Texture in spanish


pronunciation: tekstuɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

texture1 = textura, naturaleza, cariz. 

Example: The fruits of Mr. Kilgour's labors and creations have substantially altered the texture of contemporary America library service = Los frutos de los trabajos y creaciones del Sr. Kilgour han alterado sustancialmente la naturaleza del servicio bibliotecario de la América contemporánea.

texture2 = cadencia. 

Example: When children bounce on mother's knee to a song or a nursery rhyme and maybe when they chuckle at special words, names, and puns, they are responding to the texture and rhythm of sounds.

texture3 = hilar, urdir. 

Example: The play was an entrancing production that was textured with ideas, witty, and cunningly crafted.
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