Text in spanish


pronunciation: tekstoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

text1 = libro, libro de texto. 

Example: The authors of this work have had experience behind both reference desks and classroom lecterns and have felt strongly the lack of an adequate text on the training and education of the reference librarian.


» school text = libro de texto escolar.

Example: Exports of school texts seem to do well, with a total contribution of 7.34 per cent to total turnover compared to 9.21 per cent from the home sales.

» speak from + the same text = decir las mismas cosas, decir lo mismo, estar de acuerdo en lo que + decir.

Example: Anyone paying attention to politics soon notices that when Democrats attack, they speak from the same text, and when they march to the polls, they march in lockstep.

text2 = texto. [Contenido de una publicación, prescindiendo de la portada, preliminares, índice y apéndices]

Example: If the text is out of date it is foolish to bind the book.


» boxed text = texto enmarcado en un recuadro.

Example: In the online version of a periodical, boxed texts and sidebars are sometimes excluded and sometimes indexed as separate records.

» classical text = texto clásico.

Example: Certain classes of books, indeed, were normally sold bound: school books, classical texts, bibles and prayer books, devotional handbooks and standard collections of sermons.

» columnar text = texto en columnas.

Example: Compound documents are those which contain graphics, maps, photos, scientific notation, as well as those containing textual anomalies, such as footnotes, columnar text, handwriting and boxed text.

» copy-text = texto fuente. [Texto básico utilizado en la edición crítica de una obra]

Example: A critical edition of a book will be set from a particular basic text, and the chosen original is called the copy-text.

» draft text = borrador.

Example: As negotiators continue to grapple with the draft text for a climate deal, faith leaders add their weight to the global call for a fossil free future.

» electronic text [e-text] = texto electrónico.

Example: This initiative aims to create a standard format for the exchange of electronic texts (e-texts).

» free text = texto libre.

Example: In UNIMARC the notes block, block 3 -- , contains notes -- free text statements qualifying and amplifying the description and access points and dealing with any aspect of the physical make-up of the item of its contents.

» free text database = base de datos de texto libre.

Example: In the last 2 years micro-computers have been introduced which are capable of supporting free text databases.

» free text retrieval system = sistema para la recuperación de texto libre.

Example: This is a powerful, free text retrieval system which enables string-searching from any part of a record.

» free text search = búsqueda de texto libre.

Example: Searching descriptor fields for such key terms, e.g. 'FIND: self-esteem in de', can be far more precise than a free text search, eliminating false hits.

» full text = texto completo.

Example: Factual information, in the form of statistics, and full text will become more central.

» full-text = en texto completo, a texto completo.

Example: In addition, 10 non-bibliographic CD-ROMs, containing full-text, numeric or graphic data, were acquired and evaluated.

» full text database = base de datos de texto completo.

Example: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text databases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.

» full text retrieval = recuperación de texto completo. [Posibilidad de poder acceder a información contenida en una aplicación informática que bien no está organizada por campos o ha sido indizada de tal modo que se puede acceder a cualquier palabra o combinación de palabras; también denominada simplemente recuperación de texto text retrieval o recuperación de texto libre free text retrieval]

Example: The developments which have hitherto been implemented for non-full text data bases now need to be introduced to enhance full text retrieval.

» full text search = búsqueda en texto completo.

Example: The system, called 'T-Search', includes not only automatic phonetic searching but also capabilities of full text search and couples them with the capability to search the figurative elements of trademarks.

» hypertext = hipertexto. [Cualquier texto que contiene enlaces con otros documentos; es decir, palabras, frases or gráficos que contienen códigos ocultos que los enlanzan con otros documentos]

Example: This article discusses the application of relational data base management systems to textual data bases and the problems involved in implementing the scaled-up hypertext techniques.

» justified text = texto justificado.

Example: Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.

» linear text = texto lineal.

Example: What does is mean to preserve access to hypertext rather than linear text?.

» literary text = texto literario.

Example: Selected literary texts help young people envision the possibilities of peace.

» machine readable text = texto legible por máquina.

Example: The creation and use of new knowledge and its notation has passed through many stages in the last 6,000 years from cuneiform tablets to machine readable text.

» meat of the text = parte principal del texto.

Example: As a reader of books, I am frequently irritated by 'introductions', which appear to me to have no other purpose that to hinder me from getting into the meat of the text.

» narrative text = texto narrado.

Example: Within each chapter the key concepts are examined by a combination of narrative text and a series of questions and answers.

» National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) = Proyecto Nacional de Lectura Optica de Textos de Agricultura (NATDP). [Proyecto nacional americano para la lectura óptica de textos de agricultura y su posterior distribución en disco óptico]

Example: The National Agricultural Text Digitizing Project (NATDP) is a cooperative effort by the National Agricultural Library and 42 university libraries to test a new method of capturing this literature in digital form for publication on CD-ROM.

» non-text = no textual, que no es texto.

Example: Binhex (BINary HEXadecimal) is a method for converting non-text files (non-ASCII) into ASCII.

» parallel-text edition = edición paralela, edición bilingüe. [Publicación en la que dos o más textos de una misma obra aparecen impresos en caras opuestas para facilitar su comparación]

Example: In extreme cases it will be necessary to abandon one of the versions altogether and produce a critical edition of the other, or even to make a parallel-text edition.

» plain text = texto plano, texto simple. [fichero de texto que sólo utiliza caracteres ASCII o binarios para representar su contenido]

Example: The use of plain text encoding and decoding software allows binary files to be successfully transferred between sites via an electronic mail = El uso de software de decodificación y codificación en texto plano permite que se transmitan correctamente ficheros binarios entre ordenadores a través del correo electrónico.

» printed text = texto impreso.

Example: More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.

» speaking text = notas, texto para presentar oralmente. [Texto que acompaña a una presentación visual o de una ponencia la versión que se presenta oralmente al público]

Example: The presentations may be in the form of PowerPoint presentations and/or papers, however Power Point presentations, without accompanying speaking texts, will be not accepted as papers.

» stand out in + the text = destacar.

Example: Both Dialog and Chemical Abstracts Service stand out in the text.

» stream of text = texto continuo.

Example: The text file is a stream of text as inserted by the user containing a minimal number of control characters which indicate the internal structure of the text.

» teletext = teletexto.

Example: Teletext services are broadcast information services which may be accessed in a non-interactive mode.

» Text Array Processor (TAP) = Procesador de Matrices de Texto (TAP).

Example: The GESCAN system is designed to be used with a VAX/VMS computer system with the addition of a special purpose processor called a Text Array Processor (TAP).

» text-based = textual, de texto.

Example: Some projects cover the extension of library services to include access to and delivery of more traditional text-based materials held in image form.

» text-carrying = de soporte de texto.

Example: When the term was coined the predominant information and text-carrying medium in libraries was the book.

» text corpus = corpus lingüístico.

Example: This software provides full text search for text corpora that may be garbled by OCR or transmission errors, and that may contain languages other than English = Este programa ofrece búsqueda en texto completo de corpus lingüísticos que puedan hacerse indescifrable por errores del OCR o de transmisión y que puedan contener otras lenguas diferentes al inglés.

» text database = base de datos de texto.

Example: The project consortium will complete a feasibility study into the automatic indexing of free text and the multilingual querying of text databases = El consorcio creado realizar el proyecto llevará a cabo un estudio de viabilidad sobre la indización automática de texto libre y la consulta en varios idiomas de bases de datos de texto.

» text encoding = codificación de textos. [En Internet, inserción de los códigos necesarios para convertir texto normal en páginas web]

Example: We're rather understaffed in this area, so we need a variety of skills, including text encoding, digital imaging, and audio/video capture and transcoding.

» text file = fichero de texto. [Fichero cuyo contenido es principalmente texto]

Example: Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.

» text-handling = para la gestión de información textual.

Example: This course's aim is to continue the study of computer applications in information management, with particular reference to text-handling applications.

» text information = información textual.

Example: A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.

» text information management system = gestor documental.

Example: Computer-based information retrieval systems include the services of the online search service suppliers, CD-ROM products, inhouse text information management systems and online public access catalogues.

» text knowledge = información textual. [En informática, conocimiento del que un ordenador dispone sobre un texto generalmente a través de marcas de hipertexto]

Example: A prototype, natural language, text-knowledge system has emerged from the project and includes a data base manager to compile the text knowledge and to make it available to navigational commands.

» text-like = con las características similares a las de texto.

Example: Information retrieval has been primarily concerned with text and text-like data.

» text mark-up expert = experto en la confección de documentos web.

Example: The workshop brought together librarians, digital library researchers, content providers, and text-markup experts to improve discovery standards for information resources.

» text message = mensaje de texto, sms.

Example: As many people now know, text messages roaming around the grapevine such as 'the lady finally met her match' is for real.

» text-mining = minería de textos. [Técnica de recuperación de información contenida en textos en lenguaje natural y sin estructurar]

Example: Text-mining is a technique used to analyze unstructured, natural language text to discover information and knowledge that is complex to retrieve.

» text-numeric database = base de datos numérico-textual.

Example: Text-numeric databases contain a mixture of textual and numeric data (such as company annual reports) and handbook data.

» text-oriented database = base de datos de texto.

Example: In contrast to text-oriented data bases which are usually searched in information centres by professional searchers, statistical data bases are used directly by experts in the field.

» text processing = procesamiento de texto.

Example: Since 1981, a lower-cost option for text processing has been available: the personal computer with text-processing software.

» text-processing software = procesador de textos.

Example: Since 1981, a lower-cost option for text processing has been available: the personal computer with text-processing software.

» text processor = procesador de texto.

Example: It can interconnect text processors, personal computers and terminals to high-quality printers, computer-based file stores, facsimile machines, digital voice, video and other electronic office equipment.

» text retrieval = recuperación de texto. [Posibilidad de poder acceder a información contenida en una aplicación informática que bien no está organizada por campos o ha sido indizada de tal modo que se puede acceder a cualquier palabra o combinación de palabras; también denominada recuperación de texto libre free text retrieval o completo full text retrieval]

Example: CAIRS-LMS (Library Management System) was launched at the end of 1987 to offer library housekeeping facilities in addition to text retrieval.

» text signature = identificación textual. [En indización, conjunto de rasgos textuales (principalmente palabras clave) que identifican a un documento]

Example: This article considers the implementation of document retrieval systems based on text signatures (fixed-length, bit string representations of document content).

» text string = cadena de texto, secuencia de caracteres.

Example: This article presents a technique for the abbrevation of text strings for use as a control code = Este artículo presenta una técnica para la abreviación de secuencias de caracteres para usarse como códigos de control.

» text-string searching = búsquedas de secuencias de caracteres.

Example: Truncation and text-string searching: truncation and the ability to search on word strings or character strings are available in almost all computerized postcoordinate indexing environments.

» text timeshare = utilización compartida de bases de datos textuales.

Example: The article 'Text timeshares: sitting ducks for hungry dogs' examines how US text timesharing companies, responsible for deliver of information to users, are operating, against a background of US business in general.

» text timesharing = utilización compartida de bases de datos textuales.

Example: The article 'Text timeshares: sitting ducks for hungry dogs' examines how US text timesharing companies, responsible for deliver of information to users, are operating, against a background of US business in general.

» text-to-speech conversion = conversión de texto a voz.

Example: The author deems voice recognition technology to be unimpressive but finds that text-to-speech conversion has greatly improved.

» text-to-speech system = sistema de conversión de texto a voz.

Example: The text-to-speech system is based on the concatenation of basic speech units.

» textword = palabra del documento. [Concepto usado principalmente en indización para distinguir las palabras del texto de los descriptores usados para identificar un documento]

Example: Searchers used either textwords or descriptors to increase recall, depending on the specific conditions.

» text word = palabra del texto.

Example: The colon may also be used within words as a substitute character when searching text words; for example, F:ETUS will retrieve the American spelling FETUS, but also the English spelling FOETUS = Los dos puntos también se pueden usar dentro de las palabras como un carácter sustituto cuando se buscan palabras del texto, por ejemplo, "F:ETUS" recuperará la grafía americana "FETUS" [feto], aunque también la inglesa "FOETUS".

» textwords ratio = índice de palabras del documento. [Relación entre las palabras del documento usadas en la búsqueda y el número total de términos de búsqueda usados]

Example: Textwords ratio is the number of textwords divided by the number of search terms.

» variant text = variante de un texto.

Example: A variant text is conventionally represented in a footnote quoting the text to be elided, the variant reading, and a code identifying its source.

» videotext = videotexto. [Normalmente se usa videotext y videotex indistintamente]

Example: The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: personal computers, CD-ROMs, interactive video, videotext, parallel processing, and so on.

text3 = enviar un mensaje de texto, enviar un sms. 

Example: This is illustrated by the fact that over than half of her national sample texted friends more than five times a day.

Text synonyms

textbook in spanish: , pronunciation: tekstbʊk part of speech: noun schoolbook in spanish: , pronunciation: skulbʊk part of speech: noun school text in spanish: , pronunciation: skultekst part of speech: noun textual matter in spanish: , pronunciation: tekstʃəwəlmætɜr part of speech: noun text edition in spanish: , pronunciation: tekstədɪʃən part of speech: noun

Text antonyms

trade book pronunciation: treɪdbʊk part of speech: noun trade edition pronunciation: treɪdədɪʃən part of speech: noun
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