Terminology in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minoʊloʊxiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

terminology = terminología. [Conjunto de términos que representa un sistema de conceptos, en especial de un campo específico]

Example: A scheme should permit changes in terminology, to allow for new subject descriptions to be incorporated into the scheme as subjects change their names.


» subject terminology = terminología usada para las materias.

Example: This information is displayed to allow the borrower to become acquainted with the subject terminology used by the library.

» terminology control = control terminológico.

Example: Title indexes suffer from absence of tight terminology control.

» terminology database = base de datos terminológica.

Example: The task is part of a project entitled Euro-Arabic terminology database.

Terminology synonyms

language in spanish: , pronunciation: læŋgwədʒ part of speech: noun nomenclature in spanish: , pronunciation: noʊmənkleɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun
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