Thematic in spanish


pronunciation: temɑtikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

thematic = temático. 

Example: In particular, a title that consists solely of the name(s) of type(s) of composition requires the following elements in addition to the statement of the medium of performance: serial number, opus number or thematic index number, key.


» thematic index = índice temático. [Lista de las obras de un compositor, generalmente ordenada cronológicamente o por categorías, en la que aparece el tema de cada una de las composiciones]

Example: A thematic index is a list of a composer's works, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.

» thematic index number = número de tema.

Example: In particular, a title that consists solely of the name(s) of type(s) of composition requires the following elements in addition to the statement of the medium of performance: serial number, opus number or thematic index number, key.

» thematic issue = número monográfico.

Example: This is a contribution to a thematic issue on microcomputers in UK government libraries.

» thematic novel = novela temática. [Novela cuyo contenido gira en torno a un tema de interés, generalmente por su conflictividad]

Example: Think, for example, of many of the thematic novels about moral conflict published during the past twenty years.

Thematic antonyms

unthematic pronunciation: ənθəmætɪk part of speech: adjective
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