Themselves in spanish

Sí mismos

pronunciation: simismoʊs part of speech: none
In gestures

themselves1 = ellos mismos. 

Example: All of the Fellows gained a new perspective on themselves and others through this experience.


» Nombre + himself/herself/themselves = el mismo + Nombre, el propio + Nombre.

Example: However, Peter himself is forced to appear on the deck to stop the ship's captain from taking matters into his own hands.

» take care of the pence/pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves = a quien sabe guardar una peseta, nunca le fata(rá) un duro.

Example: The popular saying 'Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves' is as true of personal habits as of money .

» the numbers speak for themselves = los números hablan por sí solos/mismos, los números cantan (por sí solos) .

Example: The numbers speak for themselves: for every two homeless children in 2006, there are now three -- and that's not the most frightening statistic.

» the very + Nombre + himself/herself/themselves = el mismo + Nombre, el propio + Nombre.

Example: I have experienced not only iffy quality on the food at this pub, but absolutely awful service from the staff and the very owners themselves.

themselves2 = en sí. 

Example: It is obviously useful to have the documents themselves arranged into classes.


» be ends in themselves = ser un fin en sí mismos.

Example: Information networks are not ends in themselves, but rather are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information.

» by themselves = por sí solos.

Example: See GUIDE:STOPWORDS for a list of common words that cannot be used by themselves as search requests.

» in themselves = por sí solos, en sí mismos, por sí mismos.

Example: A fascicle is one of the temporary divisions of a work that, for convenience in printing or publication, is issued in small instalments, usually incomplete in themselves.

» problem(s) + take care of itself/themselves = problema(s) resolverse por sí solo(s).

Example: He said there was every likelihood that the problem would take care of itself.
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