Thesaurus in spanish


pronunciation: tesɑuɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

thesaurus [thesauri, -pl.] = tesauro. [Lenguaje documental controlado que basa las relaciones entre sus términos en los operadores de jerarquía, definitorios, preferenciales y asociativos]

Example: The function of a thesaurus is to provide a standardized vocabulary for information storage and retrieval systems.


» British Educational Thesaurus (BET) = Tesauro Británico de Educación.

Example: The British Education Thesaurus (BET) aims to offer a common language with which to approach educational material.

» circular thesaurus = tesauro circular.

Example: Amongst the display devices that have been incorporated into published thesauri is the circular thesaurus: a central concept is shown as a central circle and related topics are arranged in concentric circles around the central circle.

» faceted thesaurus = tesauro facetado. [Tesauro en el que las relaciones entre los términos se establecen después de haberlos agrupado por facetas]

Example: A faceted thesaurus is a thesaurus in which the relations between terms are established after they have been regrouped by facets.

» monolingual thesaurus = tesauro monolingüe. [Tesauro que contiene descriptores y normalmente no descriptores tomados de una lengua natural]

Example: BS 5723:1979(1984) gives advice on the content, layout, methods of construction and maintenance of a monolingual thesaurus.

» multilingual thesaurus = tesauro multilingüe. [Tesauro que contiene descriptores y normalmente no descriptores tomados de varias lenguas naturales que representan conceptos equivalentes en cada una de las lenguas]

Example: A multilingual thesaurus is a thesaurus which can be used to support indexing and searching in several languages.

» Root Thesaurus = Macrotesauro, Tesauro Raíz.

Example: The British Standards Institution Root Thesaurus is an important attempt to provide a standard list of terms from which terms for thesauri and indexing languages can be selected, and more application-oriented lists derived.

» source thesaurus = tesauro fuente. [Tesauro a partir del cual se comienza a compilar otro tesauro]

Example: A source thesaurus is a thesaurus from which the establishment of another thesaurus is started.

» specialised thesaurus = tesauro especializado. [Tesauro limitado a un campo del conocimiento]

Example: A specialized thesaurus is a thesaurus limited to a one field of knowledge.

» target thesaurus = tesauro destino. [Tesauro compilado a partir de un tesauro fuente]

Example: A target thesaurus is a thesaurus established from a source thesaurus.

» thematical thesaurus = tesauro temático. [Tesauro en el que las relaciones entre los términos se establecen después de haberlos agrupado por campos temáticos]

Example: A thematical thesaurus is a thesaurus in which the relations between terms are established after they have been regrouped by subject fields.

» thesaurus entry = entrada de tesauro. [Elemento de la parte principal de un tesauro que consta de un descriptor o un no descriptor y toda la información relativa a él]

Example: A thesaurus entry is an element of a main part of a thesaurus comprising a descriptor or a non-descriptor and all the information relating to it.

» thesaurus expansion = expansión de una búsqueda por medio del tesauro. [Ampliación de una búsqueda por medio de los términos contenidos en una entrada del tesauro]

Example: In such a case, it would make more sense to display all levels of the hierarchy below any term for which the user requests a thesaurus expansion.

» thesaurus maintenance = mantenimiento del tesauro.

Example: Software to support thesaurus maintenance should offer certain facilities.

» thesaurus software = gestor de tesauros.

Example: All 3 products comply with the minimum standards of a thesaurus software.

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synonym finder in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪnənɪmfaɪndɜr part of speech: noun
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