Testament in spanish


pronunciation: testɑmentoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

testament = testamento, testimonio. 

Example: This work can serve as a model of clear, expository prose, a rich source of colourful and sometimes even poetic names, and an eloquent testament to the American Dream.


» bear + testament to = ser testimonio de, servir de testimonio de, ser testamento de, servir de testamento de.

Example: The film 'The Last Rites' bears testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

» New Testament (N.T.), el = Nuevo Testamento, el.

Example: Aesop's Fables, like the parables of the New Testament in the Christian Bible, are, as literary structures, quite simple and short.

» Old Testament (O.T.), the = Antiguo Testamento, el.

Example: The Hebrews' understanding of hierarchy and the importance of delegation is reflected in the Old Testament.

» stand as + a testament to = ser testimonio de, servir de testimonio de, ser testamento de, servir de testamento de.

Example: This unique book stands as a testament to the enduring place of the hillbilly in the American imagination.

» will and testament = testamento.

Example: The provision, in a will and testament, of a document or set of documents to an organization, at times according to certain obligations, the beneficiary having the right to refuse acceptance is known as bequest acquisition.

Testament synonyms

will in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪl part of speech: noun
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