These in spanish


pronunciation: estɑs part of speech: none
In gestures

these = estos. 

Example: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field to discuss the technological environment created by library automation in the 1970s.


» along these lines = en este sentido.

Example: Not so much has been done along these lines, beyond the bounds of arithmetic, as might be done, primarily because of the economics of the situation.

» amongst these are numbered = entre éstos se incluyen.

Example: Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.

» as is the way with these things = como ocurre en estos casos.

Example: As is the way with these things there were two conflicting criticisms levelled at the joint code.

» failing that/these = de lo contrario, en su defecto, si eso no es posible, si no fuese/fuera posible.

Example: Thus, single-word terms or, failing theses, two-word terms, are preferred for describing concepts if such terms exist.

» in all these regards = en todos estos sentidos.

Example: In all these regards, the public library is distinctly unlike the school, academic, or research library and, unsurprisingly, its collection development reflects this, too.

» in these cases = en estos casos.

Example: The control function is, in these cases, not one exercised by the bibliographer but by a political power much superior.

» in these past couple of + Tiempo = desde hace un par de + Tiempo.

Example: Mr. Scilken's remarks underscore what has become at least something of a leitmotif in these past couple of days.

» in these times = en estos tiempos.

Example: In these times of fiscal austerity there is growing pressure for academic institutions to show positive results.

» in these ways = de este modo.

Example: Only in these ways can a bibliographic compiling agency hope to create a reasonably complete current bibliography.

» numbered amongst these are = entre ellos contamos con los siguientes.

Example: Numbered amongst these are: Euler circles, arrowgraphs, and the circular thesaurus.

» these days = estos días, en estos días, en la actualidad, hogaño.

Example: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).

» these early years = estos primeros años.

Example: These early years were her first encounter with the wonders of nature that continue to fire her imagination.

» these past two months = estos dos últimos meses.

Example: I've been having a rough time these past two months getting over a breakup.

» things like these = cosas así, cosas como éstas.

Example: Things like these can happen once in a while.
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