Textbook in spanish

Libro de texto

pronunciation: libɹ̩oʊdetekstoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

textbook [text book] = libro de texto, manual. [Documento didáctico que presenta el saber básico de un arte, una ciencia o una técnica]

Example: A textbook is a didactic document setting out basic knowledge of an art, science or technique.


» be a textbook case of = ser un caso clásico de, ser un caso típico de.

Example: She described the teen as a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder.

» be a textbook example of = ser un ejemplo clásico de, ser un ejemplo típico de.

Example: This is a textbook example of what an ambitious and talented young director can do with modest resources.

» non-textbook = que no es libro de texto.

Example: In the past decade or so, much stalwart work has been done in order to provide non-textbook reading material for primary school children.

» textbook case, a = caso de manual, un.

Example: Omarska also provides a textbook case of unlawful confinement, a war crime.

» Textbooks for Africa (TAP) = Libros de Texto para Africa (TAP).

Example: This article describes a new project entitled Textbooks for Africa (TAP) launched by the Ranfurly Library Service with the support of the British Council (BC) and the Overseas Development Administration.

Textbook synonyms

standard in spanish: , pronunciation: stændɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun text in spanish: , pronunciation: tekst part of speech: noun casebook in spanish: , pronunciation: keɪsbʊk part of speech: noun schoolbook in spanish: , pronunciation: skulbʊk part of speech: noun school text in spanish: , pronunciation: skultekst part of speech: noun text edition in spanish: , pronunciation: tekstədɪʃən part of speech: noun

Textbook antonyms

trade book pronunciation: treɪdbʊk part of speech: noun trade edition pronunciation: treɪdədɪʃən part of speech: noun
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