Thing in spanish


pronunciation: koʊsɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

thing = cosa. 

Example: A collection of medical books for the general public in a public library may deal with the same range of topics, but the indexing can probably be more broad than in a specialist index, and the terms used for the same thing may be different.


» above all things = sobre todas las cosas, sobre todo, ante todo, antes que nada.

Example: Above all things, this film is one woman's passionate protest against the thoughtless abuse of the weak by the strong.

» a good thing = algo bueno, una buena cosa.

Example: The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing.

» all good things (must) come to an end = todo lo bueno se acaba, todo lo bueno dura poco.

Example: I hear all good things must come to an end almost as often as I hear the equally untrue what comes up, must come down.

» all (other) things being equal = en igualdad de condiciones, si todo sigue igual, si no ocurre ningún imprevisto, si no intervienen otros factores, si todo va de acuerdo a lo planeado.

Example: Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand shows that, all other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the amount of it demanded decreases.

» all things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia esta la virtud.

Example: I have been patiently waiting for summer so that I can get out on my porch and I am sure that it will come just as all things come to those who wait.

» all things considered = en definitiva, bien mirado, bien considerado, si bien se mira, mirándolo bien.

Example: The revolution which had just been accomplished was the work of all France; Paris, all things considered, had been but the theatre of that event.

» among (many) other things = entre otras (muchas) cosas.

Example: The microcomputer also has, among other things, a clock device which synchronizes all the various high speed operations, so that they do not get out of step.

» amongst other things = entre otras cosas.

Example: The Bookseller is the weekly book trade newspaper which, amongst other things, forms the initial listing for Whitakers cumulative booklist.

» amount to + the same thing as = ser igual que, venir a ser lo mismo que.

Example: This amounts to the same thing as summarization.

» and all that sort of thing = y todo ese tipo de cosas, y todo eso.

Example: There will always be differences between the races and the genders and all that sort of thing = Siempre habrá diferencias entre las razas y los sexos y todo ese tipo de cosas.

» and all this sort of thing = y todo este tipo de cosas, y todo eso.

Example: People are positively delighted to find that there are motion picture loops on how to throw a ball properly, art slides, and all this sort of thing.

» and things = y otras cosas.

Example: Librarians cooperated with us and as long as we did their work and went in and reshuffled their shelving and things, they were very happy.

» appreciate + the good things in life = saber apreciar las cosas buenas de la vida, saber apreciar lo bueno de la vida.

Example: I last appreciated the good things in life looking out over the water today while my daughter threw sticks and laughed at the splashes.

» a remembrance of things past = en búsqueda del tiempo perdido, recuerdos del pasado, recuerdos de tiempos pasados.

Example: In this sense, history is far more than a remembrance of things past, though it certainly includes that.

» as is the way with these things = como ocurre en estos casos.

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

» be a good thing = ser algo bueno, ser una buena cosa, ser una cosa buena.

Example: For crying out loud, would everyone please stop panicking -- Don't you realize that this would be a good thing in the long run?.

» be a good thing that = menos mal que.

Example: It's a good thing that I have the type of job where your criminal record has no bearing on your success = Menos mal que tengo un tipo de trabajo en donde los antecedentes penales no inciden en el éxito.

» be all things to all men = serlo todo para todos.

Example: Leaving aside the heretical thought that perhaps 'all things to all men' is exactly what the public library should be, this alone is not enough.

» be all things to all people = serlo todo para todos.

Example: Traditionally, public libraries in the United States have attempted to be all things to all people.

» be a rotten thing to do = ser una cabronada, ser una putada.

Example: This is a rotten thing to do to people at any time of the year, but most all Christmas.

» be a shitty thing to do = ser una cabronada, ser una putada.

Example: Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.

» be a sure thing = ser algo seguro, ser seguro, ser habas contadas.

Example: Whatever happens next will require cooperation from Congress, hardly a sure thing.

» be a thing of the past = pertenecer al pasado.

Example: It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.

» be back in(to) + the swim (of things) = volver a ponerse al día, volver a ponerse al tanto, volver a ponerse al corriente, volver ponerse al loro.

Example: I heard from a mutual friend recently that he is doing pretty well but it will be a while before he is back in the swim of things.

» become + a thing of the past = pertenecer al pasado.

Example: Bunking classes might soon become a thing of the past in schools across the city thanks to radio frequency identification (RFID).

» be in for a good thing = encontrar un chollo, tener un chollo, encontrar suerte, tener suerte, montárselo bien.

Example: The value of shares were steadily rising and we began to hope that we might be in for a good thing at last.

» be in the swim (of things) = estar al día, estar al tanto, estar al corriente, estar al loro, estar en la onda, estar en el ajo, andar en el ajo.

Example: Maria would constantly complain to me that she was bored and
that she had once been in the swim of things in the literary world of London.

» be in the swing (of things) = estar al día, estar al tanto, estar al corriente, estar al loro, estar en la onda, estar en el ajo, andar en el ajo.

Example: That first week is hard, but as soon as it is over you are going to be in the swing of things and you are going to see results.

» be into a good thing = encontrar un chollo, tener un chollo, encontrar suerte, tener suerte, montárselo bien.

Example: They are plainly and simply greedy people who are into a good thing.

» be just the thing = ser justo lo que se necesita, ser ideal, venir como anillo al dedo, venir de maravilla, venir de perilla, venir de perlas, venir a(l) pelo, venir como agua de mayo.

Example: What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.

» be onto a good thing = encontrar un chollo, tener un chollo, encontrar suerte, tener suerte, montárselo bien.

Example: You know when you are onto a good thing when demand doubles and then doubles again.

» be on top of things = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de las cosas.

Example: Email is a wonderful invention for people who want to be on top of things.

» be the last thing on + Posesivo + mind = ser lo último que + ocurrir + a Alguien, ser lo último en lo que + pensar, ser lo último que + venir + a la mente, ser la última opción.

Example: Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.

» be the next best thing when it comes to = ser una buena idea para.

Example: Wet bars are the next best thing when it comes to entertaining.

» be the usual thing = ser lo normal, ser la tónica habitual, ser la tónica normal.

Example: Taking your date out for dinner or a movie is the usual thing to do these days.

» blow + things (up) out of (all) proportion = sacar las cosas de quicio.

Example: Another subtext is the tendency for the sensationalist Japanese media to blow things out of all proportion.

» bottle + things up = guardarse los sentimientos, ocultar los sentimientos, no expresar los sentimientos, no expresar lo que se siente.

Example: I tend to bottle things up until I burst out crying for a while, and then my parents have no idea why I'm upset.

» but to make things worse = para colmo, para más inri, para mayor inri.

Example: But to make things worse, a handwritten note scrawled at the bottom of the page explains what really happened after the study was approved.

» change + things from the inside = cambiar las cosas desde dentro.

Example: Black librarians in the UK were urged to join the Association, get themselves organized, and 'infiltrate' to change things from the inside.

» choose between + one thing or another = escoger entre una cosa u otra.

Example: He found himself in a tight knot where he had to choose between one thing or the other.

» clear away + the things = quitar la mesa, recoger las cosas, recoger la mesa.

Example: After eating her dinner in awful silence she cleared away the things and vented her anger in scrubbing the dishes with a spiteful energy.

» clear + things up = aclarar las cosas, sacar de duda(s), sacar de la duda.

Example: First, let's clear things up: when you save a password in Firefox, it's stored in your computer, and isn't shared or uploaded to anywhere.

» come in for + a good thing = encontrar un chollo, tener un chollo, encontrar suerte, tener suerte, montárselo bien.

Example: They are the kind who complain of their hard luck when some one else happens to come in for a good thing.

» complicate + things = complicar las cosas, complicar la situación.

Example: I think we like to complicate things when it is really quite simple; find what makes you happy and who it is that makes you happy and you're set.

» do + one thing at a time = tomarse las cosas con calma, hacer cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: Doing one thing at a time is more efficient and mentally healthier for me.

» do + Posesivo + thing = hacer lo que a Uno le gusta, hacer lo que a Uno se le da bien.

Example: So when you next want to do your Thing and help more people with it, remember that fortune favours the bold.

» do + the best thing in the circumstances = hacer lo más acertado dadas las circunstancias, tomar la decisión más acertada dadas las circunstancias.

Example: They have done the best thing in the circumstances.

» do + the polite thing = comportarse cortésmente.

Example: Despite Patti's baffling comments, Dina did the polite thing and responded to Patti's request.

» do + the right thing = lo que hay que hacer, hacer lo correcto, actuar correctamente.

Example: Vendors should take this trouble not only because it is the right thing to do but also because it is a safeguard against consumer litigation.

» do + things = hacer cosas.

Example: That's for those who like to sit around and talk about ideas and idly stroking each other but don't like to put their balls on the line and do things.

» enjoy + the finer things in life = disfrutar de las cosas buenas de la vida.

Example: He was living in swank hotels and enjoying the finer things in life until he was fingered by a squealer who ratted him out to the Mob for the price they had put on his head.

» even + things out = compensar las cosas, compensar la situación, equilibrar las cosas, nivelar las cosas, equilibrar la situación, nivelar la situación, quedar en paz.

Example: Many demographers have speculated that the gender imbalance at birth may be evolution's way of evening things out overall.

» even + things up = compensar las cosas, compensar la situación, equilibrar las cosas, nivelar las cosas, equilibrar la situación, nivelar la situación, quedar en paz.

Example: This year we decided to even things up by making something with more of a British focus.

» first thing in the morning = a primera hora de la mañana.

Example: O'Brien prevailed upon them to stay that night with the promise that she would take the matter up with Modjeski first thing in the morning.

» first thing + Período del Día = a primera hora de + Período del Día.

Example: I spoke to him first thing this morning when I met him at nine in the foyer.

» first things first = hay que empezar por el principio, lo primero es lo primero, vayamos por partes, primero lo más importante.

Example: There are so many things to see and do once you arrive in Honolulu, but first things first, get to your hotel and relax!.

» first things must come first = hay que empezar por el principio, lo primero es lo primero, vayamos por partes, primero lo más importante.

Example: My main argument on this occasion is to say in effect that first things must come first.

» first thing, the = primero, lo. [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The first thing to do was to think of a suitable acronym, and DIANE was chosen: Direct Information Access Network for Europe.

» for another thing = por otro lado.

Example: For another thing, to the best of my knowledge IQ tests do not differentiate between different kinds of giftedness.

» for one thing = entre otras cosas, para empezar, para comenzar, en (un) principio, en primer lugar.

Example: Actually, it's more than that; for one thing, it gives Lily chest congestion.

» fun thing to do = algo diverto que hacer.

Example: Sailing is another fun thing to do on a windy day.

» get back in(to) + the swim (of things) = volver a ponerse al día, volver a ponerse al tanto, volver a ponerse al corriente, volver a ponerse al loro, volver a coger la onda, volver a meterse en el ajo.

Example: I was just out of practice and unsure of how to best get back in the swim of things.

» get back into + the swing (of things) = volver a la vida normal, volver a acostumbrarse a las cosas, volver a la normalidad, volver a ponerse al día, volver a ponerse al tanto, volver a ponerse al corriente, volver a ponerse al loro, volver a coger la onda, volver a meterse en el ajo.

Example: It was hard to start with as I got tired easily and had also lost a lot of confidence, but I soon got back into the swing of things.

» get down to + the basics (of things) = ir al grano, ir al meollo de la cuestión, ir al meollo del asunto, ir al quid de la cuestión, ir al fondo de la cuestión, ir al fondo del asunto, entrar en materia, dejarse de historias.

Example: I was able to get down to the basics of things I needed but ran into some other problems for which I cannot find a solution anywhere.

» get into + the flow (of things) = coger el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ajo, ponerse al día, ponerse al tanto, ponerse al corriente, ponerse al loro, coger la onda.

Example: The team took a while to get into the flow of things but have been gaining steam and are now flying high, after winning six of their last seven outings.

» get into + the spirit of things = coger el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ajo, ponerse al día, ponerse al tanto, ponerse al corriente, ponerse al loro, coger la onda.

Example: Everyone got into the spirit of things quickly, some removing shirts, or loosening buttons, removing jackets, dancing or even showing comical underwear.

» get into + the swim (of things) = coger el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ritmo de las cosas, meterse en el ajo, ponerse al día, ponerse al tanto, ponerse al corriente, ponerse al loro, coger la onda.

Example: Neglecting to help new executives get into the swim of things quickly can incur enormous organizational costs.

» get + things done = hacer cosas, obtener resultados, conseguir resultados.

Example: Networks are emerging as alternatives to bureaucratic hierarchies as ways to get things done.

» get + things going = poner las cosas en marcha, poner las cosas en movimiento, iniciar las actividades, empezar a funcionar.

Example: A lot of work is being done to organise the zones and get things going.

» get + things off + Posesivo + chest = desahogarse, desfogar, explayarse, quitarse un peso de encima.

Example: She said that the conversation that they had with the stranger helped her tremendously as it allowed her to get things off her chest.

» get + things right = ordenar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, acertar.

Example: They understand that tough decisions are required and we need leaders who are more interested in getting things right than just getting along.

» get + things rolling = poner las cosas en marcha, poner las cosas en movimiento, iniciar las actividades, empezar a funcionar.

Example: 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.

» get + things wrong = equivocarse, hacer las cosas mal.

Example: Regardless of the opinion on whether or not she did good or bad for the country, the truth is she was human and humans sometimes get things wrong.

» get to + the bottom of things = llegar al fondo de las cosas, aclarar las cosas, esclarecer las cosas, resolver las cosas.

Example: They wanted to get to the bottom of things and figure out what was happening.

» go about + things = hacer las cosas, acometer las cosas.

Example: We've decided to go about things a little differently this time around.

» good things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia está la virtud, lo bueno se hace esperar.

Example: I don't believe that old cliche that good things come to those who wait -- I think good things come to those who want something so bad they can't sit still.

» go with + the flow (of things) = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente, aceptar las cosas (tal y) como vienen.

Example: The author takes this case as a model to illustrate how academic libraries can go with the flow instead of being swept upstream.

» handle + things tactfully = hacer las cosas con tacto, tener mano izquierda.

Example: If you do not handle things tactfully then things could go wrong and turn into big quarrels.

» handle + things with tact = hacer las cosas con tacto, tener mano izquierda.

Example: Regardless of your personal feelings about wage garnishment, the best interest of your company is to handle things with tact and consideration.

» have + many things in common = tener muchas cosas en común.

Example: These solopreneurs have many things in common, most notably, they all show annual profits in the six figures.

» have seen + a thing or two = tener (mucho) mundo, haber recorrido mucho mundo.

Example: With thirty-six years of experience we've seen a thing or two, and we offer solutions and a high level of service that will take the pressure off of you.

» home things = cosas de la casa.

Example: I spent the rest of Sunday with my family and shopping for home things with my sister for her new place.

» house things = cosas de la casa.

Example: They'd made fun of each other for being domestic and shopping for house things together like a couple.

» in the grand scheme of things = a fin de cuentas.

Example: This is largely clueless enthusiasm focused on things that don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

» in the normal run of things = en el curso normal de las cosas, en el curso normal de los acontecimientos, en circunstancias normales, por lo general, generalmente, normalmente, en el transcurso normal de los acontecimientos.

Example: In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.

» keep on + top of things = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de las cosas.

Example: It's a winning situation, as long as you keep on top of things.

» keep + things (all) bottled up inside = guardarse los sentimientos, ocultar los sentimientos, no expresar los sentimientos, no expresar lo que se siente.

Example: I tried to keep it all in but sometimes keeping things all bottled up inside is not that good especially if things had been building up for so long.

» know + a thing or two about = saber un par de cosas sobre, conocer un par de cosas sobre, saber cuatro cosas sobre, conocer cuatro cosas sobre, entender mucho de, saberlo todo sobre, conocerlo todo sobre.

Example: But give credit where credit is due, Berger knows a thing or two about farming.

» let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way = dejar que Alguien haga las cosas a su manera, dejar que Alguien se salga con la suya, darle alas a Alguien.

Example: I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.

» life's things = cosas de la vida.

Example: Humans get pimples -- it's one of life's things and there's not really a whole lot you can do to prevent it.

» living thing = cosa viva, organismo vivo.

Example: Topics include trees, leaf coloration, buds, seeds, vertebrate animals, animal tracks, insects and other arthropods, earthworms, characteristics of living things, and microhabitats.

» make + light of things = tomarse las cosas a la ligera, quitarle importancia a las cosas, restarle importancia a las cosas.

Example: A pert nose reveals a cheeky, fun-loving person, someone who knows how to make light of things.

» make + Nombre + a thing of the past = hacer que sea obsoleto, volver obsoleto.

Example: The increased availability of contraception and abortion has made shotgun weddings a thing of the past.

» make + the best of things = arreglárselas lo mejor posible.

Example: And no matter how set everyone is to have a good time, it is difficult to do more than make the cheerful best of things if the picnic is held, for some crazy reason, on a stinking garbage dump in pouring rain.

» make + things better = mejorar las cosas.

Example: She was all excited about the relationship and possibly the engagement but she sat on her hands and did nothing to make things better.

» make + things complex = complicar las cosas.

Example: If a sort facility is required, for instance, it will make things complex if authors are entered as: JOHN HUNT ERIC SMITH etc. = Si, por ejemplo, se necesita una herramienta para la ordenación, las cosas se complicarán si los autores se introduce del siguiente modo: JOHN HUNT ERIC SMITH etc.

» make + things easier = facilitar las cosas.

Example: The newer projectors are self-threading which makes things easier for the projectionist.

» make + things happen = sentar base, marcar un hito.

Example: The Intel 8080 was the device which really made things happen, the 8085 being the current version of it = El Intel 8080 fue el procesador que sentó base y el 8085 es su versión actual.

» make + things right = arreglar las cosas, solucionar los problemas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: You can't defraud someone out of thousands of dollars and then expect to make things right, without first making restitution before asking for an apology.

» make + things scary for = intimidar, asustar.

Example: The article has the title 'Things that go bump in the night: net newbies are maturing -- and making things scary for the traditionals'.

» make + things worse = empeorar las cosas, empeorar la situación, llover sobre mojado.

Example: But for asthmatics, stress only makes things worse.

» next best thing, the = una buena alternativa a.

Example: The next best thing to getting married to a man you love and having a family is shagging your best friend (who happens to be gay) and having a family.

» not get a thing right = no dar pie con bola.

Example: This was when I first noticed Dolt's idiocy and he has never, to my knowledge, managed to get a thing right since.

» not know the first thing about = no tener ni idea sobre Algo, desconocer totalmente Algo, no tener ni puta idea sobre Algo, no tener ni pajolera idea sobre Algo, no tener ni puñetera idea sobre Algo.

Example: The article is entitled 'We don't know the first thing about digitization: Assessing the Need for Digitization Training'.

» one last thing = una última cosa, por último.

Example: One last thing, my bike started creaking again last week but it totally stopped after about 15-20 miles.

» one thing at a time = cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: There is no royal road to anything, one thing at a time, all things in succession.

» one thing for the other = una cosa por otra.

Example: We could have had the best of both worlds, instead of giving up one thing for the other.

» one thing + have + nothing to do with the other = una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra, confundir la velocidad con el tocino.

Example: But one thing has nothing to do with the other -- just because he wears eye make up it has nothing to do with him not being masculine.

» one thing is for sure = algo es seguro.

Example: Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, it takes two to tango.

» other things being equal = en igualdad de condiciones.

Example: Other things being equal, the capability of a service will tend to increase as the resources devoted to it increase.

» overdo + things = pasarse al hacer algo, pasarse haciendo algo, excederse al hacer algo, excederse haciendo algo.

Example: The slogan 'Easy Does It' is one way we remind each other that many of us have tendencies at times to overdo things, to rush heedlessly along, impatient with anything that slows us down.

» pack (up) + Posesivo + things = hacer las maletas, recoger + Posesivo + cosas, recoger las cosas de Uno antes de irse.

Example: And there was the curious behaviour of Plantin's compositor Michel Mayer, who in June 1564 spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in a brothel, then packed his things and left the establishment without saying a word to anyone.

» patch + things + up = hacer las paces, arreglar las cosas, arreglar + Posesivo + cosas.

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

» put + a few things together = preparar algo.

Example: It would be of enormous help to us if you could put a few things together for us to look over.

» put + things (back) to right(s) = arreglar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: So when a disaster emergency occurs it is vital to put things to rights as quickly as possible.

» put + things in order = ordenar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden.

Example: Think, put things in order, focus on where you desire to go, stay true to course, and reach your destination.

» put + things off to/until the last minute = dejar las cosas hasta el último momento, dejar las cosas hasta el último minuto, posponer las cosas hasta el último momento, posponer las cosas hasta el último minuto.

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» put + things right = arreglar las cosas, solucionar los problemas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: It is also pointed out thet the machine alone cannot put things right, the user will have to be re-trained as well.

» put + things together = agrupar cosas, poner cosas juntas.

Example: I have this tendency to put things together that are completely unrelated.

» put + things together = hacer cuadrar las cosas, organizar las cosas.

Example: Knowledge comes by taking things apart -- analysis -- but wisdom comes by putting things together.

» reason + things out = razonar las cosas, discurrir las cosas, llegar a un entendimiento.

Example: Now with the wisdom of years I try to reason things out and the only people I fear are those who never have doubts.

» rush into + things = precipitarse al/en hacer las cosas.

Example: I am not a big fan of rushing into things -- as they say easy come, easy go or the best things come to those who wait or if it's not worth waiting for its not worth having.

» say + mean things = insultar, faltar el respeto, decir cosas desagradables.

Example: But every now and then you'll run into someone who's truly a bad sport -- a kid who plays dirty, hogs the ball, or says mean things to you.

» say + nasty things about = poner verde, hablar pestes, hablar mal de, poner por los suelos, poner a parir.

Example: He is applying for a court order to ban his ex-wife from saying nasty things about him to the media.

» say + the right thing = ser diplomático, tener cuidado con lo que se dice, hablar con diplomacia.

Example: The article 'Say the right thing' discusses 12 winning strategies for talking to the press.

» scheme of things = situación actual, la; contexto actual, el.

Example: This idea is hardly more relevant to the contemporary scheme of things than were those desert caves through the thousands of years that sheltered the Dead Sea scrolls = Esta idea apenas es más importante para la situación actual que lo fueron las cuevas del desierto durante los miles de años que albergaron los manuscritos del Mar Muerto.

» see + things as a whole = ver las cosas en su totalidad, ver las cosas en su conjunto.

Example: Patterns can only be discovered when we see things as a whole.

» see + things differently = ver las cosas de un modo diferente, ver las cosas de una manera diferente, ver las cosas de diferente modo, ver las cosas de diferente manera.

Example: It also prevents the development of another type of catalogers who see things differently.

» see + things from + a perspective = ver las cosas desde una perspectiva.

Example: The key to improving matters is to see things from the manager's perspective and to work round his/her shortcomings.

» see to the + bottom of things = llegar al fondo de la cuestión.

Example: The dream of inquiry is to pierce the veil, to see to the bottom of things, to achieve an understanding that is if not quite absolute then at least adequate.

» set + things in order = arreglar las cosas, poner las cosas en orden, poner las cosas en su sitio.

Example: I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say I think I may need a week or two to set things in order.

» settle + things = ajustar cuentas.

Example: Some fights are grudge fights and these guys hate each other and is a great way of settling things.

» some things are better left unsaid = es mejor callar ciertas cosas, algunas cosas es mejor no saberlas, algunas cosas es mejor no decirlas. [A veces abreviado a better left unsaid]

Example: Honesty may be the best policy, but some things are better left unsaid.

» sort + things out = arreglar las cosas, aclarar las cosas, resolver las cosas, apagar fueggos.

Example: They're still hopeful of sorting things out but it's very difficult with the media spotlight on them.

» stay on + top of things = estar pendiente de todo, estar al tanto de las cosas, estar al día, no perder el control, mantener todo controlado, mantenerse al tanto de las cosas.

Example: Climate change has moved up the agenda massively in recent years and the meat industry needs to stay on top of things to avoid being caught out.

» stir + things up = perturbar la paz, levantar ampollas, provocar, agitar las cosas, revolver las cosas, remover las cosas.

Example: I think Pope Francis wants to stir things up and allow people to raise questions.

» sweep + things under the carpet = ocultar las cosas, correr un velo sobre las cosas.

Example: The difference between a democratic state and a non-transparent state is that a democratic state does not sweep things under the carpet.

» sweep + things under the rug = ocultar las cosas, correr un velo sobre las cosas.

Example: 'Spick and Span' is a comedy that examines how individuals cope with death in a society that likes to sweep things under the rug = "De punta en blanco" es una comedia que examina cómo los individuos se enfrentan a la muerte en una sociedad que prefiere ocultar las cosas.

» take + one thing at a time = tomarse las cosas con calma, hacer cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: There are times that I need to remind myself that I need to take one thing at a time.

» take + the shine off things = deslucir, quitar el interés, hacer que pierda el interés.

Example: Not being able to run DP on IIS and not being able to find a commercial web hosting company who ran Apache, took the initial shine off things for me.

» take + things apart = descomponer las cosas, desmontar las cosas, analizar las cosas.

Example: Knowledge comes by taking things apart -- analysis -- but wisdom comes by putting things together.

» take + things personally = ofenderse, darse por aludido.

Example: They need to learn not to take things so personally and understand that you have to be extremely patient.

» talk + things out = tratar de resolver las cosas hablando, tratar de solventar las cosas hablando, discutir las cosas.

Example: Taking time to talk things out is surely one of the most essential parts of dealing with a conflict.

» tell + Nombre + a thing or two = decirle a Alguien un par de cosas, decirle a Alguien cuatro cosas.

Example: Evelin should have told her a thing or two about manners.

» that's they way things are = así son las cosas.

Example: The meteorologist explains that that's way things are sometimes and you don't know what's going to happen.

» the best things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia está la virtud.

Example: I am not a big fan of rushing into things -- as they say easy come, easy go or the best things come to those who wait or if it's not worth waiting for its not worth having.

» the best thing since sliced bread = lo mejor desde la invención de la rueda, lo mejor desde la invención de la imprenta.

Example: I don't know about whether it's 'the best thing since sliced bread' but I'm loving my new slow cooker.

» the coolest thing since sliced bread = lo mejor desde la invención de la rueda, lo mejor desde la invención de la imprenta.

Example: For some you will look like the sad culmination of vainness while others will admire you and think you are the coolest thing since sliced bread.

» the good thing about = lo bueno de. [A veces se omite el artículo the en el lenguaje hablado]

Example: The good thing about being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of a date on a Saturday night.

» the good things in life = las cosas buenas de la vida.

Example: Why are all the good things in life either illegal, fattening or immoral?.

» the greatest thing since sliced bread = lo mejor desde la invención de la rueda, lo mejor desde la invención de la imprenta.

Example: I swear it's the greatest thing since sliced bread but, in all seriousness, my day begins by getting the kids off to school with a minimum of yelling and spilled milk.

» the great thing about = lo bueno de, lo fantástico de. [A veces se omite el artículo the en el lenguaje hablado]

Example: The great thing about ankle boots is that they can be worn with just about anything.

» the latest thing = el último grito, la última moda.

Example: The Titanic was the latest thing in the art of shipbuilding; absolutely no money was spared in her construction.

» the nearest thing to = lo más cercano a, lo más parecido a.

Example: This register in which printers were expected to enter the details of all new books they were intending to print is the nearest thing we have to a current bibliography of sixteenth century publications.

» the next big thing = la nueva revelación, la próxima revelación, el próximo exitazo, el próximo gran éxito.

Example: It's been a while since pop-music writers have heaped praise on a blues guitarist as the next big thing.

» the next hot thing = la próxima moda.

Example: These could be the next hot thing but they are still very pricy, almost too pricy for most golfers.

» the next thing + Pronombre + know = y antes de nada, y antes de que + Pronombre + dar + cuenta.

Example: The next thing you know, people will never leave their house for any real social interactions and everyone will be gaming all day long.

» the number one thing = la cosa principal.

Example: The number one thing to realize with the Millennials is that as a whole they reflect much more parental perfectionism than any generation in living memory.

» the real thing = el auténtico, el verdadero, sin trampa ni cartón.

Example: In the meantime, we keep looking through the foggy window, trying to convince ourselves that what we see is the real thing.

» there + be + no such thing as = no existir como tal.

Example: It makes good sense to hire the person most qualified for a job, and there is no such thing as being 'overqualified' for reference work.

» there is no such thing as a free lunch = nada es gratis en la viña del Señor.

Example: So for any of you thinking of using this program do be aware there is no such thing as a free lunch.

» there is no such thing as a free ride = nada es gratis en la viña del Señor.

Example: Economists constantly remind us that there is no such thing as a free ride, and the analogy can easily be applied to our transportation systems.

» the same old thing = siempre lo mismo.

Example: I think this song means just being sick of the same old thing and routine you do everyday.

» the shape of things to come = ser lo que nos espera.

Example: Only time will tell whether the rather gimmicky approach to libraries and to culture in general as manifested in the centre is the shape of things to come.

» the thing is = la cosa es que, la cuestión es que. [A veces se omite el artículo the]

Example: The thing is, a new code allows us a fresh start.

» the thing of it is = la cosa es que.

Example: The thing of it is, back then, no kid ever died or ended up in a hospital after a licking by their parents and we loved and respected them (after the pain went away).

» the thing with = el problema de, el problema con, lo que pasa con.

Example: The thing with football hooliganism is that, especially in countries like ours, it is a bigger issue than bad manners.

» the way + to see things = la forma de ver las cosas.

Example: So often the way one sees things depends on one's personal point of view.

» the whole thing = todo, todo esto.

Example: The truth is that I'm pretty upset about the whole thing and don't have very warm feelings towards the makers of these products.

» the worst thing + be + that = lo peor + ser + que.

Example: The worst thing was that no one took her seriously.

» things + come in threes = no hay dos sin tres. [Comúnmente precedido del adjetivo good o bad]

Example: They say that good things come in threes - so it is no surprise that today's website update is three updates in one.

» things + get better = las cosas + mejorar.

Example: This chapter also presents 3 scenarios describing more of the same, how things might get worse, and how things might get better.

» things + get out of hand = perder el control de la situación, situación + irse de las manos.

Example: That was the incident that started the ball rolling and now things have got out of hand.

» things + get rough = las cosas + empeorar, las cosas + ponerse feas.

Example: Because the fact is that even earlier in life Aremis Slake had often escaped into the subway when things got rough above ground.

» things + get worse = las cosas + empeorar, la sangre + llegar + al río.

Example: This chapter also presents 3 scenarios describing more of the same, how things might get worse, and how things might get better.

» things + go + Posesivo + way = las cosas + venir de cara, las cosas + ir bien.

Example: Things have been going my way lately so I'm not gonna dwell on it too much, but it felt like a kick in the nuts.

» things + go + too far = las cosas + llegar + demasiado lejos, la sangre + llegar + al río.

Example: Let me just come clean before things go too far -- Pels and I did not have dinner.

» things + go to plan = las cosas + salir según lo previsto, las cosas + salir según lo planeado.

Example: Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.

» things + go well = las cosas + ir bien.

Example: That project needs to be completed by 1980 when the rest of our cataloging is expected to be in machine-readable form, providing things go well.

» things + go wrong = las cosas + ir mal.

Example: If you do not handle things tactfully then things could go wrong and turn into big quarrels.

» things + grow on + Pronombre = acostumbrarse a las cosas.

Example: By trying some of the suggestions here you may find that a few things grow on you and become part of your development habits.

» things like that = cosas así, cosas como ésa.

Example: Just little things like that blow your mind every day.

» things like these = cosas así, cosas como éstas.

Example: Things like these can happen once in a while.

» things like this = cosas así, cosas como ésta.

Example: Things like this happen all the time and there is nothing we can do to stop them.

» things like those = cosas así, cosas como ésas.

Example: I've known people who've passionately discussed things like those with others in heated debates.

» things + (start to) come together = las cosas + empezar a funcionar, las cosas + comenzar a funcionar.

Example: But patience is a virtue and slowly but surely things started to come together.

» things swing full circle = volvemos siempre al principio.

Example: It seems that, pace Yeats, things really do swing full circle sometimes.

» things + take a turn for the unexpected = las cosas + cambiar inesperadamente, pasar algo inesperado.

Example: Things take a turn for the unexpected, however, when Herman suggests that the three of them head off for a beano by the sea.

» things that go bump in the night = sustos, cosas que dan miedo, ruidos de la noche.

Example: The article has the title 'Things that go bump in the night: net newbies are maturing -- and making things scary for the traditionals'.

» things to come = lo que nos espera.

Example: The article is entitled 'Things to come: a new age for music libraries'.

» things + work out = las cosas + salir bien.

Example: That being only live once, so if you decide to jump in head first, and if things don't work out, remember, you can always leave.

» this sort of thing = este tipo de cosas, esto.

Example: Large corporate bureaucracies like those of traditional music and movie publishers do this sort of thing much better than most little beginner 'startups' do.

» this sort of thing happens everywhere = en todas partes (se) cuecen habas, en todos sitios (se) cuecen habas.

Example: I understand that this sort of thing happens everywhere, regardless of the country -- be it here in the US, in Europe, or wherever.

» too much of a good thing = demasiado de una cosa buena, lo mucho cansa, la mucha miel empalaga, todo en exceso es malo.

Example: People who take dietary supplements to boost their intake of minerals may actually be getting too much of a good thing.

» too much of a good thing is bad for you = lo mucho cansa, la mucha miel empalaga, todo en exceso es malo.

Example: There is an old expression that still stands true -- Too much of a good thing is bad for you.

» to top things off = para colmo, para colmo de males, por si fuera poco, para más inri, para mayor inri, para rematarlo, para remate.

Example: To top things off, we had to put one of our dogs down on November 10th.

» to wrap things up = para concluir.

Example: To wrap things up, Christie Koontz will present a paper titled 'Marketing Digital and Other Reference Services: First Stop, Not Last Resort!'.

» turn + Nombre + into a good thing = cambiar Algo para bien.

Example: Because our Hungarian comrades took proper action in the course of these events, what was a bad thing turned ultimately into a good thing.

» very thing, the = mismísima cosa, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: By imposing a ban one is only likely to set up antagonism and frustration which will turn against the very thing we are trying to encourage.

» way of putting things together = forma de ver las cosas.

Example: As in real-life management situations, participants usually reflect different perceptions of the situations, of the people involved, and of the interpersonal relations, and reflect their own frames of reference and ways of putting things together.

» (what) with one thing

Thing synonyms

matter in spanish: , pronunciation: mætɜr part of speech: noun affair in spanish: , pronunciation: əfer part of speech: noun
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