Thank in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑθiɑs part of speech: verb
In gestures



» as a token of thanks = como señal de agradecimiento, como muestra de agradecimiento, como prueba de agradecimiento.

Example: The author discusses the phenomenon of votive paintings of ships, typically donated to churches by crews and captains as a token of thanks for deliverance from danger.

» express + thanks = expresar agradecimiento, expresar gratitud.

Example: I would like to wholeheartedly agree with what the previous speaker said and to express my thanks to the Library of Congress and its staff members.

» extend + Posesivo + thanks = hacer extensivo + Posesivo + agradecimiento, agradecer.

Example: I would like to extend my thanks to our host who was kind enough to invite me.

» note of thanks = agradecimiento, nota de agradecimiento, carta de agradecimiento.

Example: Nine percent of the questions analyzed were placed in the 'other' category, which included notes of thanks and compliments on good service, suggestions for improving the library's services, and messages sent from listservs = El nueve por ciento de las cuestiones analizadas se colocaron en la categoría "otros", que incluía notas de agradecimiento y felicitaciones por el buen servicio, sugerencias para mejorar los servicios de la biblioteca y mensajes enviados de servidores de listas de correo.

» offer + a word of thanks = agradecer.

Example: In closing, I would like to offer a word of thanks to all the members of the Working Group who contributed so much of their time and effort to the development of this project.

» say + thanks = agradecer, dar las gracias.

Example: Stopping at the lectern to say thanks, he then walked to center stage, took off his tie and coat, and dropped them to the floor.

» thank goodness = gracias a Dios.

Example: Readers are not made by moneyed privilege only, thank goodness, or there would be little hope for most of us.

» thanks = gracias. [Abreviado coloquialmentemente como thanx]

Example: Special thanks to the ISAD Program Planning Committee, in particular its chairperson, for the conceptual organization.

» thanks a bunch! = muchísimas gracias.

Example: 'Thanks a bunch!' he said, smiling self-consciously.

» thanks for = gracias por.

Example: She then said 'Thanks for the offer, but I've signed a contract and made a deposit on an apartment'.

» thanks in advance = gracias de antemano. [Expresión utilizada al final de las cartas en las que se solicita algo como despedida]

Example: With best regards and many thanks in advance, Sjoerd.

» thanks to = gracias a, debido a.

Example: It is a matter of some small pride that my account of the eighteenth edition of Dewey appeared at about the same time as the official publication of the scheme itself, thanks to the cooperation of the editor, Mr Ben Custer.

» thankyou = gracias, agradecimiento.

Example: I would therefore like to give a blanket thankyou to everyone who has talked or written to me in my research and they must now number thousands rather than hundreds.

» TIA [Thanks in advance] = Gracias de antemano. [En el correo electrónico, abreviatura usada al final para despedirse cuando se pide un favor]

Example: Any assistance you can provide would be immensly appreciated. TIA.

» vote of thanks = palabras de agradecimiento.

Example: If there must be formal introductions and votes of thanks, at least see that there are no lengthy public speeches that pre-empt the visitor's reason for being there at all, and that matters are kept as unembarrassing as possible.

» word of thanks = palabras de agradecimiento.

Example: A special word of thanks is also extended to Patricia G. Oyler and to Kay Leary for all their assistance.

thank2 = agradecer, dar las gracias. 

Example: In closing, I would like once again to thank all the members of the Working Group who contributed so much of their time and effort to the development of this project.


» Thank God It's Friday (TGIF) = gracias a Dios es viernes, por fin es viernes, por fin ha llegado el viernes.

Example: Not too long ago, when the work week came to an end, a large segment of the population who worked hard all week looked up to the sky, exclaimed 'Thank God It's Friday', and promptly headed for the neighborhood bar.

» Thank you very much = Muchas gracias.

Example: When a speaker's time is up, make it clear by rising and saying words to the effect of 'Thank you very much. That's all the time you have'.

Thank synonyms

give thanks in spanish: , pronunciation: gɪvθæŋks part of speech: verb
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