Testing in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩uebɑs part of speech: noun
In gestures

test2 = poner a prueba, comprobar, probar, examinar, experimentar. 

Example: Inmate library workers often test a new librarian, but once he or she has passed the test, they usually become very protective and staunch promoters of the library.


» be thoroughly tested = haber sido comprobado exhaustivamente.

Example: Unfortunately, librarians were unable to bring themselves to whole-heartedly accept and implement this new philosophy, and as a result it has never been carefully thought out or thoroughly tested.

» field-test = comprobar en la práctica real.

Example: The 35 measures to assess digital reference services were field-tested by a number of libraries participating in the project.

» means test = comprobar los ingresos, comprobar las necesidades económicas, evaluar los ingresos, evaluar las necesidades económicas. [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]

Example: Gordon Brown always claims that he has to means test benefits because that is the only way to help the poorest people.

» pilot-test = comprobar la validez, comprobar de antemano.

Example: The survey questionnaires and methodology were pilot-tested late in 81.

» pretest [pre-test] = comprobar de antemano.

Example: Prior to the experiment, a multiple choice test instrument was designed and pretested.

» test drive = probar.

Example: The article is entitled 'Out for a spin: a school librarian test drives 14 CD-ROM encyclopedias'.

» test facility = laboratorio de pruebas, laboratorio de ensayos, laboratorio de experimentación.

Example: A large number of test facilities have been constructed for the conversion of biomass and residues into useful product.

» test + hypothesis = comprobar una hipótesis.

Example: The general hypothesis to be tested is that there are significant differences in readability among these three groups.

» test + idea = poner a prueba una idea, probar una idea.

Example: Analytical cataloguing is valuable in respect of any type of media, but many of ideas have been tested most thoroughly in the context of monographs and serials.

» test + knowledge = examinar los conocimientos.

Example: Twenty questions are presented to test users' knowledge of available arts and humanities data bases and the vendors who supply access to them.

» test + negative = dar negativo, test + ser + negativo.

Example: Testing negative for HIV does not mean that you are immune to the virus, so it is important to keep protecting yourself.

» test + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits = poner a prueba.

Example: A group of young people are on the crest of a wave after completing an eight-day sailing challenge that tested them to their limits.

» test + Nombre + to the limit = ser la prueba de fuego de Algo.

Example: Motocross is one of the most physically demanding forms of motorcycle sport and tests both rider and their machines to the limit.

» test out = probar, poner a prueba.

Example: Dubai police are testing out futuristic hovering motorbikes = Los policías de Dubai están probando motocicletas flotantes futuristas.

» test + Posesivo + mettle = poner a prueba, poner a prueba + Posesivo + temple, poner a prueba + Posesivo + valía.

Example: This summer she'll be testing her mettle against teams from around the world.

» test + Posesivo + patience = poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien.

Example: This hilarious show pranks unsuspecting guests, testing their patience to see just how long before they reach boiling point.

» test + positive = dar positivo, test + ser + positivo.

Example: If you test positive, it would be better to refrain from wearing a neoprene wetsuit.

» test + the patience of a saint = poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo, acabar con la paciencia de un santo.

Example: This may be obvious but circumstances do arise that will test the patience of a saint; those are the times to keep plugging on until solution is found.

» test + the validity of = comprobar la validez de.

Example: Whether he knows it or not, the writer will be testing the validity of certain ways of seeing life.

» test + the water = tantear el terreno. [A veces se usa test the waters]

Example: Can I just test the water with this question?.

testing1 = comprobación, pruebas, constatación, análisis. 

Example: Attention has focussed on the labelling of foodstuffs and the testing and approval of food additives.


» alcohol testing = prueba de alcoholemia.

Example: Results from two nationwide surveys reveal that alcohol testing of employees is on the rise.

» blood testing = análisis de sangre.

Example: Uganda will soon launch a door-to-door blood testing survey to get a more accurate picture of the number of Ugandans with AIDS.

» conformance testing = test de conformidad.

Example: There must be conformance testing of implementations to ensure that they meet the specifications of the standard or profile incorporated.

» drug testing = prueba de detección de consumo de drogas, control antidoping, control antidopaje, prueba antidoping, prueba antidopaje.

Example: But to enter into a contract, all pilots must submit to drug testing and sign a promissory of secrecy.

» hypothesis-testing = para la evaluación de hipótesis.

Example: Guttman scale analysis is a statistical technique designed both for selecting items to make up a unidimensional scale along which individuals may be scored, and as a hypothesis-testing technique for determining whether a set of individuals adequately fit a scale, or whether a scale adequately reflects observed response patterns.

» interoperability testing = test de interoperabilidad.

Example: There must be interoperability testing of implementations to ensure that they can interwork in an operational environment.

» means-testing = comprobación de los ingresos, comprobación de las necesidades económicas, evaluación de los ingresos, evaluación de las necesidades económicas. [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]

Example: For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.

» nuclear weapons testing = prueba nuclear, ensayo nuclear.

Example: From Truman's approval for nuclear weapons testing in Nevada on 18 Dec 1950 the AEC adopted a four-pronged approach: inundating the public with positive information on nuclear power; emphasising defence needs; highlighting the nonmilitary benefits of testing; and reassuring the citizenry that testing was not hazardous to health.

» posttesting [post-testing] = posprueba, posexamen.

Example: Pretesting and posttesting, control and experimental groups, aggregate and individual comparisons, multiple regression, and other techniques were used.

» pretesting [pre-testing] = preprueba, preexamen.

Example: Pretesting and posttesting, control and experimental groups, aggregate and individual comparisons, multiple regression, and other techniques were used.

» self-testing = autoevaluación, autocomprobación.

Example: This system uses expert system architectural principles to generate an inexhaustible supply of accounting questions that can be used by students for self-study and self-testing.

» testing ground = terreno de pruebas.

Example: This tool has provided both a very significant testing ground for the techniques, and also an influential disseminator of the methods.

» unobtrusive testing = evaluación sin intervención del examinador. [Evaluación en la que el evaluador no interviene en el proceso durante la realización del mismo]

Example: Reports of unobtrusive testing in public reference libraries suggest that relative probability can be a long way from certainty.

testing2 = difícil, duro, arduo, penoso. 

Example: This is but brief thanks for providing such ready help and with such genial civility in these testing days of general difficulty.

Testing synonyms

examination in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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