Thick in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩uesoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

thick [thicker -comp., thickest -sup.]1 = grueso, espeso, denso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: They are true black letters in their great contrast between thick and thin strokes and they have mere thickenings for serifs.


» be as thick as thieves = ser inseparable, ser como uña y carne.

Example: Let me tell you something about my family, we're as thick as thieves.

» be in the thick of it = meterse en todo el mogollón, meterse de lleno, meterse hasta el cuello.

Example: I'm in the thick of it, as they say, and honestly have no idea how long this struggle will continue or how and when it will be resolved.

» be thick with = estar cubierto de, estar lleno de, estar cargado de, estar repleto de.

Example: The boatmen struggled to navigate the river which was thick with water hyacinth.

» be thick with = ser inseparable, ser como uña y carne.

Example: I heard Barney tell somebody that he was thick with the Miami mob and that he was laundering money for it.

» blood is thicker than water = la sangre tira (mucho), la familia tira (mucho).

Example: Blood may be thicker than water, but you can't get water from a stone either.

» lay it on + thick = pasarse, excederse, pasarse tres pueblos, pasarse de la raya, recargar las tintas, cargar las tintas, irsele a Uno Algo de las manos.

Example: When I met him he was laying it on thick with compliments, and I thought it was 'cause he was drinking.

» thick accent = acento fuerte.

Example: But lazy delivery, when the words are slurred or a thick accent difficult for people from outside the region to understand, are just as bad.

» thick blood = sangre espesa.

Example: Thick blood and thin blood are signs of an impaired circulatory system.

» thick cloud = nube espesa, nubosidad abundante.

Example: Orange County should see its coolest day of the week Friday with thick clouds promising light rain.

» thick fog = niebla densa.

Example: Thick fog is believed to have caused several crashes in Kent this morning.

» thick skin = aguante, insensibilidad a las críticas.

Example: It takes willingness, understanding and a thick skin to make a spousal financial partnership succeed, but it's often worth it in the end.

» thick-skinned = de piel gruesa.

Example: The manatee is a nearly hairless, thick-skinned marine mammal without hindlimbs and with paddle-like forelimbs.

» thick-skinned = insensible a las críticas.

Example: Business was represented by hard-nosed, thick-skinned managers with no inclination to adopt academia's language and critiques.

thick [thicker -comp., thickest -sup.]2 = ceporro. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: To call him thick is possibly the nicest thing you can say about the man.


» as thick as a brick = no tener dos dedos de frente, tonto del bote, tener pocas luces, más corto que las mangas de un chaleco.

Example: Her husband is still as thick as a brick and he still thinks he's been the model husband but Rome wasn't built in a day.

» as thick as two (short) planks = tonto del bote, tonto de remate, tonto del culo, tonto perdido, chiflado perdido, chalado perdido, pirado perdido, no tener dos dedos de frente, tener pocas luces, más corto que las mangas de un chaleco.

Example: Ashdown, for example, is an out'and'out Nazi, while Menzies'Campbell, who is supposed to be their expert on foreign affairs, is as thick as two planks.

Thick synonyms

deep in spanish: , pronunciation: dip part of speech: adjective heavy in spanish: , pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective fat in spanish: , pronunciation: fæt part of speech: adjective, noun intense in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪntens part of speech: adjective stupid in spanish: , pronunciation: stupəd part of speech: adjective broad in spanish: , pronunciation: brɔd part of speech: adjective abundant in spanish: , pronunciation: əbʌndənt part of speech: adjective dense in spanish: , pronunciation: dens part of speech: adjective compact in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun wide in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective midst in spanish: , pronunciation: mɪdst part of speech: noun viscous in spanish: , pronunciation: vɪskəs part of speech: adjective stocky in spanish: , pronunciation: stɑki part of speech: adjective coagulate in spanish: , pronunciation: koʊægjəleɪt part of speech: verb impenetrable in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪmpenətrəbəl part of speech: adjective unintelligible in spanish: , pronunciation: ənɪntelədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective concentrated in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑnsəntreɪtəd part of speech: adjective creamy in spanish: , pronunciation: krimi part of speech: adjective chummy in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃʌmi part of speech: adjective heavyset in spanish: , pronunciation: heviset part of speech: adjective clogged in spanish: , pronunciation: klɔgd part of speech: adjective gelatinous in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒəlætənəs part of speech: adjective ropy in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑpi part of speech: adjective stringy in spanish: , pronunciation: strɪŋi part of speech: adjective ropey in spanish: , pronunciation: rɑpi part of speech: adjective thickset in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪkset part of speech: adjective soupy in spanish: , pronunciation: supi part of speech: adjective syrupy in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrupi part of speech: adjective slurred in spanish: , pronunciation: slɜrd part of speech: adjective coagulated in spanish: , pronunciation: koʊægjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective quilted in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪltɪd part of speech: adjective thickheaded in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪkhedɪd part of speech: adjective thready in spanish: , pronunciation: θredi part of speech: adjective clotted in spanish: , pronunciation: klɑtəd part of speech: adjective curdled in spanish: , pronunciation: kɜrdəld part of speech: adjective grumous in spanish: , pronunciation: gruməs part of speech: adjective thickly in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪkli part of speech: adverb boneheaded in spanish: , pronunciation: boʊnhedɪd part of speech: adjective two-ply in spanish: , pronunciation: twoʊplaɪ part of speech: adjective blockheaded in spanish: , pronunciation: blɑkhedɪd part of speech: adjective thickened in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪkənd part of speech: adjective jellylike in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒelilaɪk part of speech: adjective grumose in spanish: , pronunciation: grumoʊz part of speech: adjective fatheaded in spanish: , pronunciation: fæthedɪd part of speech: adjective three-ply in spanish: , pronunciation: θriplaɪ part of speech: adjective thick-skulled in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪkskəld part of speech: adjective loggerheaded in spanish: , pronunciation: lɑgɜrhedɪd part of speech: adjective four-ply in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrplaɪ part of speech: adjective coagulable in spanish: , pronunciation: koʊægjələbəl part of speech: adjective gelatinlike in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒelətɪnlaɪk part of speech: adjective wooden-headed in spanish: , pronunciation: wʊdənhedɪd part of speech: adjective

Thick antonyms

thin pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective thinly pronunciation: θɪnli part of speech: adverb
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