Theatre in spanish


pronunciation: teɑtɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

theatre [theater, -USA]1 = teatro. [Pincha en o para ver otras palabras que presentan esta variación en su terminación final según sean del inglés británico o del inglés americano]

Example: The bulk of the town's residents had little time for culture, for the theater, for the erudite lecture.


» amphitheatre [amphitheater, -USA] = anfiteatro. 

Example: This lavishly illustrated book ultimately fails in its attempt to tread a middle path between the scholarly and popular approaches to the Roman amphitheatre.

» go to + the theatre = ir al teatro.

Example: By contrast, other quite literate people prefer to spend their leisure going to the cinema, the theatre, the pub, to sporting events or any of a hundred other forms of recreation.

» musical theatre = musical.

Example: American composer, Jerome Kern, was a colossus of twentieth century musical theater with a career spanning over forty years.

» outdoor theatre = teatro al aire libre.

Example: A lake, a park, the sea, the sky ... nothing beats the backdrops of these outdoor theatres.

» puppet theatre = guiñol, títeres.

Example: The article 'The power to enchant: puppets in the public library' describes the construction of a puppet theatre in a public library.

» theatre artiste = artista de teatro.

Example: The recent exhibition illustrating the work of notable 20th century theatre artistes used a wide range of types of documents and artefacts.

» theatre arts collection = colección de objetos de las artes escénicas.

Example: This article outlines the collection of books, manuscripts, photographs and an exhaustive theatre arts collection.

» theatre buff = amante del teatro, aficionado al teatro.

Example: The aesthetic judgments of experts, theater buffs, and novices were compared .

» theatre company = compañía de teatro, compañía teatral.

Example: In 1974 she was the moving spirit and driving force behind the founding of a theatre company dedicated to presenting stage classics.

» theatregoer [theatre-goer] = espectador. [De teatro]

Example: Unlike other works, it unusually allowed theatergoers the opportunity to consider issues of racism and slavery in an American setting at the beginning of the American Civil War.

» theatre-going = ir al teatro.

Example: The trouble with all this are the implicit assumption that education is acquired primarily from ìnformational' programmes; that football, say, is a recreation of no or low `cultural value', whilst rugby or chess -- or certainly theatre-going -- are.

» theatre group = grupo de teatro, grupo dramático.

Example: A local theatre group performed in the main hall and acted out to the audience what life was like in Ancient Greece.

» theatre production = producción teatral, producción dramática.

Example: This article considers the research needs of those producing amateur theatre production (costumes and scenery) and suggests ways in which they may work closely with public libraries.

» theatre school = escuela de teatro, escuela de arte dramático.

Example: I was fortunate to discover at a theatre school that I was so bad an actor.

» theatre show = espectáculo teatral, producción teatral, representación teatral, producción dramática, representación dramática.

Example: He has also collaborated on six theatre shows that have toured both in Britain and Europe.

» variety theatre = teatro de variedades.

Example: The author describes the cowboys, barrooms, variety theaters, and bawdy houses and their patrons in an attempt to separate historical reality from local myth.

theatre [theater, -USA]2 [Pincha en o para ver otras palabras que presentan esta variación en su terminación final según sean del inglés británico o del inglés americano]


» auditory theatre = auditorio, sala de conferencias.

Example: Seats in halls, lecture and auditory theatres intended for audiences of special events are excluded.

» home theatre = cine en casa.

Example: DVD players, CD players, speakers and cassette decks that have provisions for expanding a stereo system into a complete home theater are the recommended best buys.

» lecture theatre = sala de conferencias, aula de conferencias.

Example: The building includes seminar rooms, lecture theatres and a well-equipped library which houses audio-visual rooms, study carrels, display and reading rooms and stacks.

» main lecture theatre = aula magna.

Example: Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.

» movie theatre = sala de cine, cine.

Example: Public facilities are grouped according to major domain areas such as recreation and leisure (art museum, zoo, swimming pool, movie theatres, and skating rink); community (grocery store, bus depot, community hall); etc.

» operating theatre = quirófano.

Example: Every hospital is to collect information on size of waiting lists, waiting times for treatment, use of beds and operating theatres, accidents, emergencies and para-medical services.

theatre [theater, -USA]3 = escenario de la guerra. [Pincha en o para ver otras palabras que presentan esta variación en su terminación final según sean del inglés británico o del inglés americano]

Example: This journal provides a social and military history of the GI in the European theater in World War 2.


» theatre of operations = teatro de operaciones, escenario de operaciones.

Example: He examines recently published general works on this conflict and also surveys more specialized books on the various theaters of operations.

» theatre of war = escenario de la guerra.

Example: The author examines the role of codebreaking in MacArthur's theater of war.

Theatre synonyms

house in spanish: , pronunciation: haʊs part of speech: noun theater in spanish: , pronunciation: θiətɜr part of speech: noun dramaturgy in spanish: , pronunciation: drɑmətɜrdʒi part of speech: noun dramatics in spanish: , pronunciation: drəmætɪks part of speech: noun dramatic art in spanish: , pronunciation: drəmætɪkɑrt part of speech: noun
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