That in spanish


pronunciation: ese part of speech: none
In gestures

that1 = ese, aquel. 

Example: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.


» about that time = por aquel entonces.

Example: About that time, the council as one of their austerity measures had issued a moratorium on all hiring except for 'absolutely essential services'.

» about this and that = de esto y de lo otro, de todo un poco.

Example: They all met in the cafes to argue about this and that, to discuss their work, politics and philosophy.

» about this and that and everything else = de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá; de todo un poco.

Example: They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.

» all that + Adjetivo/Adverbio = tan + Adjetivo/Adverbio.

Example: I wasn't sure that I should have taken him all that seriously, but he said it and I did question it.

» and all that sort of thing = y todo ese tipo de cosas, y todo eso.

Example: There will always be differences between the races and the genders and all that sort of thing = Siempre habrá diferencias entre las razas y los sexos y todo ese tipo de cosas.

» and on top of that = y además.

Example: And on top of that, sometimes knowing the law doesn't help.

» as + Adjetivo + as that = tan + Adjetivo.

Example: In these days of refresher courses right up to retirement I do not think we can be as dogmatic as that.

» at that = además.

Example: Terry Lugg, on the other hand, is a much less active borrower, though more active than Stephen Hathaway, and takes books from the science collection, the pure sciences at that.

» at that point in time = en ese momento.

Example: And at that point in time he was able to look others in the eye and make them believe he was telling the truth.

» at that time = en ese momento.

Example: If it is proved that older files are not at all used, some disposition may be made of them at that time.

» at that time = en aquel entonces, en aquella época, en aquel momento, a la sazón.

Example: At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers = En aquel entonces una biblioteca de tan sólo una habitación atendía al Tribunal de Apelaciones, la Corte Suprema, los jueces, magistrados y abogados de †frica occidental.

» at times like that = en ocasiones como esa.

Example: At times like that, the only answer is to escape into the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and find your own little oasis of peace.

» because of that = debido a eso, por eso.

Example: Because of that, the colonists had no way to vote for how they would be taxed or who would represent them in parliament = Debido a eso, los colonos no tenía la forma de votar qué tipo de impuestos tendrían o quiénes serían sus representantes en el parlamento.

» be just like that = ser así.

Example: And legends and fairy tales are just like that.

» be neither this nor that = no ser ni esto ni (tampoco) eso/aquello.

Example: I do not say that it is not, nor do I say that it is neither this nor that = No digo que no sea, ni tampoco digo que no sea ni esto ni aquello.

» be that as it may = sea como sea, sea lo que sea.

Example: Be that as it may, the fact is that there are tens of millions of MARC records in the world.

» be with + Nombre + on that one = estar de + Posesivo + lado, estar de + Posesivo + parte, apoyar, respaldar.

Example: He was a bit annoyed but he told his brother he was with him on that one.

» beyond that = por encima de eso, más allá de eso, además de eso, más allá.

Example: Beyond that, no uniform policy seems to have been developed.

» by that point = para entonces, para aquel entonces, por aquel entonces, en aquel entonces, en aquel momento, en aquellos tiempos.

Example: I arrived around 2pm so the lunch rush had slowed down by that point.

» failing that/these = de lo contrario, en su defecto, si eso no es posible, si no fuese/fuera posible.

Example: Thus, single-word terms or, failing theses, two-word terms, are preferred for describing concepts if such terms exist.

» far more than that = mucho más que eso.

Example: But, far more than that, we must always remember that you are officers of the law in a great democratic nation which owes its birth to the indignation of its citizen.

» for that reason = por esa razón.

Example: For that reason, its own destiny hangs upon its ability to act with wisdom and skill in its international relations.

» having said that = una vez dicho esto.

Example: Having said that, I try not to look at things through rose coloured glasses to the point where I'm out of touch with reality.

» head + that way = ir de camino allí, dirigirse hacia allí.

Example: It's a pure coincidence but if you're heading that way now, we might bump into each other, as we're heading that way too, right now.

» if that counts for anything = si eso sirve de algo, si eso cuenta para algo.

Example: I have done absolutely no studying tonight, but my kitchen is spotlessly clean if that counts for anything.

» if that counts in any way = si eso sirve de algo, si eso cuenta para algo.

Example: I do have a couple of nasty chafes on my feet from my new and ruinously expensive sandals, if that counts in any way.

» in that case = en ese caso.

Example: In that case it is, at its level, both a commercial and artistic success, since the publishers do not expect every book to be a runaway bestseller.

» in that spirit = en este sentido.

Example: In that spirit, I offer the following breakdown of Internet and Web documents.

» it's/that's the least + Pronombre + could do = es lo menos que + poder + hacer, no faltaría más.

Example: After all, it's the least I could do to pay you back for what you've done to me.

» just like that = repentinamente, de súbito, de pronto, de repente, de sopetón, de buenas a primeras, a lo tonto, sin ton ni son, como si tal cosa, así como así, de golpe y porrazo.

Example: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.

» just that = justamente eso, simplemente eso.

Example: Instructors, like students, should have their opinions and solutions, but they should remain just that: their opinions and then solutions, but not the opinions and the solutions.

» leave it at that = dejar estar.

Example: Just fire her for gross misconduct and show her the door and leave it at that.

» life's like that = la vida es así.

Example: The book `Life's Like That' demystifies some myths, hopefully triggered some change and established some home truths about homosexuality.

» like that = así, tal cual.

Example: I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.

» not that long ago = no hace tanto tiempo, no hace mucho tiempo.

Example: Not that long ago we were standing in knee-deep water here.

» of that day = de aquel entonces.

Example: The hearings before the Royal Commission, including among the witnesses some of the most prominent librarians and scholars of that day, extended from 1847 to 1849.

» on that basis = sobre esta base, a partir de esto, partiendo de esto, por ello, como consecuencia, en consecuencia, como resultado.

Example: On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.

» on that count = en lo que respecta a ese cargo, en lo que respecta a esa acusación.

Example: Judge Mr Justice Saunders told jurors they must return a verdict of not guilty on that count.

» on that count = en ese respecto, en este respecto, en ese sentido, en este sentido.

Example: On that count, then, oppressive governments are not the only threats to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

» on that front = en ese tema, en ese asunto, en ese ámbito.

Example: The United Nations, with assistance from the United States, was doing all it could on that front.

» on that (particular) occasion = en aquella ocasión, en dicha ocasión.

Example: The truth is, I don't remember what I said to her on that particular occasion.

» or anything like that = o algo parecido, o algo parecido, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo.

Example: Usually, when I have trouble sleeping it's not because I feel wrong or anything like that, it just happens.

» or something like that = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo, por ahí van los tiros, por ahí van las cosas.

Example: Anyone found guilty of having an annoying ring tone should be sentenced to several years of hard labour, breaking rocks in a quarry or something like that.

» or something of that sort = o algo parecido, o algo similar, o algo así, o cosas por el estilo, por ahí van los tiros, por ahí van las cosas.

Example: Fidgety people are rarely well, they have generally `a headache,' or `spasms,' or `nerves,' or something of that sort.

» put that in your pipe and smoke it! = ¡chúpate esa!.

Example: I'm not alone, 52% of the county voted in favor of legal marijuana -- so put that in your pipe and smoke it!.

» since that day = desde ese día, desde entonces.

Example: A lot has been written about the plunge in consumer confidence since that day.

» That's all folks! = ¡Eso es todo, amigos!.

Example: These episodes ended with a character saying, 'That's all folks'.

» that being said = no obstante, sin embargo.

Example: That being said, every normal person can think of places we've worked where we were more like whiners than winners.

» that being said however = no obstante, sin embargo.

Example: That being said however, I must say this is anything but a relaxing non-stressful game.

» that certain something = algo en particular, algo concreto.

Example: When people walk into a library, I reflect, they too are seeking that certain something.

» that is = es decir, o sea.

Example: Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.

» that is to say = es decir.

Example: Our need is not for guided and controlled instruction, that is to say, for indoctrination.

» that is why = esa es la razón por la que, eso es por lo que.

Example: That is the reason why the professional teacher and librarian are necessary and always will be.

» that long ago = hace ya tanto tiempo.

Example: However, there have been many changes in what is now Illinois, compared to what it was that long ago.

» that much = tanto.

Example: However, as we've suggested plenty of times in the past, there's little evidence that there's really that much money to be made running such sites.

» that's [that is] [Contracción de that's]

Example: The constituent networks may have presidents and CEO's (chief executive officers), but that's a different issue; there's no single authority figure for the Internet as a whole.

» that's about it = eso es casi todo.

Example: 'That's about it', he shrugged his shoulders indifferently, as if to say 'So what!'.

» that said = dicho esto.

Example: That said, India, in my estimation, will take some beating.

» that's bollocks! = ¡eso son chorradas!, ¡qué chorradas!, ¡qué gilipolleces!, ¡qué sandeces!.

Example: They say exposure to the sun causes aging of the skin, but I think that's bollocks.

» that's crap! = ¡eso son chorradas!, ¡qué chorradas!, ¡qué gilipolleces!, ¡qué sandeces!.

Example: Don't say that about me, that's crap!.

» that's enough = es suficiente, es bastante, basta ya.

Example: Some folks would say that's enough, but I could see the kid wasn't satisfied. = Alguna gente diría que era suficiente, pero yo podía ver que el chico no estaba satisfecho.

» that's fine = está bien, no pasa nada, sin problema(s).

Example:  That's fine , you did not know she had been arrested for stealing jewelry = No pasa nada, no sabías que ella había sido arrestada por robar joyas.

» that's how it is = así es, así es como es.

Example: Like it or not, that's how it is.

» that's none of your beeswax! = ¡eso no te incumbe!, ¡eso no es asunto tuyo!. [En esta expresión del lenguaje coloquial se usa beeswax por business]

Example: I'm not going to tell you which symptoms I have -- that's none of your beeswax!.

» that's none of your business! = ¡eso no te incumbe!, ¡eso no es asunto tuyo!.

Example: The obvious answer is to simply say 'That's none of your business,' but that just seems so cold and rude.

» that's + Posesivo + lot (in life) = eso es lo que toca.

Example: I guess that's our lot in life as teachers: we have to take the limited material available to us and do unlimited things.

» that's right! = es verdad, tienes razón.

Example: That's right! frogs do not turn into a prince if you kiss them = ¡Es verdad!, las ranas no se convierten en un príncipe si las besas.

» that's rubbish! = ¡eso son chorradas!, ¡qué chorradas!, ¡qué gilipolleces!, ¡qué sandeces!.

Example: I don't know how to put this any more diplomatically, but that's rubbish.

» that's the catch = esa es la pega, esta es la pega, ese es el problema, ahí está el problema, esa es la dificultad, ahí está la dificultad, esa es la cuestión, ese es el asunto.

Example: That's the catch: life almost never goes according to plan.

» that's (the reason) why = esa es la razón por la que, eso es por lo que.

Example: So that's the reason why women live longer than men.

» that's the rub = esa es la pega, esta es la pega, ese es el problema, ahí está el problema, esa es la dificultad, ahí está la dificultad, esa es la cuestión, ese es el asunto.

Example: Of course, that's the rub when you're working with a brother more famous than you.

» that's the ticket! = eso es, justo lo que se necesita, como anillo al dedo.

Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.

» that's they way things are = así son las cosas.

Example: The meteorologist explains that that's way things are sometimes and you don't know what's going to happen.

» that's why = por eso, por esa razón, por ese motivo, por ello, es por eso que.

Example: My dad got shingles, my wife got whooping cough, that's why I'm getting the vaccines I need.

» that time is long past = esa época ya pasó hace tiempo.

Example: There was a time, in US academia, when this was not possible, but that time is long past.

» things like that = cosas así, cosas como ésa.

Example: Just little things like that blow your mind every day.

» to that effect = con este fin, para ello, en ese sentido, en este sentido.

Example: It was dangerous but NASA made provisions to that effect.

» to that end = con ese fin, para ello.

Example: This book is prepared as a contribution to that end.

» until that time = hasta entonces, hasta aquel momento, hasta aquel entonces.

Example: Canada had depended mainly on British preferential tariffs until that time.

» up to that point = hasta ese momento.

Example: Whenever this code is entered, the system saves the document or list of documents being displayed and displays a summary of the documents saved up to that point.

» we'll cross that bridge when we come to it = cada cosa a su tiempo, todo a su (debido) tiempo, todo se andará.

Example: However, if the buyer doesn't want the business then it will have to be sold separately -- but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

» with this/that in mind = teniendo esto presente, pensando en esto, asimismo.

Example: With that in mind, both girls were all set to go to Mindoro but the circumstances made it extra difficult for them to reach their destination.

that2 = que. 

Example: The (F) operator specifies that terms must be in the same field of the same record, in any order.


» all is well that ends well = bien está lo que bien acaba.

Example: 'All is well that ends well,' at least for the three policemen who were released and their families = "Bien está lo que bien acaba", al menos para los tres policías liberados y para sus familias.

» and it came to pass that... = y ocurrió que..., y sucedió que....

Example: And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up.

» be just as well that = menos mal que.

Example: Maybe it's just as well that it's night time: at least there won't be anything to distract me.

» be no secret that = no + ser + ningún secreto que.

Example: It's no secret that all Commonwealth Games sites are lagging behind schedule but the organisers are putting on a brave face.

» beyond that = además, más aun, aun más.

Example: Beyond that, a library can create these commons in cyberspace as well as in public buildings = Más aún, la biblioteca puede crear estos espacios públicos comunes en el ciberespacio además de en los edificios públicos.

» except that = a excepción de que.

Example: Acoustic couplers serve a similar purpose except that they are not permanently wired; the handset is placed in the acoustic coupler to achieve a connection once a telephone line had been opened.

» Folk wisdom has it that... = según la sabiduría popular..., la sabiduría popular dice que....

Example: Folk wisdom has it that everyone has a doppelganger; somewhere out there there's a perfect duplicate of you, with your mother's eyes, your father's nose and that annoying mole you've always meant to have removed.

» in order that = para que, a fin de que, con (el) objeto de, con la finalidad de, con el fin de.

Example: In order that the plans be better understood, it is essential that the aims of the library be outlined first.

» in that = ya que, en cuanto que, en la medida en que, en el sentido de que.

Example: This will satisfy the second objective of an author catalogue, in that it becomes easy to review the extent of a library's collection of works by a specific author.

» it appeared that... = al parecer.

Example: It appeared that the digger came loose on the trailer and fell onto the stone wall.

» it seems that... = al parecer, parece que.

Example: 'It seems that for success in science and art,' he wrote, 'a dash of autism is essential' = Escribió :"Parece que para triunfar en las ciencias y en el arte, se necesita una pizca de autismo".

» now that I think of it = ahora que lo pienso.

Example: Now that I come to think of it, I have the distinct impression that this has been going on for some time but I'm only now really noticing it.

» some say that = alguna gente dice que, algunos dicen que.

Example: Some say that Leninism is the application of Marxism to the conditions that are peculiar to the situation in Russia.

» Something tells me that... = Algo me dice que....

Example: Something tells me that if we could turn the clock forward ten or fifteen years, we'll be using an entirely different lexicon altogether.

» so much so that = de modo tal que, hasta tal grado que, tanto que, tanto es así que.

Example: The number of circuits which can be stored on a single chip has increased rapidly over the last few years, so much so that there are now a number of degrees of integration.

» so that = de (tal) manera que, para que, de (tal) modo que, de (tal) forma que.

Example: This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.

» such that = tal que, de tal naturaleza, de tal envergadura.

Example: Nowadays, the quantity of new information being generated is such that no individual can hope to keep pace with even a small fraction of it.

» that'd [that would] [Contracción de that would]

Example: My friends are the kind that'd be hitting on firemen when the house is burning down.

» that'd [that had] [Contracción de that had]

Example: Anyway, they found an abandoned freight ship that'd been drifting about for 50 years.

» that'll [that will] [Contracción de that will]

Example: Learn more about these 8 yoga moves that'll help keep you calm and collected over the holidays.

» that's [that has] [Contracción de that has]

Example: 'Salvator Mundi' or 'Savior of the World' is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci that's been lost for centuries = "Salvador Mundi" o "Salvador del Mundo" es una pintura de Leonardo da Vinci que hace siglos que lleva perdida.

» that's + Posesivo + luck! = ¡Posesivo + gozo en un pozo!, ¡Qué chasco!, ¡Qué decepción!.

Example: I'm sure this place would look much more beautiful when it's not raining but what can I do -- that's my luck!.

» the fact is (that) = el hecho es que... a decir verdad..., lo cierto es que..., la realidad es que..., la verdad es que....

Example: The fact is that income inequality is real -- it's been rising for more than 25 years.

» the fact of the matter is that... = la verdad es que..., lo cierto es que..., el hecho es que..., a decir verdad..., la realidad es que....

Example: But the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't have gotten the chance of a lifetime if not for the hard work of Epperson.

» the powers-that-be = los que mandan, los que detentan el poder, las autoridades, los gobernantes, los poderes fáticos, los mandamás.

Example: I've been working very hard to establish good relations with the powers-that-be, and I don't want to see my labors wiped out by denying one of them a request.

» the truth of the matter is that... = la verdad es que..., lo cierto es que..., el hecho es que..., a decir verdad..., la realidad es que....

Example: In some ways I understand this line of reasoning but the truth of the matter is that all of us will kick the bucket at some point.

» (the) word on the street is that = se dice que, corre el rumor de que, corre la voz de que, se rumorea que, circula el rumor de que, dicen las malas lenguas que, la gente dice que.

Example: Word on the street is that the hottest thing when it comes to fashion for men right now is pantyhose.

» word had it that = se decía que, corría el rumor de que, corría la voz de que, se rumoreaba que, circulaba el rumor de que, decían las malas lenguas que, la gente decía que.

Example: Word had it that the village was among the most feared over claims of witchcraft practices.

» word has it that = se dice que, corre el rumor de que, corre la voz de que, se rumorea que, circula el rumor de que, dicen las malas lenguas que, la gente dice que.

Example: He's a scary kid -- word has it that he burned down his old school and then was kicked out of every other school in his home state.

that3 = el que, la que. 

Example: The description of the component part is separated from that of the host document by a double slash.


» that in = el de.

Example: The style of recording instructions for references differs from that in Sears', and can at first seem strange, but instructions are clear.

» that of = el de.

Example: An abstract is a concise and accurate representation of the contents of a document, in a style similar to that of the original document.

» that which = lo que.

Example: Step 1 Familiarisation: A searcher must be adequately familiar with that which he wishes to retrieve.
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