Theory in spanish


pronunciation: teoʊɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

theory = teoría. 

Example: A study of the major general schemes reveals a wide gulf between theory, as outlined in the previous chapter, and practice, as reflected in the major schemes.


» according to theory = según la teoría, de acuerdo con la teoría.

Example: According to theory, companies will act trustfully if their scope for opportunistic behavior is limited = Según la teoría, las empresas actuarán con integridad si se les limita la posibilidad de aprovecharse del mercado.

» actor network theory = teoría de actor-red.

Example: This article studies the field of scientometrics through the problematic network built by scientific articles, using actor network theory as a model for scientific knowledge growth.

» advance + a theory = proponer una teoría.

Example: One theory commonly advanced is that it was done in deference to William Henry Fox Talbot.

» big bang theory, the = teoría del big bang, la.

Example: The universe flashed into existence (according to the Big Bang theory) from a very small agglomeration of matter of extremely high density and temperatures.

» communication theory = teoría de la comunicación. [Disciplina científica dedicada al estudio del proceso y a los sistemas de comunicación]

Example: The scientific discipline concerned with the study of communication processes and communication systems is known as communication theory.

» convolution theory = teoría convolucionista.

Example: This article presents a new explanation of Lotka's law based on convolution theory = Este artículo presenta una nueva explicación de la ley de Lotka basándose en la teoría convolucionista.

» developmental theory = teoría evolutiva, teoría del desarrollo humano.

Example: Piage's developmental theory of knowledge establishes four major periods in the intellectual development of the child.

» disprove + a theory = refutar una teoría.

Example: The story of Muhammad's conquest of Khaybar disproves the theory that Muslims only wage war in self-defense.

» economic theory = teoría económica.

Example: At the other extreme is Mises, who describes economic theory as an essential element in the structure of human civilization.

» fuzzy set theory = teoría de conjuntos difusos.

Example: The object of applying fuzzy set theory to information retrieval systems is that, by using a computer, we may be able to devise a system that will allow us to rank documents retrieved in probable order of relevance.

» game theory = teoría de juegos.

Example: The application of game theory to library networks consists of three basic subjects: the calculation of the costs of a network, the calculation of the gross benefits for the whole network, and the stability of the network.

» grand theory = superteoría.

Example: There is a potential for diversity in software engineering with the valorization of differences, pluralities and heterogeneities at the expense of grand theory.

» grounded in theory = basado en la teoría.

Example: Secondary analyses included journal type, author type, article type, whether the literature was grounded in theory, and user groups considered.

» grounded theory = teoría fundamentada, teoría inductiva. [Teoría basada en el análisis de datos]

Example: Grounded theory is a style of qualitative research which follows a systematic set of procedures which concentrate on the analysis of data = La teoría inductiva es un estilo de investigación cualitativa que sigue un conjunto de procedimientos sistemáticos que se concentran en el análisis de datos.

» information theory = teoría de la información.

Example: In this study the concept of entropy well-known in information theory and thermodynamics is applied to the fields of scientometrics and innovation research.

» in theory = en teoría.

Example: It simply sells space to Information Providers (IPs) who, in theory at least, can put up what information they like, accurate or inaccurate, being bound only by existing laws of libel, obscenity etc.

» linguistic theory = teoría lingüística.

Example: This article sketches a general interdisciplinary research effort in information retrieval which would take into account the methodologies, formalisms, and/or findings from natural language processing and linguistic theory.

» literary theory = teoría literaria, teoría de la literatura.

Example: Some critics consider literary criticism a practical application of literary theory, as criticism always deals directly with a literary work, albeit from a theoretical point of view.

» management theory = teoría de la gestión.

Example: This article considers current management theory and its aptness for libraries in a period of rapid change.

» metatheory = metateoría.

Example: The author describes metatheory as the analysis of the presuppositions of a field of knowledge or practice = El autor describe la metateoría como el análisis de los presupuestos de un campo del conocimiento o de la práctica.

» motivational theory = teoría de la motivación.

Example: This article considers the application of decentralized decision making as an important technique of library management with particular reference to motivational theory.

» music theory = teoría musical.

Example: In addition to their music audition, they will be given a diagnostic test in music theory.

» possibility theory = ?.

Example: 2 ideas for such interfaces are: possibility theory applied to fuzzy data retrieval, with hazy data and/or requests; and a machine learning technique applied to learning the user's deep need.

» psychoanalytical theory = teoría del sicoanálisis.

Example: It was in the course of treating hysterical patients in the 1980s that Freud began to form the major concepts of psychoanalytic theory.

» quantum theory = teoría cuántica.

Example: For example, in Physics, relativity theory and quantum theory have led to a new approach to the whole of the subject.

» relativity theory = teoría de la relatividad.

Example: For example, in Physics, relativity theory and quantum theory have led to a new approach to the whole of the subject.

» scientific theory = teoría científica.

Example: The nature of science is that one should not accept anything without question and if you are accepting scientific theory without question.

» set theory = teoría de conjuntos.

Example: As with relevance and recall, these operations can be represented by Venn diagrams using set theory.

» support + Posesivo + theory = sustentar + Posesivo + teoría, sostener + Posesivo + teoría, defender + Posesivo + teoría.

Example: I think this idea is completely ludicrous, but the method used to support her theory is nicely done.

» systems theory = teoría de sistemas.

Example: In parallel with the work of the classification theorists, general systems theory was evolved to consider similar problems.

» theory of evolution, the = teoría de la evolución, la.

Example: We often hear biologists claim the theory of evolution is as well tested as the theory of gravity.

» theory of gravity, the = teoría de la gravedad, la.

Example: We often hear biologists claim the theory of evolution is as well tested as the theory of gravity.

» theory of integrative levels = teoría de niveles integrados.

Example: The theory of integrative levels emerged.

» theory of music = teoría de la música.

Example: Her book will be extremely interesting to all who have studied harmony and the theory of music.

» theory test = examen de teoría, examen teórico.

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» wave theory of light = teoría ondulatoria de la luz.

Example: He is a direct descendant of Christian Huygens best known for his invention of the pendulum clock, his wave theory of light and discovery of Saturn's rings.

Theory synonyms

hypothesis in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪpɑθəsəs part of speech: noun possibility in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑsəbɪləti part of speech: noun
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