Test in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩uebɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

test1 = test, prueba, examen. 

Example: The suppliers claim that tests show this to be sufficient for 980 of all entries.


» achievement test = test, examen, prueba de rendimiento.

Example: Stepchildren score lower than biological children on achievement tests and exhibit more behavior problems.

» acid test, the = prueba de fuego, la.

Example: The article is entitled 'Automated acquisitions: the acid test'.

» alpha test site = lugar de prueba alfa. [Institución en donde se pone a prueba un programa o equipo informático]

Example: Colorado State served as the alpha site for modification of ILLRKS to accept RLIN records.

» anxiety test = prueba de ansiedad, test de ansiedad.

Example: Here you will find an anxiety test for panic attacks as well as some helpful advice from someone who suffers from an axiety disorder.

» benchmark test = prueba de referencia.

Example: The benchmark tests as specified in the contract were conducted by regular library staff.

» beta test = prueba beta. [Comprobación realizada por una institución de un programa o equipo informático con el compromiso de informar al fabricante de los resultados]

Example: The IEE's CD-ROM is now in beta test at 10 sites in the USA and 2 in the UK.

» beta test programme = programa de prueba beta. [Conjunto de pruebas realizadas por una institución de un programa o equipo informático con el compromiso de informar al fabricante de los resultados]

Example: Analysis of the log from a recent beta test programme at the Welch Medical Library indicates that most searches occur in the MEDLINE data base.

» beta test site = lugar de prueba beta. [Institución que a petición del fabricante pone a prueba un programa o equipo informático]

Example: This article describes the experience of Providence College, Rhode Island, whose library was a beta test site during 1986.

» blood test = análisis de sangre.

Example: The author discusses prostate cancer as well as other benign prostate problems with reference to the Prostate Specific Antigen blood test.

» blood test run = análisis clínico, analítica.

Example: The vitamins that I take are suggestions from my doctor as a result of an extensive blood test run to ensure my body is as strong as possible.

» breath test = prueba de alcoholemia, test de alcoholemia.

Example: Results of breath tests administered to persons wearing tongue studs are inadmissible in court.

» chi square test = test chi cuadrado.

Example: Survey items, including subject searched, method of instruction, amount of searching experience, data base selected, and perceived relevance of citations retrieved, were cross-tabulated and examined for significance using the chi squared test.

» clinical test = ensayo clínico.

Example: This is an extremely valuable clinical test that provides information about the circulatory system of the ocular fundus (the back of the eye) not attainable by routine examination.

» cloze test = prueba cloze . [Examen de lengua en el que el alumno tiene que rellenar los espacios en blanco de un texto]

Example: Although the use of the cloze test bypasses the need for standardized testing, the danger of choosing a passage which is not reflective of the whole work must be noted.

» density test = prueba de la densidad.

Example: This article describes 3 methods -- the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test -- which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.

» diagnostic test = análisis diagnóstico, examen diagnóstico, exploración complementaria.

Example: In addition to their music audition, they will be given a diagnostic test in music theory.

» DNA test = prueba del ADN, test del ADN.

Example: DNA tests proved that the DNA fingerprint from the semen found on the two murdered victims was not the same as Buckland's.

» dope test = control antidopaje, prueba antidopaje, control antidoping, prueba antidoping.

Example: The number of sportspersons who failed dope test in the first seven months this year stood at a whopping 101, the highest in the last four years.

» doping test = control antidopaje, prueba antidopaje, control antidoping, prueba antidoping.

Example: The Belarus shot-putter Nadzeya Ostapchuk has been stripped of her London 2012 gold medal after failing a doping test.

» driving test = examen de conducir.

Example: The driving test will of course involve many left turns on a variety of different roads.

» evaluative test = test de evaluación.

Example: The Americana tends to come off second-best in just about every evaluative test (size, readability, accessibility, up-to-dateness, prestige, etc.).

» field sobriety test = test de alcoholemia.

Example: Police officers often use field sobriety tests to measure a suspected drunk driver's balance, coordination and ability to perform two tasks at one time.

» field test = prueba sobre el terreno, prueba in situ, comprobación en la práctica real.

Example: This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.

» get + a blood test done = hacerse un análisis de sangre.

Example: I got a blood test done and I have low haemoglobin levels.

» goodness of fit test = ?.

Example: Goodness of fit tests indicate that neither model fits the data.

» have + a blood test done = hacerse un análisis de sangre.

Example: A few months back I had a blood test done with results showing my white blood cell count low at 3.8 and vitamin D levels also low at 10.

» have + a blood test run = hacerse una analítica, hacerse un análisis clínico .

Example: Before travelling abroad have a routine blood test run a couple of weeks before you go.

» inkblot test = test de Rorschach.

Example: The Rorscach test (commonly known as the inkblot test) is used by the psychiatric world to help determine a person's mental state.

» intelligence test = prueba de inteligencia, test de inteligencia.

Example: It is still too early to draw final conclusions regarding the relative success of the various intelligence tests.

» IQ test = test de inteligencia, prueba de inteligencia.

Example: If I'm not mistaken the military decided some time ago that IQ tests were a poor predictor of leadership qualities.

» laboratory test = prueba, test, test de laboratorio, prueba de laboratorio.

Example: Some laboratory tests are precise, reliable indicators of specific health problems.

» lab test = prueba, test, test de laboratorio, prueba de laboratorio.

Example: The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.

» library test collection = docimoteca.

Example: Our library test collection is a highly restricted collection and the iterms circulate only to those enrolled in a class associated with assessment and evaluation.

» litmus test = prueba de acidez, prueba de tornasol, prueba decisiva, prueba determinante, determinante.

Example: Consequently, the process of retrieval and knowledge discovery from this huge amount of heterogeneous complex data builds the litmus-test for the research in the area.

» means test = comprobación de los ingresos, comprobación de las necesidades económicas, evaluación de los ingresos, evaluación de las necesidades económicas. [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]

Example: To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.

» multiple choice test = examen tipo test.

Example: The software that allows students to take a multiple choice test on a computer to determine how well they understood what they have read.

» multi-variate test = ?.

Example: In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.

» multivariate test = análisis multivariante, análisis multivariable.

Example: In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.

» nearest neighbour test = prueba de la máxima proximidad.

Example: This article describes 3 methods -- the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test -- which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.

» not stand the test of = no superar la prueba de, resultar negativo.

Example: Sidney Ditzion's assessment of Ticknor as a man who 'loved and trusted the great majority of his fellow citizens' just will not stand the test when compared with the testimony of Ticknor's contemporaries.

» obtrusive test = evaluación intrusiva.

Example: The percentage of correct answers rose to 86% in an obtrusive test.

» overlap test = prueba del solapamiento.

Example: This article describes 3 methods -- the overlap test, the nearest neighbour test, and the density test -- which can be used to measure the degree of clustering tendency in a set of documents.

» pass + a test = pasar una prueba.

Example: Inmate library workers often test a new librarian, but once he or she has passed the test, they usually become very protective and staunch promoters of the library.

» pass + the acid test = pasar la prueba de fuego.

Example: Over the years, herbal medicine has passed the acid test with its satisfactory results, and no one today can question its effectiveness.

» pass + the test of time = resistir el paso del tiempo.

Example: This wisdom filled text has passed the test of time and is the most translated book in the world next to the Bible.

» pass + the white-glove test = pasar la prueba del algodón.

Example: The service was incredible and it definitely passed the white-glove test with flying colours.

» paternity test = prueba de paternidad, test de paternidad.

Example: A prenatal paternity test is a conclusive way to determine if a man is the father of an unborn child.

» Pearson Product Moment Test = ?.

Example: Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.

» performance test = prueba de rendimiento, análisis de rendimiento, test, prueba, examen.

Example: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: haircut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.

» pilot test = estudio piloto.

Example: Pilot tests with 21 teenagers and with 24 older respondents suggest that the technology poses little difficulty for most respondents.

» posttest [post-test] = posprueba, posexamen, después de la prueba, después del examen. [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: No significant differences between participants' pretest and posttest scores were identified.

» pregnancy test = prueba del embarazo, test de embarazo.

Example: If you're not sure when your next period is due, you can do a pregnancy test 21 days after you last had unprotected sex.

» pretest [pre-test] = preprueba, preexamen, antes de la prueba, antes del examen.

Example: No significant differences between participants' pretest and posttest scores were identified.

» put + Nombre + to the test = probar, poner a prueba.

Example: There are 2 important areas where the librarian's interpretation of his role are put to the test: his involvement with audiovisual materials, and his attitude towards teaching.

» road test = examen de conducir.

Example: Remember, if you take the road test on your motorbike, scooter or moped, you will receive a driver's licence that allows you to operate these types of vehicles only.

» Rorschach test = test de Rorschach.

Example: The Rorscach test (commonly known as the inkblot test) is used by the psychiatric world to help determine a person's mental state.

» self-test = autotest, autocomprobación.

Example: The author offers a self-test to help users choose the model that best suits their needs.

» smear test = citología, citología cervical, frotis, frotis vaginal, frotis cervical.

Example: If a woman is not having periods or is menopausal, she can attend for her smear test at any time as long as there is no bleeding.

» sobriety test = test de alcoholemia.

Example: If you are pulled over under suspicion of DUI, you will likely be subjected to sobriety tests.

» stand + the test of time = resistir el paso del tiempo.

Example: The structure of this book has stood the test of time well.

» survive + the test of time = resistir el paso del tiempo.

Example: True love survives the test of time.

» take + test = realizar una prueba, hacer un examen.

Example: The software that allows students to take a multiple choice test on a computer to determine how well they understood what they have read.

» take + the driving test = hacer el examen de conducir, examinarse de conducir.

Example: I've gone through all the paperwork, no problem, now I just have to take the driving test.

» test anxiety = ansiedad ante los exámenes.

Example: She's a smart, hardworking kid who has a horrible time with test anxiety and your course was a huge help in preparing her mentally and psychologically.

» testbed [test bed] = banco de pruebas.

Example: OPACS are thus considered to be appropriate test beds for end user searching.

» test case = caso que sienta jurisprudencia, juicio que sienta jurisprudencia.

Example: Test cases are useful because they establish legal rights or principles and thereby serve as precedent for future similar cases.

» test collection = colección de control. [Colección utiliazada por los investigadores para poder evaluar los resultados de diferentes tipos de estrategias de búsqueda]

Example: Test collections are research ttols that provide a means for researchers to explore the relative benefits of different retrieval strategies in a laboratory setting.

» test data = resultados de pruebas.

Example: This means that it must be well documented, with for example user manuals, test data and guidance on setting up systems.

» test design = modelo de test.

Example: Too many unanswered questions remain to allow a reasonable test design.

» test drive = prueba, versión de prueba.

Example: The author presents an evaluation of PatentView in terms of product information, search and retrieval facilities, documentation, and test drive.

» test flight = vuelo de prueba.

Example: A bomber plane was a total wreck when it crash-landed today returning from a test flight = Un bombardero quedó siniestro total al realizar un atterrizaje de emergencia hoy cuando volvía de un vuelo de pruebas.

» Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) = TOEFL (Examen de Inglés como Segunda Lengua). [Examen de inglés que todo estudiante extranjero debe hacer como requisito para su entrada en una universidad americana]

Example: Results of the Pearson Product Moment Test showed a moderate correlation between the students' exit TOEFL scores and the post-test lirary skills scores.

» test phase = fase de pruebas.

Example: By talking initially with your developers and then to the customer you'll firm up your scope of possible tasks for your test phase.

» test run = test, prueba, experimento.

Example: Test run results show that by taking advantage of the favourable properties of holography shorter response times are obtained.

» test score = puntuación de un test, resultado de un test.

Example: Test score data were broken down to show that the decline is pandemic throughout the culture & not limited to sex, race, or class variables.

» test session = test, examen, prueba.

Example: A cognitive walkthrough consists of a re-enactment of a test session in which the user is queried about their movements and decisions throughout the test session.

» test site = lugar de pruebas.

Example: In Jan 89, the Brandeis University Library was selected as a test site for the installation of Silverplatter's MultiPlatter local area network (LAN).

» test strip = tira de prueba. [Tira de cartulina usada en laboratorios que sumergido en un líquido cambia de color indicando las características del mismo]

Example: The laboratory analysis reports characteristics of: (1) odor, color, and clarity; (2) specific gravity; (3) sediment; (4) test strips; and (5) albumin and phosphates.

» test tube = probeta, tubo de ensaño.

Example: Colour intensity was compared by means of test tubes.

» theory test = examen de teoría, examen teórico.

Example: Learner drivers must pass a theory test before they take their practical examination, but driving instructors say it does not guarantee that learners have mastered the Highway Code.

» univariate test = análisis univariante, test univariante, prueba univariante.

Example: In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.

» validation test = test de validación, test de comprobación.

Example: The high accuracy level obtained by validation tests of this model supports its utility for the management of rhea populations in other cattle ranches of the region.

» wear test = test de desgaste, prueba de desgaste.

Example: A standard wear test was developed which all buckrams must pass in future in order to be chosen for library bindings.

» white-glove test, the = prueba del algodón, la.

Example: The social worker is not there to do a 'white-glove test' of your home, but is there to ensure that you and your family are suitable to adopt a child.

» withstand + the test of time = resistir el paso del tiempo.

Example: Lebanon's majestic cedar trees have withstood the test of time for centuries but climate change is threatening the country's most treasured symbol.

test2 = poner a prueba, comprobar, probar, examinar, experimentar. 

Example: Inmate library workers often test a new librarian, but once he or she has passed the test, they usually become very protective and staunch promoters of the library.


» be thoroughly tested = haber sido comprobado exhaustivamente.

Example: Unfortunately, librarians were unable to bring themselves to whole-heartedly accept and implement this new philosophy, and as a result it has never been carefully thought out or thoroughly tested.

» field-test = comprobar en la práctica real.

Example: The 35 measures to assess digital reference services were field-tested by a number of libraries participating in the project.

» means test = comprobar los ingresos, comprobar las necesidades económicas, evaluar los ingresos, evaluar las necesidades económicas. [Generalmente para la concesión de ayudas y beneficios de cualquier tipo]

Example: Gordon Brown always claims that he has to means test benefits because that is the only way to help the poorest people.

» pilot-test = comprobar la validez, comprobar de antemano.

Example: The survey questionnaires and methodology were pilot-tested late in 81.

» pretest [pre-test] = comprobar de antemano.

Example: Prior to the experiment, a multiple choice test instrument was designed and pretested.

» test drive = probar.

Example: The article is entitled 'Out for a spin: a school librarian test drives 14 CD-ROM encyclopedias'.

» test facility = laboratorio de pruebas, laboratorio de ensayos, laboratorio de experimentación.

Example: A large number of test facilities have been constructed for the conversion of biomass and residues into useful product.

» test + hypothesis = comprobar una hipótesis.

Example: The general hypothesis to be tested is that there are significant differences in readability among these three groups.

» test + idea = poner a prueba una idea, probar una idea.

Example: Analytical cataloguing is valuable in respect of any type of media, but many of ideas have been tested most thoroughly in the context of monographs and serials.

» test + knowledge = examinar los conocimientos.

Example: Twenty questions are presented to test users' knowledge of available arts and humanities data bases and the vendors who supply access to them.

» test + negative = dar negativo, test + ser + negativo.

Example: Testing negative for HIV does not mean that you are immune to the virus, so it is important to keep protecting yourself.

» test + Nombre + to + Posesivo + limits = poner a prueba.

Example: A group of young people are on the crest of a wave after completing an eight-day sailing challenge that tested them to their limits.

» test + Nombre + to the limit = ser la prueba de fuego de Algo.

Example: Motocross is one of the most physically demanding forms of motorcycle sport and tests both rider and their machines to the limit.

» test out = probar, poner a prueba.

Example: Dubai police are testing out futuristic hovering motorbikes = Los policías de Dubai están probando motocicletas flotantes futuristas.

» test + Posesivo + mettle = poner a prueba, poner a prueba + Posesivo + temple, poner a prueba + Posesivo + valía.

Example: This summer she'll be testing her mettle against teams from around the world.

» test + Posesivo + patience = poner a prueba la paciencia de Alguien.

Example: This hilarious show pranks unsuspecting guests, testing their patience to see just how long before they reach boiling point.

» test + positive = dar positivo, test + ser + positivo.

Example: If you test positive, it would be better to refrain from wearing a neoprene wetsuit.

» test + the patience of a saint = poner a prueba la paciencia de un santo, acabar con la paciencia de un santo.

Example: This may be obvious but circumstances do arise that will test the patience of a saint; those are the times to keep plugging on until solution is found.

» test + the validity of = comprobar la validez de.

Example: Whether he knows it or not, the writer will be testing the validity of certain ways of seeing life.

» test + the water = tantear el terreno. [A veces se usa test the waters]

Example: Can I just test the water with this question?.

Test synonyms

run in spanish: , pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun check in spanish: , pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun model in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdəl part of speech: noun screen in spanish: , pronunciation: skrin part of speech: noun trial in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪəl part of speech: noun pilot in spanish: , pronunciation: paɪlət part of speech: noun prove in spanish: , pronunciation: pruv part of speech: verb assay in spanish: , pronunciation: æsi part of speech: noun try in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪ part of speech: verb essay in spanish: , pronunciation: eseɪ part of speech: noun examine in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzæmɪn part of speech: verb quiz in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɪz part of speech: noun examination in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun exam in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪgzæm part of speech: noun experimental in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪksperɪmentəl part of speech: adjective tryout in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪaʊt part of speech: noun try out in spanish: , pronunciation: traɪaʊt part of speech: verb psychometric test in spanish: , pronunciation: saɪkoʊmetrɪktest part of speech: noun mental test in spanish: , pronunciation: mentəltest part of speech: noun mental testing in spanish: , pronunciation: mentəltestɪŋ part of speech: noun
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