The in spanish


pronunciation: loʊs part of speech: noun
In gestures

the = el, la, los, las. 

Example: The first institute, 'The Catalog: Its Nature and Prospects,' was held in New York City on October 9 and 10, 1975.


» all the more = aun más, cuanto más.

Example: He listened with rapture, and all the more because it was a poignant moment in his life.

» and the kind = y similares, etcétera.

Example: The main finding was that the foreign language holdings of the British Library were an extremely important resource for those working in disciplines, such as archeology, classics, and the kind.

» and the like = etcétera.

Example: And it can be used in management courses in schools of library and information science, but also in less formal settings, such as workshops, conferences, in-service training programs, and the like.

» arrive at + the heart of the matter = llegar al meollo de la cuestión, llegar al quid de la cuestión.

Example: There is little doubt in such cases that the enquirer has generalised his more specific need and a tactful librarian can soon arrive at the heart of the matter.

» a/the doorway to = el camino que lleva a, el sendero que lleva a, la senda que lleva a.

Example: Users today expect the library to be a doorway to content that can be found in online databases, through institutional repositories, and beyond.

» at the one time = a la vez, al mismo tiempo.

Example: For example, an obvious question is do most people only have one book on the go at the one time?.

» be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo = ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo.

Example: I am one of the last people in the world to be a devil's advocate for ISBD.

» during the next few years = durante los próximos años.

Example: Of all the factors influencing the on-line information services industry during the next few years, telephone deregulation could well be the most important.

» fear of the unknown = miedo a lo desconocido, miedo hacia lo desconocido.

Example: Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.

» for the best = para bien.

Example: She was conscious of a strong desire to act wisely, prudently, for the best.

» for the better = para bien.

Example: Books have the power to alter people for the worse as well as for the better.

» for the next few years = durante los próximos años.

Example: There is no doubt that this scheme deserves to succeed, but we live in a harsh world, where success tends to go to the successful rather than to the deserving, and one can only reserve judgement for the next few years.

» for the worse = para mal.

Example: Books have the power to alter people for the worse as well as for the better.

» in the near future = en un futuro próximo, en un futuro cercano, en un futuro no muy lejano, en un futuro más o menos cercano, en un futuro más o menos lejano, en un período más o menos cercano, en un período más o menos lejano.

Example: In the same context, let me put before you an issue which I think you will be hearing a good deal about in the near future.

» in the next few years = en los próximos años.

Example: Again, this method looks very attractive compared with manual methods, and is likely to become available to large numbers of people in the next few years.

» in the postwar period = en la época de posguerra, tras las guerra.

Example: The author discusses the disillusion she developed with Italian politics and its failure to deliver properly funded nationwide public library system for Italy in the postwar period.

» in the very near future = en un futuro muy cercano.

Example: He will explore the challenges that face us in the very near future.

» library for the blind = biblioteca para ciegos. [Biblioteca especializada en material que los ciegos u otros con problemas de vista puedan leer y usar]

Example: The first library for the blind was established in 1892, but only dealt in books in Braille.

» library services for the deaf = servicios bibliotecarios para los sordos. [Servicios que una biblioteca presta para facilitar y posibilitar el uso de la biblioteca y de su material por los lectores con problemas auditivos]

Example: This article suggests low cost solutions to improve library services for the deaf.

» library services to the disadvantaged = servicios bibliotecarios para las personas en situación de desventaja.

Example: In 1987 the topic of the Annual Conference of the Zimbabwe Library Association was 'library services to the disadvantaged'.

» nothing can be further from the truth = nada puede estar más apartado de la realidad, nada puede estar más alejado de la realidad.

Example: Nothing could be further from the truth, for Balzac had accomplished miracles since he arrived in Rolling Ridge six years ago.

» not in the least + Nombre Negativo = algo completamente + Nombre positivo, en lo más mínimo, en absoluto, para nada, ni pizca, ni por asomo.

Example: There was nothing malevolent in her response or in her look; she simply stated it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, not in the least abnormal.

» not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre = uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo.

Example: Not the least remarkable feature of reference work is the way that identical enquiries turn up again and again.

» not the least + Nombre = uno de los + Nombre + más importante.

Example: Not the least value in the application of this research to the reference interview is its emphasis on the personal rather than the technical.

» not the least of + Nombre = uno de los + Nombre + más importantes.

Example: Not the least of the advantages of using this type of indexing is its lack of complexity.

» not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre = uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo.

Example: Not the least of the valuable side effects that the computer has had on reference work is an increased awareness of the critical importance of this pre-search stage of the reference process.

» on the way back = de vuelta (a), de regreso (a).

Example: On the way back I systematically searched through various reference books to collect miscellaneous statistics.

» over the next few years = durante los próximos años, en los próximos años.

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» punish + to the full extent of the law = castigar con todo el peso de la ley.

Example: Anyone who wilfully or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue belonging to the Library shall be punished to the full extent of the law of the State.

» spread + the gospel = difundir el evangelio.

Example: The archives of the Billy Graham Center document the nondenominational efforts of North American fundamentalist and evangelical Protestants to spread the gospel.

» take + the easy way out = elegir la solución más fácil, elegir la solución más cómoda, optar por la solución más fácil, optar por la solución más cómoda, elegir el camino más fácil, elegir el camino más cómodo, optar por el camino más fácil, optar por el camino más cómodo.

Example: The error of 'leniency, softness, or spinelessness' is the most common one -- taking the easy way out.

» the 1954 Hague Convention = la Convención de la Haya de 1954.

Example: UNESCO calls on the coalition forces to observe the principles of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols.

» the action = la movida.

Example: They're never apart, and always seem to pop up wherever the action is.

» the advantage is that = la ventaja es que.

Example: This will take more staff time, but the advantage is that the items themselves generally cost nothing.

» the alternative + be = la alternativa + ser.

Example: The alternative is to limit the computer to addressing only the simple clerical aspects of bibliographic control.

» the Americas = las Américas.

Example: This system of exchanges linked the markets of Eurasia, the Americas, Africa, and eventually even Melanesia, Australia, and Polynesia into the first truly global world system.

» the argument goes that = se postula que, se argumenta que.

Example: His work is criticized for its triviality and quantity (the argument goes that children need never and might never read anything else).

» the armpit of the = lo peor del.

Example: He was seen as the white knight who saved the school by transforming it from 'the armpit of the district' to a good school.

» the art of = el arte de.

Example: Must she become a master at the art of corporate gamesmanship?.

» the awful truth = la terrible verdad, la horrible verdad.

Example: The awful truth is that he knows that for the short term -- and seriously, that could mean years -- he stands a good chance of getting away with it.

» the back of = la parte trasera de, la parte de atrás de, la espalda de.

Example: There is a tendency for smaller items to be pushed to the back of the drawer and possibly crumpled as the drawer is opened and closed = Lo normal es que las cosas más pequeñas se vayan desplazando hacia la parte trasera del cajón y que posiblemente se arrugen al abrir y cerrarlo.

» the back of + Posesivo + hand = el revés de la mano.

Example: The woman downed it in one swig, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and sat down to play some cards.

» the bad = lo malo.

Example: Does it seem that no matter what you do, the bad outweighs the good in your marriage?.

» the ball is in + Posesivo + court = la responsabilidad ahora recae en + Nombre, tocar mover ficha, devolver la pelota.

Example: The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court -- library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.

» the bane of = pesadilla de + Nombre, la; cruz de + Nombre, la; ruina de + Nombre, la.

Example: This process has become a source of frustration and time-consuming, bureaucratic manoeuvering which appears to be the bane of acquisitions librarians everywhere.

» the battle + be + not over yet = las espadas + estar + en (todo lo) alto, mantener las espadas en (todo lo) alto, las espadas + seguir + en (todo lo) alto.

Example: The battle is not over yet, we have not lost hope -- what we have is a temporary setback.

» the be all and end all = el no va más, lo máximo.

Example: The article 'Professional status -- not the be all or end all' proposes a re-examination of the nature of librarians' work in relation to the professional model.

» the beautiful part + be = lo mejor + ser.

Example: The beautiful part is that children are unaware that they are reading 8,000 words.

» the beauty of = lo mejor de, lo bueno de, la ventaja de.

Example: The beauty of casseroles is that they barely require any tending.

» the bee's knees = de puta madre, cojonudo, la polla, el copón, la rehostia, la leche, lo máximo, lo sumo, el no va más, la hostia, el súmmum, la última palabra, el último grito.

Example: By the 1930s, 'cool as a cucumber' was 'the bee's knees,' slang of the era for 'excellent'.

» the beginning of the end = el principio del fin.

Example: The Normandy landings of June 1944 marked the beginning of the end of World War II.

» the Bench = la justicia, la judicatura, la magistratura, los tribunales.

Example: Reliance on court libraries is futile as the libraries are already overstretched by the needs of the Bench.

» the benefit of the doubt = el beneficio de la duda, margen de confianza.

Example: What I realized is that, contrary to popular belief, what we want in a multi-cultural, diverse society is not tolerance, but the benefit of the doubt.

» the best available + Nombre = el mejor + Nombre.

Example: The Oxford and Cambridge University Presses were re-equipped with the best available typographic materials late in the century.

» the best case scenario = en el mejor de los casos.

Example: The best case scenario predicts at least 4 emerging roles for librarians in school library media centres.

» the best deal = la mejor oferta.

Example: The aricle has the title 'Budget CD-Rewritable drives: to get the best deal, buy a CD-RW drive that's not top of the line'.

» the best in the business = el mejor del ramo, el mejor de la profesión.

Example: One of the legendary managers in pop music, Simon Bell has wined and dined with the best in the business -- and written funny books about it all.

» the best is yet to come = lo mejor está aún por llegar, lo mejor está aún por venir, aún queda lo mejor, aún que falta lo mejor, todavía no ha pasado lo mejor.

Example: As always appears to be the case, the best is yet to come.

» the best of a bad bunch = dentro de lo malo lo menos malo.

Example: Hiring a candidate just because they are the best of a bad bunch is a supremely costly mistake.

» the best of a bad lot = dentro de lo malo lo menos malo.

Example: By eschewing politics, the film, like the book, lets Clinton off the hook, as the best of a bad lot in a context hopelessly debased by a dim and gullible electorate.

» the best of both worlds = lo mejor de ambas partes, ser todo ventajas.

Example: We will only consider here the 'microcomputer-as-word-processor', because this is a combination which generally offers the best of both worlds.

» the best of the best = lo mejor de lo mejor, lo mejor entre lo mejor.

Example: This article describes the situation in postwar Germany just before the 1st annual exhibition of the best of the best in children's literature from all over the world was held.

» the best part of all = lo mejor de todo.

Example: The best part of all of it is being surrounded by people that love me and that I love back.

» the best things come to those who wait = tiempo al tiempo, todo le llega a aquel que espera, la paciencia es una virtud, en la paciencia está la virtud.

Example: I am not a big fan of rushing into things -- as they say easy come, easy go or the best things come to those who wait or if it's not worth waiting for its not worth having.

» the best thing since sliced bread = lo mejor desde la invención de la rueda, lo mejor desde la invención de la imprenta.

Example: I don't know about whether it's 'the best thing since sliced bread' but I'm loving my new slow cooker.

» the best way forward = la mejor salida, la mejor solución.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

» the best way of = la mejor manera de, el mejor modo de.

Example: The best way of gaining some sense of what life used to be like is through the literature of the time.

» the best (way) + Pronombre + can = lo mejor que + poder, de la mejor manera que + poder, de la mejor forma que + poder, del mejor mod que + poder.

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

» the best yet = el mejor hasta ahora.

Example: This biography is the best yet on Lord Acton.

» the Big Apple = la Gran Manzana. [Apelativo utilizado para referirse a la ciudad de New York]

Example: The article 'Born again in the Big Apple' reports on the annual conference of the Special Libraries Association (USA) which was held in New York from 9-14 June 84.

» the Big Five = los cinco grandes. [Usado para referirse a los cinco animales africanos más difícil de cazar a pie: el león, el elefante, el búfalo, el leopardo y el rinoceronte]

Example: Many of us have a dream to go on a safari, thinking about sleeping under the stars and spotting the "Big Five" on the African savannah.

» the bigger, the better = caballo grande, ande o no ande.

Example: There are also 'ig'planes and helicopters, which my son loves (to him, the bigger, the better).

» the big pond = el charco. [Forma familiar de referirse al Océano Atlántico]

Example: There's no way I could attend the conference over the big pond from the UK.

» the big screen = la gran pantalla, la pantalla grande. [Usado generalmente para referirse al cine]

Example: As soon as Tintin started to become popular, after the war, the idea of taking his adventures to the big screen came up.

» the birds and the bees = las cosas tal y como son. [Expresión utilizada para referirse a la explicación sobre reproducción que los padres dan a sus hijos]

Example: The article 'The birds and the bees' argues that children who use field guides may pick up information handling skills without noticing.

» the book of Genesis = el libro del Génesis.

Example: His interests span the entire Bible but as of recent he has put special focus on the book of Genesis as well as priestly literature.

» The Bookseller = Bookseller. [Semanario británico con noticias relativas al mundo de los libros]

Example: The Bookseller is the weekly book trade newspaper which, amongst other things, forms the initial listing for Whitakers cumulative booklist and produces a special number each February and August which lists new books expected from publishers during the subsequent six months.

» the bottom + fall out of the market = la economía + desplomarse, el mercado + desplomarse.

Example: When the bottom fell out of the market, the couple were forced to move back into Gina's childhood home, which, after the inconveniently-timed death of her mother, no one would buy.

» the breadth and depth of + Nombre = el grado de + Nombre.

Example: The breadth and depth of understanding of biological processes has increased at an unprecedented rate.

» the bride and groom = los novios, el novio y la novia.

Example: The bride and groom had doubts about about their choice of wedding cameraman when he turned up looking scruffy and dishevelled.

» the buck + stops... = la responsabilidad es de....

Example: The objective of this article is clearly to indicate 'where the buck stops'; owners being ultimately responsible for certain information, including its security.

» the bulk of = la gran mayoría de, la parte principal de.

Example: The bulk of the town's residents had little time for culture, for the theater, for the erudite lecture.

» the carrot vs. the stick = ¿mano blanda o mano dura? ¿incentivos o amenazas?.

Example: The article is entitled 'The carrot vs. the stick: can copyright be used to enhance access to cultural knowledge resources in the networked environment?'.

» the case for = los argumentos a favor de.

Example: The case for independent economic regulation of European airports is clear.

» the catch of the day = la pesca del día.

Example: In keeping with tradition, they offer a selection of fresh fish daily, which will vary according to the catch of the day.

» the cat + have got + Posesivo + tongue = el gato + comerse + la lengua.

Example: She was quite a talker till the cat got her tongue.

» the cat is among the pigeons = se ha armado un gran revuelo, se ha armado la de Dios, se ha armado la de San Quintín, el palomar está revuelto, el gallinero está revuelto, se ha levantado un gran revuelo.

Example: And then the cat is among the pigeons, and we need all Chase's creative talents to untangle this tangled web of confused relationships!.

» the cat is among the pixies = se ha armado un gran revuelo, se ha armado la de Dios, se ha armado la de San Quintín, el palomar está revuelto, el gallinero está revuelto, se ha levantado un gran revuelo.

Example: Well now the cat is among the pixies now and Harry is in deep.

» the cat's meow = de puta madre, cojonudo, la polla, el copón, la rehostia, la leche, lo máximo, lo sumo, el no va más, la hostia, el súmmum, la última palabra, el último grito.

Example: Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.

» the cat's pyjamas = de puta madre, cojonudo, la polla, el copón, la rehostia, la leche, lo máximo, lo sumo, el no va más, la hostia, el súmmum, la última palabra, el último grito.

Example: He's supposed to be the cat's pyjamas in modern classical music today.

» the cat's whiskers = de puta madre, cojonudo, la polla, el copón, la rehostia, la leche, lo máximo, lo sumo, el no va más, la hostia, el súmmum, la última palabra, el último grito.

Example: And if its wines are no longer considered the cat's whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.

» the changing face of = los constantes cambios de, el nuevo aspecto de, la cambiante fisonomía de.

Example: Complicated issues continue to expand as preservation tries to keep up with the changing face of technology.

» the changing nature of = los constantes cambios de, el nuevo aspecto de, la cambiante fisonomía de.

Example: The themes were the changing nature of scholarly communication and the traditional role of libraries.

» the cheese slid off + Posesivo + cracker = no tener dos dedos de frente, ser tonto del bote, tener pocas luces.

Example: It sounds like the cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago.

» the chickens come home to roost = cría cuervos y te sacarán los ojos; el que la hace, la paga; donde las dan, las toman; cosechas lo que siembras; el mundo da muchas vueltas; siembra vientos y recogerás tempestades; aquellos polvos traen estos lodos. [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]

Example: These particular chickens do come home to roost = Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost".

» the child is father of the man = lo que se mama de niño dura toda la vida.

Example: The truth of the saying that 'the child is father of the man' will hardly be questioned by anyone who has observed life carefully.

» the City = City de Londres, la.

Example: In addition, he suggests that the City men who made the markets spin exploited the gullible through insider dealing and rigged markets.

» the city that never sleeps = la ciudad que nunca duerme.

Example: Several cities (New York, Chicago, etc.) have claimed the title of 'the city that never sleeps'.

» the clock + be fast = el reloj ir adelantado, el reloj estar adelantado.

Example: I once came in late and my excuse was that the clock was fast.

» the clock + be slow = el reloj ir atrasado, el reloj estar atrasado.

Example: My heart jumped a little when I realised that the clock was slow!.

» the clock + be + ticking = el tiempo + acabarse, la cuenta atrás + haber comenzado.

Example: The clock is ticking -- the permit granted for construction of the proposed power plant is set to expire this summer.

» the close of = el final de.

Example: Of those that proceeded beyond the fetal stage, few survived the close of the decade in their original form.

» the coast + be clear = no haber moros en la costa.

Example: The coast was clear, so I ran for the closest tree to hide behind.

» the cobbler's children run barefoot = en casa de herrero cuchillo de palo.

Example: Given the line of business they're in, it would be pretty embarrassing not to, but many cobblers' children run barefoot out there.

» the coming year = el año próximo, el año entrante.

Example: Department heads estimate their expenditures for the coming year and submit them to the town manager, who approves or disapproves them.

» the community at large = la comunidad en general, toda la comunidad.

Example: The cost to the community at large if one of its individual members fails to find information he requires is considerably less than the cost of organizing the material adequately.

» the + Comparativo ..., the + Comparativo ... = cuanto más ..., más ...; a más ..., más ....

Example: The more secondary themes that are indexed in a document, the more documents that will be retrieved.

» the coolest thing since sliced bread = lo mejor desde la invención de la rueda, lo mejor desde la invención de la imprenta.

Example: For some you will look like the sad culmination of vainness while others will admire you and think you are the coolest thing since sliced bread.

» the course of events = los acontecimientos, la situación.

Example: It also covers the course of the events themselves in great detail. including the actions of various Jewish and Arab individuals.

» the course of human evolution = el curso de la evolución humana.

Example: The course of human evolution has been punctuated by a long succession of chance discoveries and accidental inventions.

» the course of true love never did run smooth! = ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas!, ¡la vida no es un lecho de rosas!.

Example: The course of true love never did run smooth!.

» the cream of the crop = la crème de la crème, la flor y nata, el mejor de todos.

Example: He has surveyed 'the cream of the crop' for this book; people who have credibility and experience in various fields of scientific inquiry.

» the crème de la crème = la crème de la crème, la flor y nata, el mejor de todos.

Example: Bibliometric analysis has identified the crème de la crème in legal medicine in a quantitative and objective way by citation analysis .

» the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow = el cofre de oro al final del arco iris. [Expresión utilizada para indicar algo que es inalcanzable o imposible]

Example: It seems to me that trying to pin down 'quality' is a bit like trying to find the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow.

» the crux of the matter = el fondo del asunto, el fondo de la cuestión, el quid de la cuestión, el quid del asunto, el meollo de la cuestión, el meollo del asunto.

Example: And this, really, is the crux of the matter.

» the crux of the problem = el fondo del problema, el quid del problema, el meollo del problema. [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The establishment of uniformity is the crux of the whole problem.

» the crux of the question = el fondo de la cuestión, el fondo del asunto, el quid de la cuestión, el quid del asunto, el meollo de la cuestión, el meollo del asunto.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

» the current(s) of events = el curso de los hechos.

Example: Queen Mary's refusal to accept the currents of events led to her deposition and eventual exile in 1567.

» the customer is always right = el cliente siempre tiene la razón.

Example: Customers choose an establishment and spend hard-earned money and they want employees to exude appreciation through the attitude that 'we aim to please, the customer is always right, service is our business, and quality is our middle name'.

» the dawn of = los albores de, los orígenes de, los comienzos de, los inicios de, el principio de, el comienzo de, el inicio de.

Example: The story of disjointness stretches back to the dawn of communication complexity.

» the day after tomorrow = pasado mañana.

Example: The article is entitled 'Quality librarianship the day after tomorrow'.

» the day before = el día anterior, el día (de) antes.

Example: Nonetheless, the Bastille was attacked on July 14, 1789, not to release the prisoners, but to get the powder that had been stored there the day before.

» the day before yesterday = anteayer, antes de ayer, antier.

Example: The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday What day is it today?.

» the Day of Judgement = el día del Juicio Final.

Example: The sacrum was used in sacrificial rites, was considered to play an important role in protecting the genitalia and its intactness as a nidus for resurrection at the Day of Judgment was vital.

» the day's catch = la pesca del día.

Example: The all-time favourite dish is the shellfish platter with lobster, oysters, scallops, prawns, mussels, crab and sea snails, according to the day's catch.

» the deep = las profundidades del océano, las profundidades del mar.

Example: The photographs, which are of deceased creatures brought up from the deep, were shot by famed underwater photographer Norbert Wu.

» the devil finds work for idle hands = cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscas; cuando el está aburrido mata moscas con el rabo.

Example: They can easily turn into delinquents and cause social disturbances, for, as we all know, the devil finds work for idle hands.

» the devil (is/lives) in the details = el diablo está en los detalles; el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo; los pormenores de la letra pequeña; los detalles de la letra pequeña; las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña; la clave está en la letra pequeña.

Example: The article is entitled 'The devil in the details: An academic library acquires a video collection'.

» the devil's suggestions = las sugerencias del diablo.

Example: Instead of hearing the devil's suggestions, we must listen in silence for the thoughts of the Holy Spirit.

» the devil take the hindmost = ¡sálvese quien pueda!, ¡maricón el último!.

Example: Many people have been made redundant in the takeover and those who joined last were the first to go -- the principle of devil take the hindmost applied.

» the die had been cast = la suerte estaba echada.

Example: The die had been cast, and the tides of war were gradually turning in our favour.

» the die is cast = la suerte está echada.

Example: She stood up and said despondently: 'The die is cast; stake is life or death' .

» the die was cast = la suerte estaba echada.

Example: By the time Americans learned they'd been had, the die was cast -- we were committed to 58,000 dead!.

» the distaff side (of the family) = la rama femenina (de la familia).

Example: This page explores the life of the distaff side of families from each of three classes: the lower class, the middle class and the upper class.

» the dog's bollocks = de puta madre, cojonudo, la polla, el copón, la rehostia, la leche, lo máximo, lo sumo, el no va más, la hostia, el súmmum, la última palabra, el último grito.

Example: For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.

» the dope on = información exclusiva, información confidencial.

Example: He never claimed he met her or explained how he got the dope on her rompings but the following year he was found drowned in two feet of water.

» the due place of = el lugar que le corresponde a.

Example: It is yet too early to attempt the task of determining the due place of the nineteenth century in the literary history of France.

» the earliest known + Nombre = el primer + Nombre + que se conoce.

Example: The earliest known flower arranging dates back to ancient Egypt.

» the earliest + Nombre = el primer + Nombre. [En el tiempo]

Example: The earliest community information service in Australia dates from as recently as 1958 when Citizens' Advice Bureaux, modelled on their British namesake, were founded in Perth = El primer servicio de información ciudadana de Australia es reciente y data de 1958 cuando se creó en Perth la Oficina de Información al Ciudadano, a imitación de su homónima británica.

» the early bird catches the worm = a quien madruga Dios le ayuda.

Example: According to the idiom 'the early bird catches the worm' we offer a 10% reduction of the course fee for those who apply before 15 July 2007 = De acuerdo con la expresión 'a quien madruga Dios le ayuda' le ofrecemos una reducción del 10% del importe del curso a los que se inscriban antes del 15 de julio del 2007.

» the easy way  = de la forma más fácil, de la manera más fácil, del modo más fácil.

Example: The article is entitled 'The Windows Internet tour guide: cruising the Internet the easy way'.

» the easy way out = la solución más cómoda, la solución más fácil, la escapatoria más cómoda, la escapatoria más fácil.

Example: In my opinion, death is the easy way out.

» the elder = el viejo.

Example: In about 1755, however, James Whatman the elder made some paper with moulds of which the mesh was woven like cloth.

» the electricity + go off = la electricidad + irse, la luz + irse.

Example: The electricity went off for a couple of hours at the office, and I got some nap time.

» the elephant in the room = el verdadero problema, el problema obvio. el problema que todos se empeñan en ignorar.

Example: When it comes to the question of bringing the Net and the Web into bibliographic control, the elephant in the room is that of preservation of the human record.

» the end justifies the means = el fin justifica los medios.

Example: And when the end justifies the means, there are always a thousand untold consequences.

» the end of all ends = el fin de todos los fines.

Example: Death is the end of all ends -- there is no light at the end of that tunnel there is nothing but everlasting pain.

» the end of the world = el fin del mundo.

Example: If you are reading these words, then we survived the end of the world that was supposedly foretold by the ancient Maya.

» the ends of the earth = al fin del mundo.

Example: Having journeyed to the ends of the earth and the land of the dead, Heracles could therefore suggest closing down the Eleusian mysteries.

» the enemy within = el enemigo en casa.

Example: Ever since Margaret Thatcher referred to striking miners in 1980s Britain as 'the enemy within', mere mention of the concept has seemed a symptom of paranoia.

» the entire day = todo el día, el día entero.

Example: A crisply ironed shirt with a collar that stays perfect the entire day can go a long way in giving you a neat and groomed appearance.

» the entire length of = todo, a lo largo de todo.

Example: It tells the story of one man's absurd quest to become the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon River.

» the evil of terrorism = el mal del terrorismo.

Example: Both Sharon and Bush speak from the same book when it comes to fighting what they both call the 'evil' of terrorism.

» the extent of = el tamaño de, el grado de.

Example: Variations in the extent of the description between a set of entries account to a large extent for the distinction between main, added and unit entries.

» the extent to which = la medida en que, el grado en que, hasta qué punto.

Example: Quite obviously, however, everything rests in the end on the extent to which people grow up to be avid, thoughtful readers.

» the fact is (that) = el hecho es que... a decir verdad..., lo cierto es que..., la realidad es que..., la verdad es que....

Example: The fact is that income inequality is real -- it's been rising for more than 25 years.

» the fact of the matter is that... = la verdad es que..., lo cierto es que..., el hecho es que..., a decir verdad..., la realidad es que....

Example: But the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't have gotten the chance of a lifetime if not for the hard work of Epperson.

» the fact remains that... = la realidad es que....

Example: Nevertheless, the fact remains that, sooner or later, the restrictions on certain documents will disappear.

» the father of = el padre de.

Example: Fred Kilgour, the modern father of networking, made a speech which described the inutility of traditional rules of cataloging which focused on bringing together all of the works of an author under the same heading.

» the field of = el abultado número de, el gran número de.

Example: Fit and fun-loving delegates are invited to accept to join the field of 10,000 entrants in this marathon to raise money for IFLA's own charity 'Books for All'.

» the final/last nail in + Posesivo + coffin = la puntilla, remate final.

Example: The final nail in her coffin was when somehow during the interview she mentioned being a single mom.

» the fine art of = el arte de.

Example: The article is entitled 'The fine art of security: protecting public and private collections against theft, fire, and vandalism'.

» the fine print = la letra pequeña.

Example: He has called a foul on the council for hiding the third tax increase in the fine print of the legal notices of the newspaper.

» the first cut is the deepest = el primer desengaño amoroso nunca se olvida.

Example: First love is special, so sweet...but the first cut is the deepest, so they say.

» the first few times = las primeras veces.

Example: It was funny the first few times you said it, now it's annoying.

» the first snow = las primeras nieves.

Example: Some people call juncoes 'snowbirds' because they arrive with the first snow.

» the first time = la primera vez.

Example: I didn't really fancy the traditional skiing but got hooked the first time I saw anyone on a wakeboard.

» the first time around = la primera vez, el primer intento, la primera tentativa.

Example: Because your uterus has already been down this road before, and your abdominal muscles might not be as taut as they were the first time around, your second pregnancy will start showing sooner.

» the flip side of the coin = la otra cara de la moneda.

Example: The flip side of the coin is that the rich believe that they also deserve their fabulous wealth.

» the Flood = El Diluvio.

Example: The decoration and iconography of the wooden panels depict illustrations of the Flood and Judgement Day.

» the fly in the ointment = la única pega, el único problema.

Example: The article is entitled 'The Fly in the Ointment or Why Couldn't They Just have Left Things as They Were; The Compensatory Effort in Higher Education'.

» the focus of the discussion = el tema de la discusión, el tema del debate.

Example: Matters of civility rather than criminality are the focus of the discussion.

» the following = lo siguiente.

Example: Please read the following and help us if you can.

» the following day = el día siguiente.

Example: We will however endeavour to inform the successful candidate by the close of play on the day of interviews failing which it will be on the following day.

» the following year = el año siguiente, el año que viene, el año próximo.

Example: Each year guidelines are published by 1 May for application in the following year = Todos los años se publican directrices para el 1 de mayo y se aplican el año siguiente.

» the fruit of + Nombre = el fruto de + Nombre.

Example: The not-so-good news is that we now need to spend equally prodigious efforts at preserving the fruits of our labor.

» the (full) brunt of = todo el peso de, la parte más dura de, lo peor de, lo más recio de.

Example: Almost 3,200 flights have already been cancelled for tomorrow -- when the full brunt of the storm is expected to hit New England states.

» the (full) brunt of + Nombre + fall upon/on = todo el peso de + Nombre + recaer sobre/en, todo el peso de + Nombre + caer sobre/en.

Example: However, the brunt of the task necessarily fell upon the Commission which was obliged to set up the most elaborate procedures to organize its publications.

» the full force of = toda la fuerza de.

Example: We drove along the coast road then being bulldozed clear to Weligama a beautiful small town at the cusp of a wide bay and open unprotectedly to the full force of the ocean waves.

» the full height of = con la misma altura que.

Example: In the proposed reconstruction, the facade appears surmounted by painted crenellations, with a large marble portal the full height of the building.

» the full monty = todo, completamente, totalmente, sin tapujos, sin reservas.

Example: The article 'The digital full monty?' forecasts that the world of information is likely to be dominated by global giants on the one hand and selective niche providers on the other.

» the full range of = la totalidad de, el total de, toda la gama de, la gama completa de.

Example: This will make it yet more difficult for the information worker and the end user to keep up to date with the full range of data bases.

» the fun part = lo divertido, lo interesante.

Example: Becoming cognizant of these retail promotional tools is the first step -- the fun part is adopting successful ones!.

» the future + be + just around the corner = el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina.

Example: But the future is just around the corner and we have to get our skates on.

» the fuzz = la poli, los maderos.

Example: In that film he played a wealthy art thief always one step away from being nabbed by the fuzz.

» the gents = lavabo de caballeros, lavabo de hombres, servicio de caballeros, servicio de hombres, aseo de caballeros, aseo de hombres, baño de hombres, baño de caballeros.

Example: Having had a couple of beers before the game, I unfortunately needed to find the gents half way through the first half.

» the good = lo bueno.

Example: Does it seem that no matter what you do, the bad outweighs the good in your marriage?.

» the good news = la buena noticia.

Example: Next came the good news that war between member states had been rendered inconceivable.

» the good news is (that) ... = lo bueno es que... , lo mejor es que.... [A veces se omite el artículo the]

Example: The good news is that one does not have to be a programmer to do this.

» the good of = el bien de.

Example: It is imperative for young people to learn to be empathetic, both for their own good and for the good of society as a whole.

» the good old days = los buenos tiempos, los viejos tiempos, antaño.

Example: This book explains why 'the good old days' were only good for a privileged few and why they were unrelentingly hard for most.

» the good thing about = lo bueno de. [A veces se omite el artículo the en el lenguaje hablado]

Example: The good thing about being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of a date on a Saturday night.

» the good things in life = las cosas buenas de la vida.

Example: Why are all the good things in life either illegal, fattening or immoral?.

» the good times and the bad (times) = los buenos y los malos tiempos.

Example: They have been through the good times and the bad, the break-ups and the make-ups.

» the good times + run out = acabarse la buena racha.

Example: But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.

» the Grand Canyon = el Gran Cañón.

Example: A powerful and inspiring landscape, the Grand Canyon overwhelms our senses through its immense size.

» the granddaddy of = el abuelo de.

Example: The granddaddy of all fertility treatments, artificial insemination, dates to the early 1900s.

» the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence) = nadie está contento con lo que tiene, nadie esta contento con su suerte.

Example: This is one of those 'The grass is greener on the other side of the fence' situations.

» the greater good = el bien común.

Example: Our times require leaders who are not only intelligent, but wise and wise leaders develop strategies that target the greater good, not just an organization or individual.

» the greatest thing since sliced bread = lo mejor desde la invención de la rueda, lo mejor desde la invención de la imprenta.

Example: I swear it's the greatest thing since sliced bread but, in all seriousness, my day begins by getting the kids off to school with a minimum of yelling and spilled milk.

» the greats = los grandes.

Example: There are so many amazing science fiction movies that it's hard to include all the greats in a list of 50.

» the great thing about = lo bueno de, lo fantástico de. [A veces se omite el artículo the en el lenguaje hablado]

Example: The great thing about ankle boots is that they can be worn with just about anything.

» the great unwashed = la plebe, el vulgo, el proletariado, el populacho.

Example: It was Burke who first called the mob 'the great unwashed,' but the term 'unwashed' had been applied to them before.

» the grim face of = el lado sombrío de.

Example: Every day we encounter the grim face of poverty when we see children in dirty and torn clothes.

» the gutter = la escoria de la sociedad.

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