanish: , pronunciation: kɔlbæk part of speech: verb

Think antonyms

block pronunciation: blɑk part of speech: noun forget pronunciation: fɜrget part of speech: verb draw a blank pronunciation: drɔəblæŋk part of speech: verb blank out pronunciation: blæŋkaʊt part of speech: verb
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