Theft in spanish


pronunciation: roʊboʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

theft = robo, hurto. 

Example: I have never seen any statistics showing that nonbook materials are more subject to theft than books.


» anti-theft = antirrobo.

Example: This article assesses the cost of book loses to a library without anti-theft equipment = Este artículo evalúa los costes de las pérdidas de libros en una biblioteca sin un equipo antirrobo.

» anti-theft strip = pegatina antirrobo, etiqueta antirrobo.

Example: For libraries and information centres that have an electronic surveillance system anti-theft strips can be affixed to the journals = Aquellas bibliotecas y centros de documentación que dispongan de sistemas de vigilancia electrónica también pueden solicitar que se coloquen pegatinas antirrobo en sus revistas.

» book theft = robo de libros.

Example: Book theft and multilation represent a major problem for libraries.

» electronic theft detection system = sistema electrónico de detección de robos.

Example: Electronic theft detection systems have been in use in libraries for over 20 years.

» execute + a theft = cometer un robo, llevar a cabo un robo.

Example: In 1962, 2 people executed a large theft of documents from the National Archives in Washington.

» identity theft = robo de identidad, suplantación de identidad.

Example: We take identity theft seriously, but our banks are dragging their feet.

» petty theft = hurto.

Example: The authorities had in mind the book's endemic lying, the petty thefts, the denigrations of respect and religion, the bad language and the bad grammar.

» snatch theft = robo del tirón.

Example: One way to avoid being a snatch theft victim is to suspect every oncoming motorcyclist to be a snatch thief.

» theft detection = detección de robos.

Example: This article presents arguments in favour of traditional methods of stock circulation, theft detection, and catalogue storage.

» theft detection device = dispositivo de detección de robos.

Example: The head of the circulation was asked to investigate the desirability of theft detection devices and to answer questions about their legality and health risk.

» theft loss = pérdida por robo, pérdida por hurto.

Example: Losing property due to a casualty, i.e. fire, flood, hurricane, or theft is devastating, but some casualty or theft losses can be recouped through income tax breaks on your tax return.

» theft of belongings = robo de pertenencias.

Example: Theft or attempted theft of belongings is excluded if your car has been left unlocked, left with the keys in it or with a window or roof open.

» theft proof = a prueba de robos.

Example: The system is clean, largely theft proof and space saving, requiring only four double-sided discs per year.

Theft synonyms

larceny in spanish: , pronunciation: lɑrsəni part of speech: noun stealing in spanish: , pronunciation: stilɪŋ part of speech: noun thievery in spanish: , pronunciation: θivɜri part of speech: noun thieving in spanish: , pronunciation: θivɪŋ part of speech: noun
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