They in spanish


pronunciation: ejoʊs part of speech: none
In gestures

they = ellos, ellas. 

Example: They all permit coordination of concepts at the search stage when searching most of the databases that are on offer.


» as + Adjetivo + as they say = tan + Adjetivo + como dicen, tan + Adjetivo + como se dice.

Example: They are seriously as tough as they say and they come with a lifetime guarantee with no strings attached so the company must totally believe in their toughness.

» as sweet as they come = tan dulce como la miel.

Example: This filly is gorgeous to look at and is as sweet as they come.

» as they say = según se dice, según dicen, eso dicen, eso se dice, como dicen.

Example: Change, as they say, is the only constant = El cambio, según se dice, es la única constante.

» or so they say = o, por lo menos, eso dicen; o, por lo menos, eso se dice.

Example: Love will always outshine hate or so they say.

» should they so wish = si así lo desean.

Example: The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.

» so they say = según se dice, según dicen, eso dicen, eso se dice, como dicen.

Example: First love is special, so sweet...but the first cut is the deepest, so they say.

» they'd [they would] [Contracción de they would]

Example: I think if some people couldn't smoke on the job, they'd be wrecks.

» they'd better [you had better] = sería mejor que ellos. [Contracción de they had better]

Example: So if players are looking for protection, they'd better look in the mirror.

» they'd rather [you had rather] = preferírian. [Contracción de they had rather]

Example: Don't mess with fat cops, they'd rather shoot you than chase you.

» they'd [they had] [Contracción de they had]

Example: After they'd gone to bed and she'd dropped off to sleep, he slipped into his clothes and down the waterspout to the ground.

» they'll [they will] [Contracción de they will]

Example: They'll tell two friends... and they'll tell two friends... and so on, and so on....

» they're [they are] [Contracción de they are]

Example: 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together'.

» they've [they have] [Contracción de they have]

Example: They've never known a world without touch-tone telephones, VCRs, microwaves, compact discs, personal computers, and the Internet.

» until/till it/they + come + out of + Posesivo + ears = hasta que + salir + por las orejas.

Example: Someone in the sports world once told me that you can drink water until it comes out of your ears but it doesn't necessarily mean it will rehydrate you.

» whatever they may be = sean cuales sean, sea lo que sea.

Example: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.

» whatever they/people may do = hagan lo que hagan, haga lo que haga la gente.

Example: Whatever people may say, whatever they may do, I will most certainly protect you.

» whatever they/people may say = digan lo que digan, diga lo que diga la gente.

Example: Whatever people may say, whatever they may do, I will most certainly protect you.
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