Thesis in spanish


pronunciation: tesis part of speech: noun
In gestures

thesis [theses, -pl.]1 = argumento, tema de debate, hipótesis. 

Example: A praeses is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, who normally proposes a thesis and participates in the ensuing disputation.


» antithesis = antítesis.

Example: The LA purports to act as a professional body, but some of its bye-laws are the very antithesis of professionalism.

thesis [theses, -pl.]2 = tesis. [Documento que recoge la investigación y resultados de un autor y que éste presenta en apoyo a su candidatura a un diploma o titulación profesional]

Example: A thesis is a document which reports the author's research and findings and which is submitted by him in support of his candidature for a degree or professional qualification.


» doctoral thesis = tesis doctoral.

Example: Leonard's 1975 doctoral thesis stresses that consistent indexing leads to efficient searching, so index vocabulary must be limited.

» doctoral thesis defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: Students enrolled in the program will have to complete a doctoral thesis as well as a doctoral thesis defense.

» doctoral thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: I would also like to thank all examiners from my doctoral thesis defence committee for their invaluable comments.

» master's thesis = tesis de máster, tesina.

Example: The use of libraries by graduate psychology students is studied ndirectly through the citations in their master's theses.

» Phd thesis (Ph.D. thesis) = tesis doctoral.

Example: This is a summary of a Phd thesis which presents the methodology of construction of the information language for the information system on technology of enzyme specimens.

» PhD thesis defence = defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: In most cases, the committee for the preliminary exam will also be the committee for the PhD thesis defense.

» PhD thesis defence committee = tribunal de tesis doctoral, tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoral.

Example: It is customary that this committee will meet once a year to discuss the candidate's progress, and will form the PhD thesis defense committee.

» postgraduate thesis = tesina.

Example: This article reviews the development of higher education in Ethiopia and analyses the postgraduate theses submitted to Addis Ababa University from 1980 to 1987.

» supervise + a thesis = dirigir una tesis.

Example: Dissertation advisors supervising theses are required to be present during the thesis defense.

» thesis adviser = director de tesis.

Example: His devotion to his students was well known in the department and made him one of the most sought-after thesis advisors.

» thesis defence = defensa de tesis.

Example: After the thesis defence, the student will therefore sign a document, whereby he or she, as author, permits the consultation and the lending of the thesis.

» thesis dissertation committee = tribunal de tesis, tribunal de defensa de tesis.

Example: A proposal of the dissertation research must be presented to and approved by the thesis defense committee.

» thesis supervisor = director de tesis.

Example: Student should have thesis supervisors from at least two departments.

Thesis synonyms

dissertation in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪsɜrteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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