Thieves in spanish


pronunciation: lɑdɹ̩oʊnes part of speech: noun
In gestures

thief [thieves, -pl.] = ladrón, caco. 

Example: Thieves detected by a security system seem to be largely acting on impulse, or absent-minded or trying to beat the system for sport.


» art thief = ladrón de arte, ladrón de obras de arte.

Example: In that film he played a wealthy art thief always one step away from being nabbed by the fuzz.

» be as thick as thieves = ser inseparable, ser como uña y carne.

Example: Let me tell you something about my family, we're as thick as thieves.

» info-thief = ladrón de información.

Example: Any element of an organization's information apparatus, from paper based files to computerized databases, from fax machines to cellular telephones, can render that organization easy prey to info-thieves.

» it's no crime to steal from a thief = ladrón que roba a (otro) ladrón tiene cien años de perdón, quien roba a ladrón tiene cien años de perdón.

Example: The old saying is that it's no crime to steal from a thief, but how far this will hold in law is a problem.

» once a thief always a thief = quien roba una vez, roba diez.

Example: Most of us have caught ourselves saying something like, 'once a thief, always a thief' -- the problem is that the statement is simply untrue.

» petty thief = ladronzuelo.

Example: Migrants have become organized pickpockets, petty thieves, & extortionists.

» small-time thief = ladronzuelo.

Example: The film starts with two small-time thieves who spontaneously decide to hold up a restaurant.

» snatch thief = tironero.

Example: One way to avoid being a snatch theft victim is to suspect every oncoming motorcyclist to be a snatch thief.

» there is honour among thieves = perro no come perro.

Example: That there is 'honour among thieves' is well known, and there are many cultures in which one does not cheat those who are part of the family or tribe, be may cheat or steal from outsiders.

» thieves' cant = argot (secreto) de los cacos, argot (secreto) de los ladrones.

Example: The highlight of his reading of criminal culture is his perceptive discussion of thieves' cant, which he interprets as the audible social impact of criminal culture.

thieve = robar, hurtar. 

Example: But it was no less misguided than the commonplace practice of setting passages thieved from literature for comprehension exercises.
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