Terror in spanish


pronunciation: teroʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

terror = terror, espanto, pavor. 

Example: The idea was exquisite but full of terror.


» act of terror = acto terrorista.

Example: When the security services carry out acts of terror, they employ patsies who often are petty criminals or people who are mentally backward or mentally unstable.

» anti-terror = antiterrorista.

Example: This year's report is focusing on the effects of anti-terror legislation.

» reign of terror = régimen de terror.

Example: I think a lot of Republicans want to cooperate, but they're in the thralls of this reign of terror from the far right that has dragged the party to the right.

» scream in + terror = gritar de terror, dar gritos de terror.

Example: He was screaming in terror and was pissing himself looking over his shoulders to ensure the monster was not following him.

» terror alert = estado de amenaza terrorista, alerta terrorista.

Example: Efforts to train thousands of federal agents to protect commercial flights during heightened terror alerts have been abandoned.

» terror attack = atentado terrorista, ataque terrorista.

Example: The article discusses the terror attacks against the US on September 11 (2001) in the context of the globalization of violence.

» terror bombing = atentado terrorista.

Example: More alarming in this context is the orchestration of a major new wave of terror killings and bombings by the mysterious and suspiciously well-armed Boko Haram.

» terror campaign = campaña de terror.

Example: The army's terror campaigns devastated the Nicaraguan infrastructure & provoked international outrage.

» terror crisis = crisis terrorista, problema terrorista.

Example: Cameron is under fire again for swanning off to Ibiza whilst the UK is supposedly facing a terror crisis.

» terror killing = asesinato terrorista.

Example: More alarming in this context is the orchestration of a major new wave of terror killings and bombings by the mysterious and suspiciously well-armed Boko Haram.

» terror novel = novela de terror.

Example: Gericault's paintings of severed heads and limbs explored the taste for the macabre and uncanny rampant in the popular terror novels of his time.

» terror-stricken = horrorizado, aterrorizado, horripilado.

Example: In each case, the immediate cause of death can readily be inferred from the terror-stricken expressions on their dead faces.

» terror + strike = terror + sacudir.

Example: Two weeks have passed since terror struck Mumbai.

» terror-struck = horrorizado, aterrorizado, horripilado, lleno de terror.

Example: We were entrusted with the herculean task of rebuilding a state that had been devastated by a crippled economy and a terror-struck atmosphere.

» terror threat = amenaza terrorista.

Example: Terror threats have sounded the death knell for traditional Christmas festivities in Peshawar.

» war on terror = guerra contra el terrorismo.

Example: We are also exploring the possibility, with our sister organization in the US, of producing a joint issue possibly on the theme of how the so-called 'war on terror' is affecting library and information services.

Terror synonyms

scourge in spanish: , pronunciation: skɜrdʒ part of speech: noun threat in spanish: , pronunciation: θret part of speech: noun panic in spanish: , pronunciation: pænɪk part of speech: noun brat in spanish: , pronunciation: bræt part of speech: noun holy terror in spanish: , pronunciation: hoʊliterɜr part of speech: noun little terror in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪtəlterɜr part of speech: noun
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