Termination in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

termination1 = finalización. 

Example: This article discusses the terms of reference and aims of the project, the difficulties encountered in the creation of a centre for the whole of Latin America, and growth and termination of the UNESCO Technical Assistance Mission.

termination2 = baja, cese, despido. 

Example: No area of library operations would be unaffected -- from the selection of materials to the hiring and termination of personnel.


» termination of employment = cese laboral.

Example: The author suggests that termination of employment may be advisable if efforts do not produce results.

Termination synonyms

conclusion in spanish: , pronunciation: kənkluʒən part of speech: noun ending in spanish: , pronunciation: endɪŋ part of speech: noun expiration in spanish: , pronunciation: ekspɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun expiry in spanish: , pronunciation: ekspaɪri part of speech: noun
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