Their in spanish


pronunciation: su part of speech: noun
In gestures

their = su. 

Example: The physical format of manual post-coordinate indexes also restricts their use to sectors in which the librarian or information officer acts as an intermediary between the index and its users.


» each (one) to their own (taste) = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito, cada loco con su tema, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.

Example: But like Coleen says each to their own, you can always change your name or just get people to call you something else.

» everybody and his/their mother = todo bicho viviente, todo quisqui, todo quisque, todo dios.

Example: Everybody and their mother seem to be jumping into the high-margin cosmetics business these days.

» everyone and his/their mother = todo bicho viviente, todo quisqui, todo quisque, todo dios.

Example: Everyone and their mother (literally) will be ducking out from work early today to be with their nearest and dearest for the long weekend.

» everyone to their (own) taste = sobre gustos no hay nada escrito.

Example: Like the flea said when he bit the elephant in the butt, 'everyone to his own taste'.

» for its/their own sake = por sí mismo, por sí solo, para sí mismo.

Example: Enthusiasm in a searcher, of course, all are agreed on: 'he must delight in the chase for its own sake'.

» from + its/their + beginnings = desde sus comienzos.

Example: The article examines the history of the British National Bibliography from its beginnings in 1950 to 1991.

» from + its/their + inception = desde su origen, desde sus comienzos.

Example: From their inception CD-ROM and OPACs have been designed for the end-user.

» in its/their widest sense = en su sentido más amplio.

Example: The study covers the full range of functions for the bibliographic record in its widest sense.

» in (their) droves = en masa, en manadas, en mogollón, en bandadas, a montones.

Example: Industry sales eventually peaked in 1993, and the artificial bubble burst as disillusioned speculators left the comic book market in droves, never to return.

» let matters take their course = no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal, cada cosa a su tiempo.

Example: I'll just let matters take their course and concentrate on studying and hope that everything will be all right in the end.

» shed + its/their leaves = perder las hojas, caerse las hojas.

Example: If it's late fall or early in the winter (after the plant has shed its leaves but before snow has fallen), you can also do some pruning to shape the wisteria vine.

» since + its/their + beginnings = desde sus comienzos.

Example: The article details the history of the development of the Internet since its beginnings as a network to provide support of military research in 1960.

» since + its/their + inception = desde su origen, desde sus comienzos.

Example: OCLC, as a membership organization, has, since its inception, sought advice from its members, or had advice thrust upon it.

» take on + its/their own momentum = adquirir su propia dinámica, adquirir su propio impulso.

Example: Through exploitation rose resistance and protest movements which took on their own momentum.

» Their Majesties = Sus Majestades.

Example: In the absence of Their Majesties, the flagstaff on the Round Tower of Windsor Castle is being cleaned and beeswaxed.

» who in (their/his/her) right mind = estar loco si, tratar de loco si.

Example: I nearly bit her hand off, who in their right mind would say no to a selection of underwear from one of the most luxurious knicker brands in the marketplace.
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