Therefore in spanish

Por lo tanto

pronunciation: poʊɹ̩loʊtɑntoʊ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

therefore = por (lo) tanto, por consiguiente, por ende, por esto, por eso. 

Example: This is particularly convenient therefore for our present purposes.


» I think then/therefore/thus/so I am = Pienso, luego existo.

Example: While he is remembered today as the philosopher who said, 'I think, therefore I am,' Descartes' work extended much further.

» it must therefore follow that = debe por lo tanto ser lógico que, debe por lo tanto ser una consecuencia lógica que, debe por lo tanto esperarse que, debe por lo tanto deducirse que.

Example: As we have already seen, books themselves are of infinite variety and it must therefore follow that the writers of books demonstrate a great diversity too.

» it therefore follows that = es por lo tanto lógico que, ser una consecuencia lógica que, es por lo tanto de esperar que, es por lo tanto deducible que.

Example: It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature should be designed to help achieve that goal.

Therefore synonyms

hence in spanish: , pronunciation: hens part of speech: adverb thus in spanish: , pronunciation: ðʌs part of speech: adverb consequently in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑnsəkwəntli part of speech: adverb thence in spanish: , pronunciation: ðens part of speech: adverb
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