Territory in spanish


pronunciation: teritoʊɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

territory1 = territorio. 

Example: There might be some difficulty with agencies who see us as 'horning in' on their territory.


» colonial territory = colonia, territorio colonial.

Example: The problems of retrospective bibliography, as indeed of national library development, are usually seen at their worst in former colonial territories which have evolved late into nationhood.

» dependent territory = territorio dependiente.

Example: Originally a trading port, Hong-Kong turned into a dependent territory of Great Britain in 1842 and was transferred to China on July 1st, 1997.

» enemy territory = territorio enemigo.

Example: Imagine a young man, alone and without supplies or tools, abandoned to his own wits in the middle of hostile enemy territory.

» explore + a territory = explorar un territorio.

Example: The theme of the conference was 'Border crossings: exploring new territories for special collections'.

» home territory = territorio conocido, terreno conocido, terruño.

Example: Some of them were a little overbearing, but that was presumably because they were on home territory and liked swanking about it to others.

» occupied territory = territorio ocupado. [Parte de una nación invadido y gobernado por otra]

Example: At the outbreak of World War 1, there were about 5,000 private libraries in the occupied Polish territories.

» open up + a new territory = abrir nuevas posibilidades.

Example: Once this step is taken it opens up a whole new territory for inquiry which may also change the nature of our conceptions of science.

» overseas territory = territorio dependiente.

Example: The United Kingdom drives on the left, but the overseas territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.

» uncharted territory = territorio desconocido, terreno desconocido, tierra virgen.

Example: If the quality of information is a controversial subject, a discussion of the value of information can lead into even more uncharted territory.

» unchartered territory = territorio desconocido, terreno desconocido, tierra virgen. [Es recomendable usar "uncharted territory"]

Example: The article 'Entering unchartered territory: putting CD-ROM in place' is a contribution to a special issue devoted in part to CD-ROM.

» unfamiliar territory = territorio desconocido.

Example: True interdisciplinary collaboration requires crossing professional boundaries into what is often unfamiliar territory.

» virgin territory = tierra virgen, territorio virgen, algo desconocido.

Example: Today there is no virgin territory to be had -- only by invasion of another country can one nation extend its borders.

territory2 = campo, esfera, ámbito de acción, feudo. 

Example: The report suggests that structural changes within higher education and within the information industry affect the legitimacy, status, and territory of librarians' work.


» come with + the territory (of) = conllevar, ser una consecuencia lógica de, ir unido a.

Example: The article is entitled 'It comes with the territory: handling problem situations in libraries'.

» go with + the territory (of) = conllevar, ser una consecuencia lógica de, ir unido a.

Example: However, they also feel that this kind of media scrutiny goes with the territory of participating in national politics.

» personal space territory = territorio personal, espacio privado, espacio personal.

Example: This is a report on a study of how male and female library users use the space at library tables based on the ways in which people reveal their territorial space (defined as personal space territory).

Territory synonyms

mandate in spanish: , pronunciation: mændeɪt part of speech: noun district in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪstrɪkt part of speech: noun dominion in spanish: , pronunciation: dəmɪnjən part of speech: noun colony in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑləni part of speech: noun province in spanish: , pronunciation: prɑvəns part of speech: noun territorial dominion in spanish: , pronunciation: terɪtɔriəldəmɪnjən part of speech: noun
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