There in spanish


pronunciation: ɑi part of speech: adverb
In gestures

there1 = allí, allá. 

Example: There he became involved in cataloging problems and participated in their public discussion.


» Ahoy there! = ¡Ah del barco!.

Example: The men boarded the ship as they cried 'Ahoy there!' but there was no answer.

» be brass monkey(s) (weather/outside/out there) = hacer un frío que pela, hacer un frío de cojones.

Example: It's brass monkey weather here at the moment, but at least the sun is shining on the snow and ice, and we have no overcast skies and rain.

» be neither here nor there = ser irrelevante, no tener importancia, no venir al caso, dar igual, no importar.

Example: Whether this was the case is neither here nor there; Nel can choose to resign when he likes and associate with whomever he pleases = De todos modos, si ese fue el caso, da igual; Nel puede decidir dimitir cuando quiera y asociarse con quienquiera que desee.

» be neither here nor there = no estar ni aquí ni (tampoco) allí.

Example: I'm a neither here nor there, too -- I will never stop exploring new places to live = Yo también soy uno de los que no están ni aquí ni allí; nunca dejaré de buscar nuevos lugares donde vivir.

» be there for better or (for) worse = estar a las duras y a las maduras.

Example: There is nothing quite like being loved unconditionally by someone who promises to be there for better or worse.

» be there for + Pronombre = poder contar con.

Example: So, even if one of them falls off of the information food chain in some way, the others will be always there for us.

» be there for the taking = ser algo muy fácil de conseguir.

Example: you have to turn them on later, otherwise unauthorised access and/or eavesdropping is there for the taking.

» die + there and then = quedarse en el sitio, morir al instante, morir instantáneamente.

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

» get in there = involucrarse, implicarse, ponerse manos a la obra.

Example: We're after someone that can challenge the status quo, truly get in there and understand the situation and make it better.

» go out + there = ir allí.

Example: Although he did not admit it, I could see that he funked going out there alone.

» here and there = aquí y allá.

Example: For, methinks, the present condition of man is like a field, where battle hath been lately fought, where we may see many legs, and arms, and eyes lying here and there, which, for want of a union, and a soul to quicken and enliven them, are good for nothing, but to feed ravens, and infect the air.

» out there = en el mundo que nos rodea, por ahí.

Example: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.

» over there = allí, allá.

Example: Simply to be among books, glancing at one here, reading a page from one over there, enjoying them all as objects to be touched, looked at, even smelt, is a deep satisfaction.

» run + here and there = correr de aquí para allá, ir de aquí para allá.

Example: The wedding day morning is usually a whirr of activity -- everybody running here and there.

» somewhere out there = en algún lugar (de por ahí).

Example: Somewhere out there in the heartland someone is hunched over a typewriter at this moment attempting the ultimate definition.

» take it from (there/here) = ver lo que pasa.

Example: I'm looking for someone to meet online, have a chat with and if we connect take it from there.

» there and then = allí mismo.

Example: Usually, of course, the relevant materials are produced there and then for the enquirer to look at on the spot.

» there's the catch = esa es la pega, esta es la pega, ese es el problema, ahí está el problema, esa es la dificultad, ahí está la dificultad, esa es la cuestión, ese es el asunto.

Example: There's the catch: everything comes with a cost.

» what's out there = lo que hay (en el mercado), lo que existe (en el mercado).

Example: Other companies I am not aware of may offer similar types of analog options, but these sites will hopefully provide you with an idea of what's out there.



» like there's no tomorrow = como si se acabara el mundo, como si se fuese a acabar el mundo, como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello, como si no hubiera mañana, a lo loco, a tontas y locas, a troche y moche, a diestro y siniestro, a más no poder.

Example: The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.

» there's always a rotten apple = siempre hay un cabrón.

Example: Most are very honest but you must be aware that there is always a rotten apple that may try to fool you.

» there ain't [there aren't/isn't] = no hay. [Contracción de there aren't/isn't]

Example: The article is entitled 'There ain't no user science: a tongue-in-cheek discussion of interactive systems'.

» there are no flies (on/about) + Pronombre = no tener (ni) pelo de tonto.

Example: Arabin stared at the interruption, but the man continued: 'You need not stare; there are no flies about me -- what I say I mean to do'.

» there + be = haber, existir.

Example: There are a relatively large number of documents under each heading.

» there + be + a faint chance that = haber muy poca(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber muy poca(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) remota(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) remota(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) vaga(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) vaga(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) leve(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) leve(s) posibilidad(es) de que.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

» there + be + a future for/in = tener futuro.

Example: If I didn't think there was future in this concept then I would have given up on it too.

» there + be + a good chance = haber muchas posibilidades, haber muchas probabilidades.

Example: If she makes it for a year without a relapse, there's a good chance she'll be home free.

» there + be + a great deal yet to be learned = quedar mucho por saber, quedar mucho por conocer.

Example: There is a great deal yet to be learned about electronic mail reference service = Queda mucho por conocer sobre el servicio de referencia por correo electrónico.

» there + be + a long way to go (before) = quedar mucho (para), faltar mucho (para).

Example: However, there is a long way to go before such a system can be implemented.

» there + be + (always) a way out = haber (siempre) una salida.

Example: There's always a way out if you move with times and are on close terms with the computer technologies.

» there + be + an air of excitement = haber un aire de emoción, respirarse emoción en el aire.

Example: There was an air of excitement and expectation from the many spectators who followed the cavalcade of vehicles.

» there + be + an air of expectation = haber un aire de expectación, respirarse un aire de expectación.

Example: There was an air of excitement and expectation from the many spectators who followed the cavalcade of vehicles.

» there + be + a need for = hacer falta, haber que.

Example: I do not think I am alone in believing there is a need for significant change, for reshaping our educational programs as well as our institutional goals and philosophies.

» there + be + a nip in the air = hacer un frío que corta la cara.

Example: The wind got up as the day went on and there was a nip in the air.

» there + be + a number of ways (that) = haber varias formas de, haber varias maneras de, haber varios modos de.

Example: There are a number of ways that can help your money go further.

» there + be + any/no truth to = no haber nada de verdad en.

Example: But now she was beginning to wonder if there was any truth to the old adage that 'It's not what you know, but who you know'.

» there + be + a slim chance that = haber muy poca(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber muy poca(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) remota(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) remota(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) vaga(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) vaga(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) leve(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) leve(s) posibilidad(es) de que.

Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.

» there + be + a tendency (to/for) = existir la tendencia a, lo normal + ser + que.

Example: There is a tendency for smaller items to be pushed to the back of the drawer and possibly crumpled as the drawer is opened and closed = Lo normal es que las cosas más pequeñas se vayan desplazando hacia la parte trasera del cajón y que posiblemente se arrugen al abrir y cerrarlo.

» there + be + a time and a place for everything = cada cosa tiene su tiempo y lugar, hay un tiempo y lugar para cada cosa.

Example: While we don't believe in censorship, we do believe there is a time and a place for everything.

» there + be + a whale of a difference between... and... = haber una enorme diferencia entre... y....

Example: There is a whale of a difference between religiosity and spirituality.

» there + be + a world of difference = haber un mundo de diferencia.

Example: There's a world of difference between truth and facts -- facts can obscure the truth.

» there + be + call for = existir una demanda de, existir una necesidad de.

Example: There is a call from certain copyright owners to curtail or even abolish fair dealing in the electronic environment.

» there + be + clear indications that = existir claras indicaciones de que.

Example: There are clear indications that the more unstable a country is, the higher the level of corruption.

» there + be + every likelihood that = ser muy probable que, existir toda probabilidad de que, con toda probabilidad.

Example: He said there was every likelihood that the problem would take care of itself.

» there + be + every reason to think that = hay suficientes motivos para pensar que.

Example: There is every reason to think that the same will be true of digital resources = Hay suficientes motivos para pensar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las colecciones digitales.

» there + be + evidence that = existir pruebas de que, existir indicios de que.

Example: MacKeller mentions the companionship system in connection with hurried work, but there is evidence that it was also used for ordinary work by the middle of the century.

» there + be + ground(s) for = existir razones para.

Example: In fact, as far as IT infrastructure is concerned, there is some ground for optimism almost everywhere in the world.

» there + be + hopeful signs that = existir indicios esperanzadores de que, existir indicios prometedores de que.

Example: There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels.

» there + be + just a handful of + Pronombre + left = quedarse en cuadro, estar en cuadro, quedar sólo un puñado.

Example: As the afternoon progressed, more and more people departed and there was just a handful of us left to explore the house.

» there + be + justice in = ser justo que.

Example: There was justice in Dickens's complaint that his books would have made him many thousands of pounds in America if he had been able to copyright them there.

» there + be + likely to be = ser probable que + haber.

Example: Whatever the cause, there is likely to be confusion if we do nothing to distinguish such words.

» there + be + little doubt that = haber poca duda de que.

Example: There is little doubt in such cases that the enquirer has generalised his more specific need and a tactful librarian can soon arrive at the heart of the matter.

» there + be + little point in + Gerundio = no tener sentido + Infinitivo.

Example: There was, it appeared, little point in spending more than four minutes indexing a particular document, for the additional time gave no improvement in results.

» there + be + little sign of = no existir muchos indicios de que, no haber mucha señal de que, no parecer que.

Example: Even in the three years of the project the changes have accelerated and there is little sign of any reduction in the speed of change.

» there + be + more to it than that = haber todavía más, no quedarse ahí.

Example: There's more to it than that - he becomes vicious, cutting people up behind their backs if they cross him in any way.

» there + be + much to be done = haber mucho por hacer, haber mucho que hacer.

Example: Night after night, it becomes clear to me that I'm wasting time -- we've tried and we're tired, but there's still much to be done.

» there + be + nobody to turn to = no haber nadie a quien acudir.

Example: I had become quite overwrought about this problem and, of course, there was nobody to turn to.

» there + be + no denying that = no poderse negar que.

Example: There is no denying that close classification which distinguishes documents on one subject from those on another must be an aid to readers and staff.

» there + be + no doubt in + Posesivo + mind that = no tener la menor duda de que.

Example: A manqué artist will do when the real thing is unavailable, but there was no doubt in my mind that the musician onstage last night was incapable of delving deeply into any material.

» there + be + no doubt that = no haber duda de que.

Example: There is no doubt that IT has transformed attitudes and heightened the awareness of academics towards the significance of inculcating information skills = No hay duda de que la TI ha transformado las actitudes y ha hecho que los académicos sean más consciente de la importancia de inculcar las destrezas relacionadas con la información.

» there + be + no easy way out = no haber salida fácil, no haber solución fácil, no haber escapatoria fácil, no tener fácil arreglo.

Example: Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president -- as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.

» there + be + no end to = ser interminable, no tener fin.

Example: Chilton Book Company is probably the largest publisher of repair guides for automobiles and motorcycles, and there is no end to the clamor for these tools at a reference desk.

» there + be + no escaping the fact that = ser un hecho ineludible que.

Example: However, there is no escaping the fact that many fish are piscivores; that is, their natural diet isn't insects and crustaceans, but fish.

» there + be + no excusing = no poderse excusar, no haber excusa válida para.

Example: While there is no excusing some of the indelicate things she said, there was a kindness to Marge that made her a woman of the people.

» there + be + no free ride = no + haber + nada gratis, no + haber + nada gratuito, no + haber + nada fácil.

Example: My father always said that there's no free ride -- you've got to make a sacrifice.

» there + be + no future in = no tener futuro.

Example: He was worried stiff by how much he wanted her, knowing there was no future in it.

» there + be + no going back = no + haber + vuelta atrás.

Example: Friendship is sacred, and once you get in the sack, there is no going back.

» there + be + no hurry = no haber prisa, no correr prisa.

Example: There's no hurry, obviously, on the bookmobile question, but keep it in mind.

» there + be + no indication that = no haber indicios de que.

Example: There is no indication that the brain structurally resembles or operates like a digital computer.

» there + be + no joy = no ser un placer.

Example: Well, friends, we were really scraping the bottom of the barrel, and there was no joy, no joy at all.

» there + be + no limit = no existir límítes, no haber límites.

Example: There is no limit to the number and variety of bibliographic inaccuracies which can be found in interlibrary loan requests.

» there + be + no means of = no haber modo de.

Example: In an arithmetic notation (i.e. one using integers) if 62 represents the Novel and 63 Drama, there is no means of placing the Historical novel in its correct place which is clearly 'between' 62 and 63.

» there + be + no place in + Nombre + for + Gerundio = en el + Nombre + no + haber + lugar para.

Example: In my opinion, there is no place in football for showboating and showing up other players or teams.

» there + be + no point in + Gerundio = no tener sentido el + Infinitivo.

Example: There usually is no point in personally trying to correct misconceptions that may be the basis of some questions.

» there + be + no question of = no ser necesario, no ser cuestión de.

Example: There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.

» there + be + no question (that) = no haber duda (que), no caber duda (de que).

Example: As Musiker indicates there is no question that librarians must take full account of non-print media in their collection building and exploitation.

» there + be + no rhyme or reason = no tener (ni) orden ni concierto, no tener lógica ni explicación, no tener (ni) pies ni cabeza, no tener (ni) ton ni son.

Example: There's no rhyme or reason to her choices, she's the only one who knows why she chooses the way she does.

» there + be + no sense in + Gerundio = no tener sentido + Infinitivo, no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo.

Example: There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about = No tiene sentido andarse con precisiones cuando no se tiene ni idea de lo que se está hablando.

» there + be + no sign of = no existir ningún indicio de que, no haber señal de que, no parecer que.

Example: Customs barriers and restrictions on agency agreements for publishers may make life easier but there is no immediate sign of monetary union which would simplify the payment for international interlending transactions.

» there + be + no such thing as = no existir como tal.

Example: It makes good sense to hire the person most qualified for a job, and there is no such thing as being 'overqualified' for reference work.

» there + be + no telling how = no saberse lo, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber lo.

Example: There's no telling how apoplectic the president will become once these stories reach his favorite medium: television.

» there + be + no telling how = no saberse cómo, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber cómo.

Example: There was no telling how she got to the island, nor how she had managed to survive since then.

» there + be + no telling how far = no saberse (a) qué distancia, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber (a) qué distancia.

Example: There was no telling how far they would have to travel before they reached the diamond mine.

» there + be + no telling how long = no saberse cuánto tiempo, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber cuánto tiempo.

Example: For the moment, he was safe but there was no telling how long that would last.

» there + be + no telling how many/much = no saberse cuánto(s), no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber cuánto(s).

Example: There was no telling how many more women had been too ashamed to go to the police.

» there + be + no telling what = no saberse qué, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber qué.

Example: We never have seen her and know little of her, but there is no telling what such an uncultivated person as she might do.

» there + be + no telling when = no saberse cuándo, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber cuándo.

Example: There is no telling when the full potential of information technology for preservation and dissemination will be realized.

» there + be + no telling where = no saberse dónde, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber dónde.

Example: If they followed Cicero there was no telling where they would end.

» there + be + no telling which = no saberse cuál, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber cuál.

Example: Luke was firing too, as well as Carl, and there was no telling which gun actually shot Jason.

» there + be + no telling who = no saberse quién, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber quién.

Example: I thought about using the lift, but there was no telling who I'd find inside.

» there + be + no telling why = no saberse por qué, no haber forma/manera/modo de averiguar/conocer/saber por qué.

Example: Sometimes her back was okay in the morning, sometimes it was not, there was no telling why and how.

» there + be + nothing like = no + haber + nada como.

Example: There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

» there + be + nothing wrong in/with = no + haber + nada malo en.

Example: There is nothing wrong in teaching the values of sharing and playing fair among sibblings.

» there + be + not much/no/little love lost between = no aguantarse, no soportarse, no poderse ver, odiarse.

Example: It was obvious that there was no love lost between the two candidates during last night's political debate.

» there + be + no turning back = no haber vuelta atrás.

Example: The path toward European integration has reached a critical point: obstacles remain, but there can be no turning back.

» there + be + no way = no haber manera de, no haber forma de, no caber la menor posibilidad de, de ninguna manera, de ningún modo, de ninguna forma.

Example: There's no way I could attend the conference over the big pond from the UK.

» there + be + no way back = no haber manera de volver, no haber manera de regresar, no haber forma de volver, no haber forma de regresar, no haber modo de volver, no haber modo de regresar.

Example: For most threatened plants and animals, there is no way back from a place on the list of endangered species.

» there + be + no way out = no haber salida, no haber escapatoria, no haber solución.

Example: They waited for help, but by then, they knew there was no way out but the window.

» there + be + no where to turn = no saber a dónde acudir, no saber a quién acudir.

Example: Have you ever been in a situation in which you were up against a brick wall and felt there was absolutely no where to turn?.

» there + be + reason for hope = existir razón para la esperanza, haber razón para la esperanza, haber motivo para la esperanza, existir motivo para la esperanza.

Example: There is still reason for hope, but here's the catch: We all need to work to make change happen, because our leaders won't just do it for us.

» there + be + reason to believe that = hay razones para pensar que.

Example: There is no particular reason to believe that the author interfered with the punctuation.

» there + be + room for = existir la posibilidad de que.

Example: There is room for everyone to profit from academic software - both in royalties from sales and intellectually.

» there + be + room for both ... = ser posible la coexistencia entre ....

Example: Just as libraries can exist alongside bookshops and video rental shops, so there is room for both libraries and private enterprise in the computer area.

» there + be + scope for = existir la posibilidad de.

Example: There is nevertheless some scope in some African countries for the exploitation of basic information technologies for such actitivies as the internal husbanding and sharing of decision-making data.

» there + be + signs of/that = existir indicios de (que).

Example: But there are signs of a change as new and powerful instrumentalities come into use.

» there + be + something fishy going on with = haber algo sospechoso con, haber algo raro con.

Example: I had a mechanic chap take a gander earlier on and he said it's possible the pedal itself is kaput, as in there's something fishy going on with the mechanics of it.

» there + be + so much to be done = haber tanto por hacer, haber tanto que hacer.

Example: How do you get things done when there's so much to be done you're not sure where to get started?.

» there + be + still a great deal to be learned = quedar mucho por saber, quedar mucho por conocer.

Example: There is still a great deal to be learned about information, its use by people and the way people interact with machines before information technology can realize its full potential.

» there + be + storm clouds on the horizon = tormenta + avecinarse, tormenta + amenazar.

Example: While the long-term future of the property market looks relatively bright, there may be some potential storm clouds on the horizon.

» there + be + strong feeling = pensar, estar convencido.

Example: Furthermore there is a strong feeling amongst the journalists that information retrieval is not part of their job but should be carried out by trained librarians.

» there + be + strong indications that = existir fuertes indicaciones de que.

Example: There are strong indications that Serbia will give a flat refusal to the demands announced by the Bulgarian premier, Vassil, three weeks ago.

» there'd [there would] = habría. [Contracción de there would]

Example: Work flow might even be smoother because there'd be no need to examine each book the moment it's returned to see whether or not it's overdue.

» there + have + been = haber.

Example: Mr. Kilgour's publications are truly too voluminous to list; over a period of four decades, there have been few years in which he has not published.

» there is always a beginning and an end = siempre hay un princpio y un final.

Example: Just like a flower in season, everything has its appointed time and there is always a beginning and an end.

» there is a thin line between love and hate = del amor al odio hay (sólo) un paso.

Example: His confident and somewhat arrogant persona makes her blood boil, but as the saying goes: there is a thin line between love and hate.

» there is honour among thieves = perro no come perro.

Example: That there is 'honour among thieves' is well known, and there are many cultures in which one does not cheat those who are part of the family or tribe, be may cheat or steal from outsiders.

» there is no such thing as a free lunch = nada es gratis en la viña del Señor.

Example: So for any of you thinking of using this program do be aware there is no such thing as a free lunch.

» there is no such thing as a free ride = nada es gratis en la viña del Señor.

Example: Economists constantly remind us that there is no such thing as a free ride, and the analogy can easily be applied to our transportation systems.

» there is/was more to it than meets/met the eye = las cosas no son tan simples como parecen, las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen, aquí hay gato encerrado, las apariencias engañan.

Example: So don't be too hasty to write it off -- there's more to it than meets the eye.

» there is/was more to the picture than meets/met the eye = las cosas no son tan simples como parecen, las cosas son más complicadas de lo que parecen, aquí hay gato encerrado, las apariencias engañan.

Example: Despite this common sense observation, most economists have failed to see that 'there's more to the picture than meets the eye', as Neil Young once sang.

» there'll [there will] = habrá. [Contracción de there will]

Example: With a no fine policy there'll no longer be a need for patrons to sneak books back on the shelves after they're due and then pretend they were there all the time = Sin una política de sanciones los usuarios ya no tendrán la necesidad de devolver los libros a los estantes sin ser vistos después de haber vencido su préstamo y luego fingir que estaban allí desde hace tiempo.

» there + ought to be = debería existir, debería haber.

Example: There ought to be a special kind of Hell to which poor citators can be consigned.

» there's [there is] = hay. [Contracción de there is]

Example: The constituent networks may have presidents and CEO's (chief executive officers), but that's a different issue; there's no single authority figure for the Internet as a whole.

» there's cash in trash = los trabajos que nadie quieren dan dinero, los trabajos sucios dan dinero.

Example: In the north of England there is an old adage 'Where there's muck, there's brass' (or money), while in the US they may argue 'there's cash in trash'.

» there + seem + little point in = parece tener poco sentido que.

Example: There seems little point in hundreds of cataloguers in separate locations wading through cataloguing codes and classification schemes in order to create a variety of catalogue records for the same work.

» There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip = del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho, entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran trecho.

Example: There's many a slip twixt cup and lip, of course, in plans like these, but that's the intention now.

» there's more than one way to skin a cat = cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.

Example: There may be more than one way to skin a cat but there is only one way that is the most efficient.

» there's no place like home = como en casa no se está en ningún sitio.

Example: The article 'There's no place like home: the Web, the World, and you' discusses what home pages could include, how to maintain them, and possible future styles.

» there's no smoke without fire = cuando el río suena, agua lleva; donde hay humo, hay fuego.

Example: Most people will be thinking 'there's no smoke without fire' which is one reason why reporting on crimes should be banned until after a verdict is delivered.

» there's no substitute for experience = no hay nada como la experiencia, más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.

Example: The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.

» there's one born every minute = los hay para dar y regalar.

Example: There's one born every minute: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

» there's the rub = esa es la pega, esta es la pega, ese es el problema, ahí está el problema, esa es la dificultad, ahí está la dificultad, esa es la cuestión, ese es el asunto.

Example: And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.

» there was a time when = hubo una época en la que.

Example: There was a time when they could actually influence things -- these days they're just barking at the moon hoping they're not in the next layoff.

» to everything there is a season = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: I know that to everything there is a season, but I am a gardener and I start counting the days until spring the day after Christmas.

» where there's a will there's a way = querer es poder.

Example: She answered by saying that while we may not have a solution yet, 'where there's a will, there's a way'.

» where there's life there's hope = mientras hay vida hay esperanza, siempre queda una esperanza.

Example: People often say of one who is critically ill, 'where there's life, there's hope' but the reverse is probably more true: 'where there's hope, there's life'.

» where there's muck there's brass = los trabajos que nadie quieren dan dinero, los trabajos sucios dan dinero.

Example: In the north of England there is an old adage 'Where there's muck, there's brass' (or money), while in the US they may argue 'there's cash in trash'.

» where there's muck there's money = los trabajos que nadie quieren dan dinero, los trabajos sucios dan dinero.

Example: In the north of England there is an old adage 'Where there's muck, there's brass' (or money), while in the US they may argue 'there's cash in trash'.

» where there's smoke there's fire = cuando el río suena agua lleva, donde hay humo hay fuego.

Example: It's not going to work because even the most uninvolved citizens know that where there's smoke there's fire.

There synonyms

thither in spanish: , pronunciation: θɪðɜr part of speech: adverb in that respect in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnðætrɪspekt part of speech: adverb at that place in spanish: , pronunciation: ætðætpleɪs part of speech: adverb on that point in spanish: , pronunciation: ɑnðætpɔɪnt part of speech: adverb in that location in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnðætloʊkeɪʃən part of speech: adverb

There antonyms

here pronunciation: hɪr part of speech: adverb hither pronunciation: hɪðɜr part of speech: adverb
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