Than in spanish


pronunciation: ke part of speech: none
In gestures

more ... than ... = más ... que .... 

Example: Indicative-informative abstracts are more common than either the purely indicative or the purely informative abstract.

than = que. 

Example: A synthetic scheme needs less categories or headings than an equivalent enumerative scheme.


» a cloud no bigger than a man's hand = problema pequeño.

Example: By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.

» beasier said than done = del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho, entre el dicho y el hecho hay un gran trecho, ¡eso se dice pronto!, se dice pronto pero no es tan fácil, es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo.

Example: In formulating strategies and choosing options to deal with Iraq, it is important to recognize that some things are easier said than done.

» be more than ready for = anhelar, estar deseoso de.

Example: By the time the first Italian parliament was formed in 1861, Italy was more than ready for political union.

» be more than welcome to = invitar encantado a, invitar con mucho gusto a, ser más que bienvenido a.

Example: You, however, are more than welcome to head for Kasab to immediately engage the enemy and 'cut a fat hog'.

» be more than willing to = estar dispuestísimo a.

Example: However, those who have tasted the succulent meat of this type of clam are more than willing to dig up to their armpits in the intertidal muck to capture such delicious quarry.

» be nothing less than = ser nada más y nada menos que.

Example: Frederick Holler claims that 'Information retrieval (ie, reference work) is nothing less than a full-fledged discipline and not simply a minor skill acquirable as a byproduct of other studies'.

» be nothing more than = no ser más que.

Example: Women will like it because it shows how men are nothing more than putty in their hands.

» be the norm rather than the exception = ser la norma más que la excepción.

Example: In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» better late than never = más vale tarde que nunca, nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena.

Example: The article 'Better late than never' discusses the extraordinary pace of change in the academic book market.

» better (to be) safe than sorry = más vale prevenir que curar.

Example: Common sense tells us that it is better to be safe than sorry.

» call for + nothing less than genius = necesitar ser un genio.

Example: To meet the intellectual needs of each patron of the library calls for calls for nothing less than genius.

» do + more harm than good = hacer más mal que bien, hacer un flaco favor.

Example: Antidepressant drugs do more harm than good, and even cause the deaths of elderly patients, say researchers.

» do + more than justice = tratar magníficamente.

Example: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.

» do + no more than = no hacer sino, no hacer más que.

Example: So, by making special provision for the disadvantaged, the library is doing no more than recognizing that there is a group that has special information needs.

» far more than that = mucho más que eso.

Example: But, far more than that, we must always remember that you are officers of the law in a great democratic nation which owes its birth to the indignation of its citizen.

» fewer than + Cantidad = menos de + Cantidad, por debajo de + Cantidad. [Comparativo de few (poco)]

Example: Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.

» greater-than sign (>) = símbolo de mayor-que (>).

Example: If the reference heading consist of a variant heading, each uniform heading is preceded by a greater-than sign or right angled bracket (>).

» greater-than symbol (>) = símbolo de mayor-que (>).

Example: Discontinued search results are reported, preceded by a 'greater-than' symbol (>).

» have + more money than sense = tener más dinero que sentido común.

Example: Well, here are 15 things you can blow your money on that only someone who has more money than sense can truly appreciate.

» have + more than one string to + Posesivo + bow = tener más de una habilidad, tener más de una destreza.

Example: Proving that she has more than one string to her bow, Fiona plays guitar, piano, violin, double bass, accordion and harp.

» in any more than = no más que.

Example: The librarian, however brilliant or hard- working, cannot judge for himself in any more than a few limited fields of literary production.

» in less than half the time = en menos de la mitad de(l) tiempo.

Example: The weather improved on our way back to camp and so we made it back in less than half the time.

» in more than one instance = en más de una ocasión.

Example: They not only liked her, opened up to her, and flirted with her but, in more than one instance, fell in love and/or had affairs with her.

» in more than one occasion = en más de una ocasión.

Example: In more than one occasion he exposed himself to enemy fire and grenades by covering the bodies of those whom he was aiding with his own.

» in more ways than one = de muchas formas, de muchas maneras, en muchos sentidos, en más de un sentido.

Example: As the title of my talk indicates, we are on thin ice, and in more ways than one.

» larger-than-life = legendario, de proporciones históricas, colosal, descomunal, exuberante.

Example: Significant political events often summon forth larger-than-life figures and the inevitable clash of titans.

» less ... than ... = menos ... que ....

Example: So, syntactic relationships do arise in documents, but are less permanent than semantic relationships.

» less than + Adjetivo = poco + Adjetivo.

Example: Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Adolph Hitler to name but three, were remarkably successful as leaders in spite of less than outstanding academic records.

» less than + Cantidad = menos de + Cantidad.

Example: Microcomputers with Winchester disks are now widely available for less than $5000.

» less-than sign (&#60;) = símbolo de menor-que (<).

Example: Each see reference tracing, including the first, is precede by a less-than sign or left angled bracket (<).

» more ... than ... = más ... que ....

Example: Indicative-informative abstracts are more common than either the purely indicative or the purely informative abstract.

» more than all of us put together = más que todos nosotros juntos.

Example: In fact, he boasts that he knows more about library work than all of us who have our master's degrees put together.

» more than + Cantidad = más de + Cantidad.

Example: One 5 1/4' disk can thus hold more than a million characters (one megabyte).

» more than ever = más que antes, más que nunca, más que nunca antes.

Example: In the Year of the Young Reader, booksellers and librarians should form a lobby through which they can become a stronger, more unified force than ever.

» more ... than ever before = más ... que nunca antes, más ... que antes.

Example: Today the environment is changing more quickly than ever before, driven by technological change.

» more than ever before = más que antes, más que nunca, más que nunca antes.

Example: The unavoidable conclusion of all this is that more than ever before young people are seeking to escape from the academic environment and move out into the world as soon as possible.

» more than meets the eye = más complejo de lo que parece, más complicado de lo que parece.

Example: A librarian who suspected that there was more to this than met the eye might find that the problem at the heart of the matter could be a wish to know something of the story of the play without having to read it.

» more than once = más de una vez.

Example: I knew all the ways to control lunatics, but she was strong in her ravings and knocked me cold more than once.

» more than one ISBN = más de un ISBN.

Example: When a publication is issued in more than one form or by more than one publisher and has more than one ISBN, each ISBN is recorded.

» most often than not = muy frecuentemente, muy a menudo.

Example: They say you are as old as you feel but most often than not you are as old as you look.

» no later than = antes de.

Example: Abstracts for long papers should be submitted no later than June 20, 2002.

» no less + Adjetivo + Nombre + than = nada menos que + Nombre + tan + Adjetivo + como.

Example: No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.

» no less than = tanto como.

Example: Children respond no less than adults (rather more, in fact) to personal contact.

» no more than = simplemente.

Example: A clump may be no more than a list of databases that share some common features like regional location, content type, subject matter, etc = Un grupo de recursos pueder ser simplemente una lista de bases de datos que comparten algunas características como la ubicación geográfica, el tipo de contenido, la materia, etc.

» none less than = nada más y (nada) menos que.

Example: The opening ceremony was attended by none less than Emperor Francis Joseph himself = A la ceremonia de apertura asistió nada más y nada menos que el mismo Emperador Francisco José.

» none other than = nada más y (nada) menos que.

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

» no sooner said than done = dicho y hecho.

Example: No sooner said than done -- he slipped a dog collar around Pinocchio's neck and tightened it so that it would not come off.

» no sooner than = no antes de, después de.

Example: The effect of drugs on myoelectric activity of the digestive tract should be evaluated no sooner than 2 weeks after electrode implantation.

» no sooner ... than = tan pronto como.

Example: No sooner had the announcement been made by NASA than the astronomers were invited to join the company to continue their research.

» not anymore than = no más que.

Example: I don't know, not anymore than you do.

» nothing less than = nada más y nada menos que.

Example: We had charged him with nothing less than outlining a national program for preserving millions of books in danger of deterioration = Le habíamos encargado nada más y nada menos que esbozara un programa nacional para la conservación de millones de libros en peligro de deterioro.

» not later than = antes de.

Example: Please send proposals, as soon as possible, and not later than 31 December 2007.

» now more than ever = ahora más que nunca.

Example: A phenomenon as old as humanity, megalomania has become, now more than ever, an attitude reflective of our contemporary culture.

» on more than one occasion = en más de una ocasión, más de una vez.

Example: She enjoyed pointing out on more than one occasion that he had demonstrated an IQ of 145, thus placing him intellectually far ahead of his co-students.

» other than = que no sea(n), excepto, a excepción de, diferente de, aparte de, distinto de, al margen de.

Example: Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.

» other than = además de.

Example: The advantages, other than the savings in costs, are that they allow the student to progress at an individual pace = Las ventajas, además del ahorro en los costes, son que permiten al estudiante avanzar a su propio ritmo.

» rather than = en vez de, en lugar de, más que.

Example: Also, title entries were ordered by grammatical arrangement, rather than in natural word order.

» something other than = algo diferente de, algo distinto de.

Example: The key field could, of course, be something other than a number, eg the author.

» somewhere other than = en un lugar diferente de, en un lugar distinto a.

Example: If you have saved the search somewhere other than the default drive and directory, be sure to specify the appropriate location in your command.

» sooner than = antes que.

Example: Since the preliminary cataloging data and the redistributed national records will be available sooner than full LC cataloging data, they will be offered through the MARC Distribution Service as an aid to acquisitions work.

» truth is stranger than fiction = la realidad supera a la ficción, la verdad es más extraña que la ficción.

Example: But so far, no one has imagined a scenario where people might be playing ping-pong with robots, which just goes to prove that truth is often stranger than fiction.

» two heads are better than one = dos cabezas son mejor que una.

Example: Sometimes, two heads are better than one when thinking out of the box.

» with no more ado than + Nombre = con sólo + Infinitivo.

Example: Machine-made paper, provided that it was dry, could be laid on with sufficient accuracy for register to be made with no more ado than adjustment of the forme for the second run.

» would rather + Verbo + than = preferir + Subjuntivo + que, antes morir que.

Example: I would rather a great book or a great picture fell into the hands of the corporation than into the hands of an individual.
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