Terrorism in spanish


pronunciation: teroʊɹ̩ismoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

terrorism = terrorismo. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The US government, a prolific producer of information on terrorism offers varied sources for research on many aspects of this worldwide problem.


» agroterrorism = agroterrorismo. 

Example: This paper includes selected Web sites providing information on: terrorism in general; bioterrorism; agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism; and travel-related issues.

» bioterrorism = bioterrorismo. 

Example: This paper includes selected Web sites providing information on: terrorism in general; bioterrorism; agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism; and travel-related issues.

» combat + terrorism = combatir el terrorismo, luchar contra el terrorismo.

Example: Teachers are to 'be the eyes and ears of the state' in UK public school system, whose jobs now include combating terrorism.

» counter-terrorism = contraterrorismo. 

Example: In addition to general resources, it covers bioterrorism; counterterrorism; cyberterrorism; domestic preparedness and response; Islam; law; Middle East; September 11, 2001; and weapons of mass destruction.

» cyberterrorism = ciberterrorismo, terrorismo cibernético. 

Example: In addition to general resources, it covers bioterrorism; counterterrorism; cyberterrorism; domestic preparedness and response; Islam; law; Middle East; September 11, 2001; and weapons of mass destruction.

» international terrorism = terrorismo internacional.

Example: The September 11 attacks conform to a pattern of surprise attacks, which illustrates that reforming the intelligence system has limited value as a means of defending against international terrorism.

» nuclear terrorism = terrorismo nuclear.

Example: This paper includes selected Web sites providing information on: terrorism in general; bioterrorism; agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism; and travel-related issues.

» terrorism act = ley antiterrorista.

Example: It is illegal to operate websites inciting terrorism under the Terrorism Act.

» the evil of terrorism = el mal del terrorismo.

Example: Both Sharon and Bush speak from the same book when it comes to fighting what they both call the 'evil' of terrorism.

» war against terrorism = guerra contra el terrorismo.

Example: The article 'War on terrorism: war on liberty' examines the key world wide web sites covering the 11 Sep 2001 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war against terrorism.

» war on terrorism = guerra contra el terrorismo.

Example: The article 'War on terrorism: war on liberty' examines the key world wide web sites covering the 11 Sep 2001 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war against terrorism.
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