Textile in spanish


pronunciation: tekstil part of speech: noun
In gestures

textile = textil. 

Example: The inclusion of much of West Yorkshire in the non-quota textile programme is claimed to be at least partly attributable to this persistence.


» textile design = diseño textil.

Example: But even with a cross reference the librarian or reader now has to go through all the entries at textile design in the hope of discovering an unknown number of books on Batik -- and then he has to note them before setting off to the broadly classified shelves.

» textile industry = industria textil.

Example: In the 1920s and 30s factory libraries grew up in all types of industries, particularly textile industries, but their size and quality varied.

» textile machinery = maquinaria textil.

Example: This article describes the structure and functioning of this system for information on selected groups of textile machinery.

» textiles = tejidos.

Example: Again, in Class M7 textiles we find that the Personality facet P is considered to be the Fibre (Cotton, Flax, Hemp, etc) and in the Energy facet are found the operations (Spinning, Weaving, Carding, etc.).

Textile synonyms

material in spanish: , pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun cloth in spanish: , pronunciation: klɔθ part of speech: noun fabric in spanish: , pronunciation: fæbrɪk part of speech: noun
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