Terrain in spanish


pronunciation: terenoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

terrain = terreno. 

Example: These surveyors reported on terrain character and presence of wood, water and forage, and studied Indian tribal customs and languages.


» all-terrain = todoterreno.

Example: The badly decomposed body of a 27-year- old women was discovered by a man driving an all-terrain on a dirt trail in the desert.

» all terrains = todo tipo de terreno(s).

Example: They traveled over all terrains -- water, mountains, deserts.

» all-terrain vehicle (ATV) = vehículo todoterreno, quad.

Example: The article 'IZE: the all-terrain vehicle of database managers' presents details of IZE, an information retrieval program that can handle any ASCII text file, regardless of record structure.

» inhospitable terrain = terreno inhóspito.

Example: Death rates were much higher because the forces were stretched far and wide over seasonally inhospitable terrain.
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