Then in spanish


pronunciation: entoʊnθes part of speech: adverb
In gestures

then1 = entonces. 

Example: An exposure to ammonia gas destroys the unexposed dye, and the picture can then be taken out into the light and examined.


» back then = en aquel entonces.

Example: Aprons were close kin to pinafores, which had some popularity back then.

» between then and now = desde entonces (y) hasta ahora.

Example: Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.

» by then = para entonces, para aquel entonces, por aquel entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquel momento, en aquellos tiempos.

Example: By then, in Britain, less than 10 universities had post-war libraries.

» come + a long way since then = llegar muy lejos desde entonces, avanzar mucho desde entonces, cambiar mucho desde entonces.

Example: Smoking pipes have been in existence since approximately 5000BC, but they've come a long way since then.

» die + there and then = quedarse en el sitio, morir al instante, morir instantáneamente.

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

» even then = aun entonces, incluso entonces.

Example: During the Golden Age, more than forty-five publishing companies competed for a share of the ever-growing pie, but even then, a few large firms dominated the market.

» ever since then = desde entonces.

Example: Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.

» every now and then = de vez en cuando, alguna que otra vez, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.

» from then on = a partir de entonces, desde entonces.

Example: Until the mid seventeenth century compositors generally sat to their work, but from then on it became more usual to compose standing up, an easier position for fast work.

» from then to the present day = desde entonces hasta la actualidad.

Example: From then to the present day, although many methods have been used and still are, heat remains one of the principal cornerstones of food preservation.

» If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck = si se parece a un pato, anda como un pato y grazna como un pato, entonces es un pato.

Example: You know what they say, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck, or in this case, a lying, stealing, cheating fraud.

» I think then/therefore/thus/so I am = Pienso, luego existo.

Example: While he is remembered today as the philosopher who said, 'I think, therefore I am,' Descartes' work extended much further.

» just then = justo en ese momento, en ese momento.

Example: There was no other way that William could just then express the understanding he had clearly reached that some books are impossible to read.

» little did + Verbo + then that... = quién iba a decir entonces que....

Example: Little did she expect then that two years later, at the age of 30, she would be sitting in Bajalovic's office and hearing the director say, with the joy of the bringer of glad tidings: 'How would you like to be acting director of the Medical Center library?'.

» now and then = de vez en cuando.

Example: All talk now and then wanders down byways, for a moment or two, during which the participants gather themselves for a fresh attack on the main subject.

» now then = entonces pues.

Example: Now then, I'm here to 'recruit' (not sure if that's the correct word) some intelligent players to play the game with.

» since then = desde entonces.

Example: Since then library planning has developed along lines best suited to British practise and needs.

» then as now = entonces al igual que ahora.

Example: In fact, then as now, a publisher, to achieve success, needed charm, financial acumen, a knowledge of the future, a stony heart, and a very rich wife.

» then-current = de esa época, de aquella época, de ese entonces, de aquel entonces, vigente en ese momento, vigente en aquel momento, vigente entonces, entonces vigente, de entonces.

Example: However, we will honor any long term contracts at the then-current rate.

» there and then = allí mismo.

Example: Usually, of course, the relevant materials are produced there and then for the enquirer to look at on the spot.

» then then + Nombre = el entonces + Nombre, en aquel entonces, en aquel momento, en aquellos tiempos.

Example: In 1892 Klas Linderfelt, the then ALA President, was jailed for 4 days on charges of embezzling more than $4,000 from library funds.

» till then = hasta entonces.

Example: Till then things seems to be dicey.

» until then = hasta entonces.

Example: But some analysts wonder whether the domestic automakers can hang on until then without running out of cash.

» up till then = hasta entonces.

Example: He felt that, up till then, libraries had carried out their information function in a very passive way, relying, by and large, on the printed and published word.

» up until then = hasta entonces.

Example: Up until then the conventional wisdom had it that the Liberal Democrats were doomed to oblivion based on their poll ratings.

then2 = a continuación, luego, después. 

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.


» but then again = pero por otro lado, pero por otra parte, pero al mismo tiempo, pero a la vez, aunque, y sin embargo.

Example: But then again, there are thousands of such ditses out there that need mental help.

» then afterwards = y luego, y después, y posteriormente, y a continuación.

Example: He first began performing publicly whilst living in Japan, then afterwards lived and traveled throughout various places in Asia which helped to kindle his musical inspiration.

» then again = y además.

Example: Then again, who but a churl could fail to grieve at the waste of an artistic life of such immensity and grandeur?.

then3 = por (lo) tanto, pues, por consiguiente. 

Example: In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.

Then synonyms

so in spanish: , pronunciation: soʊ part of speech: adverb and then in spanish: , pronunciation: ændðen part of speech: adverb and so in spanish: , pronunciation: ændsoʊ part of speech: adverb
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