Thin in spanish


pronunciation: delgɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

thin [thinner -comp., thinnest -sup.]1 = delgado, fino, seco. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Wronski remained silent for a moment, looking at the thin gray threads of smoke that were rising from his cigarette.


» as thin as a rail = como un fideo, hecho un fideo, más seco que la mojama, tan seco como la mojama, más seco que el ojo de un tuerto, tan seco como el ojo de un tuerto, más seco que una pasa, tan seco como una pasa, más chupado que la pipa de un indio, tan chupado como la pipa de un indio.

Example: Her constitution was such that no matter what she ate she remained thin as a rail.

» as thin as a rake = como un fideo, hecho un fideo, más seco que la mojama, tan seco como la mojama, más seco que el ojo de un tuerto, tan seco como el ojo de un tuerto, más seco que una pasa, tan seco como una pasa, más chupado que la pipa de un indio, tan chupado como la pipa de un indio.

Example: I'm a bit overweight but I eat a lot better than my friend who's as thin as a rake.

» as thin as a toothpick = como un fideo, hecho un fideo, más seco que la mojama, tan seco como la mojama, más seco que el ojo de un tuerto, tan seco como el ojo de un tuerto, más seco que una pasa, tan seco como una pasa, más chupado que la pipa de un indio, tan chupado como la pipa de un indio.

Example: While most men are comfortable with their bodies, most women won't be happy until they're as thin as a toothpick.

» be the thin edge of the wedge = ser (sólo) el principio de algo (mucho) peor, haber + que tener cuidado con las consecuencias.

Example: Internet brings a new generation of information services that are the thin edge of the wedge of a radically transformative change in how people will access information.

» be the thin end of the wedge = ser (sólo) el principio de algo (mucho) peor, haber + que tener cuidado con las consecuencias.

Example: It's the thin end of the wedge and we need to keep a good eye on it and make sure we do try and keep some control.

» disappear into + thin air = desaparecer sin dejar rastro, desaparecer sin dejar huella, desaparecer como por arte de magia, desaparecer como si (se) + Pronombre + hubiera/hubiese tragado la tierra, evaporarse.

Example: Another trick makes an enormous elephant seem to disappeared into thin air.

» evaporate into + thin air = desaparecer sin dejar rastro, desaparecer sin dejar huella, desaparecer como por arte de magia, desaparecer como si + Pronombre + hubiera/hubiese tragado la tierra.

Example: Their debates have operated with a more fluid notion of power, which at times has become so fluid as to evaporate into thin air.

» get + thin = adelgazar.

Example: I thought I'd be happy as a lark when I finally got thin, but believe me I'm not.

» line between ... and ... is thin = la diferencia entre... y... es mínima.

Example: An examination of the ethics of subsidies shows how thin the line is between the practices of vanity publishers and those of some scholarly presses when it comes to financing.

» live on + (thin) air = vivir del aire.

Example: I have become a fakir but I haven't started tramping barefoot over burning coals, meditating, levitating, or living on air and I have no foreseeable intention of doing so.

» melt into + thin air = desaparecer sin dejar rastro, desaparecer sin dejar huella, desaparecer como por arte de magia, desaparecer como si (se) + Pronombre + hubiera/hubiese tragado la tierra, evaporarse.

Example: Austrian police are looking for 18 tons of chocolate stolen from an Austrian factory by a driver who melted into thin air.

» nothing tastes as good as thin feels = nada sabe mejor que sentirse delgado.

Example: She has been accused of encouraging anorexia in teenagers after telling a fashion website she lives by the maxim 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels'.

» on thin ice = terreno peligroso, terreno resbaladizo, en peligro.

Example: As the title of my talk indicates, we are on thin ice, and in more ways than one.

» out of thin air = de la nada, como por arte de magia.

Example: It sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but a British company has developed a process to make tank-ready fuel literally out of thin air.

» pencil-thin = fino.

Example: He is a small, slender man, with a pencil-thin moustache and whitening, scanty hair.

» razor-thin = delgadísimo, mínimo.

Example: Let's not squabble about the fact that Bush actually eked out a razor-thin victory in the popular vote.

» razor-thin margin = margen escasísimo, margen ínfimo.

Example: In an industry with razor-thin margins and intense price competition, customer loyalty and repeat purchasing is critical to financial success.

» skate + on thin ice = andar por terreno peligroso, andar por terreno resbaladizo.

Example: The chancellor is skating on thin ice when it comes to the economy and ignored signs of a slowdown, a report warns.

» spread + Reflexivo + (too) thin = intentar abarcar demasiado, intentar abarcar más de la cuenta, intentar hacer demasiadas cosas a la vez.

Example: Trying to reach every market can spell disaster for small businesses, who cannot afford to spread themselves too thin.

» stick-thin = delgado como un palo.

Example: The film's first revelation is Kate Winslet and her lovely body in a world of stick-thin actresses.

» there is a thin line between love and hate = del amor al odio hay (sólo) un paso.

Example: His confident and somewhat arrogant persona makes her blood boil, but as the saying goes: there is a thin line between love and hate.

» thin air = aire enrarecido.

Example: The turbine engines shrieked as they fought to maintain lift in the thin air, while the fuselage groaned in accompaniment.

» thin blood = sangre poco espesa, sangre muy diluida.

Example: Yes, some people with thin blood or whose pulse and blood pressure get high enough will have a nose bleed when excited.

» thin fog = neblina.

Example: I noticed some thin fog clinging to the golf course as I drove through the park on my way to the airport.

» thin-skinned = sensible, susceptible, con la sensibilidad a flor de piel.

Example: Thin-skinned and narrow-minded people may not particularly enjoy a pluralistic society, but their discomfort is vastly outweighed by the benefits most of us.

» thin strip = tirilla.

Example: Early food dehydration was achieved by cutting meat, fish, and certain fruits into thin strips and drying them in sunlight.

» tread + the thin line between ... and = estar a caballo entre... y..., andarse con mucho cuidado.

Example: Therapists must be able to tread the thin line between too much involvement with patients and too little.

» vanish into + thin air = desaparecer sin dejar rastro, desaparecer sin dejar huella, desaparecer como por arte de magia, desaparecer como si (se) + Pronombre + hubiera/hubiese tragado la tierra, evaporarse.

Example: The Soviet Union's cultural presence in Prague, Budapest, and Warsaw vanished into thin air the moment the last Russian soldier departed.

» walk on + thin ice = andarse con (mucho) cuidado, andarse con pies de plomo, ir con pies de plomo.

Example: I walk on thin ice with my boys when they are with their spouses.

» wear + a little thin = cansar, aburrir.

Example: His jauntiness can wear a little thin, and the buff will be sorry there is no index, but there is much to be grateful for in this book.

thin [thinner -comp., thinnest -sup.]2 = débil, escaso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Although it may be a bit thin in its use of standard academic sources of information, it is exceedingly strong on insider information and personal interviews.


» have + a thin time = pasar apuros, pasarlo mal.

Example: But the week by week publication of details of companies' accounts in the Bookseller cannot but show that many publishing houses have been having a very thin time indeed.

thin3 = diluir, disolver, entresacar, hacer más delgado. 

Example: It is possible to use styrene to thin gelcoat, but there is a chance the gelcoat will be rubbery or sof.

thin4 = quedarse calvo, perder pelo, salir calvas. 

Example: Prince Harry, known for taking swipes at his brother Prince William's receding hairline, is facing the bald truth that his ginger locks are also thinning.

Thin synonyms

light in spanish: , pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective cut in spanish: , pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun lean in spanish: , pronunciation: lin part of speech: adjective, verb sheer in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃɪr part of speech: adjective pale in spanish: , pronunciation: peɪl part of speech: adjective fine in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective flat in spanish: , pronunciation: flæt part of speech: adjective spare in spanish: , pronunciation: sper part of speech: verb, adjective tenuous in spanish: , pronunciation: tenjəwəs part of speech: adjective reduce in spanish: , pronunciation: rədus part of speech: verb rare in spanish: , pronunciation: rer part of speech: adjective trim in spanish: , pronunciation: trɪm part of speech: noun, verb slight in spanish: , pronunciation: slaɪt part of speech: adjective transparent in spanish: , pronunciation: trænsperənt part of speech: adjective narrow in spanish: , pronunciation: neroʊ part of speech: adjective gossamer in spanish: , pronunciation: gɑsəmɜr part of speech: noun, adjective sparse in spanish: , pronunciation: spɑrs part of speech: adjective weak in spanish: , pronunciation: wik part of speech: adjective haggard in spanish: , pronunciation: hægɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun emaciated in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmeɪʃieɪtɪd part of speech: adjective gaunt in spanish: , pronunciation: gɔnt part of speech: adjective slender in spanish: , pronunciation: slendɜr part of speech: adjective slim in spanish: , pronunciation: slɪm part of speech: adjective skinny in spanish: , pronunciation: skɪni part of speech: adjective sleazy in spanish: , pronunciation: slizi part of speech: adjective flimsy in spanish: , pronunciation: flɪmzi part of speech: adjective lanky in spanish: , pronunciation: læŋki part of speech: adjective diaphanous in spanish: , pronunciation: daɪæfənɪs part of speech: adjective dilute in spanish: , pronunciation: daɪlut part of speech: adjective, verb depressed in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪprest part of speech: adjective wiry in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪri part of speech: adjective capillary in spanish: , pronunciation: kæpəleri part of speech: noun, adjective wispy in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪspi part of speech: adjective scrawny in spanish: , pronunciation: skrɔni part of speech: adjective bony in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊni part of speech: adjective wizened in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪzənd part of speech: adjective lank in spanish: , pronunciation: læŋk part of speech: adjective rarefied in spanish: , pronunciation: rerəfaɪd part of speech: adjective withered in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪðɜrd part of speech: adjective wasted in spanish: , pronunciation: weɪstəd part of speech: adjective skeletal in spanish: , pronunciation: skelətəl part of speech: adjective gangly in spanish: , pronunciation: gæŋli part of speech: adjective chiffon in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃɪfɑn part of speech: noun filmy in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪlmi part of speech: adjective reedy in spanish: , pronunciation: ridi part of speech: adjective wizen in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪzən part of speech: adjective pinched in spanish: , pronunciation: pɪntʃt part of speech: adjective distributed in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪstrɪbjətəd part of speech: adjective shriveled in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃrɪvəld part of speech: adjective gauzy in spanish: , pronunciation: gɔzi part of speech: adjective spindly in spanish: , pronunciation: spaɪndli part of speech: adjective stringy in spanish: , pronunciation: strɪŋi part of speech: adjective scraggy in spanish: , pronunciation: skrægi part of speech: adjective rarified in spanish: , pronunciation: rerəfaɪd part of speech: adjective compressed in spanish: , pronunciation: kəmprest part of speech: adjective weedy in spanish: , pronunciation: widi part of speech: adjective cadaverous in spanish: , pronunciation: kədævɜrəs part of speech: adjective anorexic in spanish: , pronunciation: ænɜreksɪk part of speech: adjective underweight in spanish: , pronunciation: ʌndɜrweɪt part of speech: adjective vaporous in spanish: , pronunciation: væpɜrəs part of speech: adjective shrunken in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃrʌŋkən part of speech: adjective gangling in spanish: , pronunciation: gæŋglɪŋ part of speech: adjective shrivelled in spanish: , pronunciation: ʃrɪveld part of speech: adjective see-through in spanish: , pronunciation: siθru part of speech: adjective thinly in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪnli part of speech: adverb anorectic in spanish: , pronunciation: ænɜrektɪk part of speech: adjective bladed in spanish: , pronunciation: bleɪdɪd part of speech: adjective twiggy in spanish: , pronunciation: twɪgi part of speech: adjective spiritless in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪrətləs part of speech: adjective thready in spanish: , pronunciation: θredi part of speech: adjective twiglike in spanish: , pronunciation: twɪglaɪk part of speech: adjective papery in spanish: , pronunciation: peɪpɜri part of speech: adjective filamentous in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪləməntəs part of speech: adjective cobwebby in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑbwəbi part of speech: adjective threadlike in spanish: , pronunciation: θredlaɪk part of speech: adjective rawboned in spanish: , pronunciation: rɔboʊnd part of speech: adjective thin out in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪnaʊt part of speech: verb hairlike in spanish: , pronunciation: herlaɪk part of speech: adjective wisplike in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪsplaɪk part of speech: adjective lose weight in spanish: , pronunciation: luzweɪt part of speech: verb slenderize in spanish: , pronunciation: slendɜraɪz part of speech: verb slim down in spanish: , pronunciation: slɪmdaʊn part of speech: verb hyperfine in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪpɜrfaɪn part of speech: adjective wasp-waisted in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑspweɪztɪd part of speech: adjective ribbony in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪbəni part of speech: adjective hollow-eyed in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑloʊijed part of speech: adjective ribbonlike in spanish: , pronunciation: rɪbənlaɪk part of speech: adjective deep-eyed in spanish: , pronunciation: dipjeɪd part of speech: adjective melt off in spanish: , pronunciation: meltɔf part of speech: verb spindle-legged in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪndəllegd part of speech: adjective scarecrowish in spanish: , pronunciation: skerkrəwɪʃ part of speech: adjective filamentlike in spanish: , pronunciation: faɪləməntlaɪk part of speech: adjective sunken-eyed in spanish: , pronunciation: sʌŋkənjeɪ part of speech: adjective slim-waisted in spanish: , pronunciation: slaɪmweɪstɪd part of speech: adjective slender-waisted in spanish: , pronunciation: slendɜrweɪstɪd part of speech: adjective spindle-shanked in spanish: , pronunciation: spɪndəlʃæŋkt part of speech: adjective

Thin antonyms

full pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective fat pronunciation: fæt part of speech: adjective, noun gain pronunciation: geɪn part of speech: verb, noun thick pronunciation: θɪk part of speech: adjective put on pronunciation: pʊtɑn part of speech: verb, adjective thicken pronunciation: θɪkən part of speech: verb thickly pronunciation: θɪkli part of speech: adverb
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