Terminally in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minɑlmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

terminally = para siempre, perennemente, definitivamente, irremediablemente, al final. 

Example: The gap between God's finger and Adam's in Michelangelo's Creation of Adam (Vatican, Sistine Chapel) reflects Adam's terminally imperfect state.


» terminally ill = en fase terminal.

Example: This article identifies and discusses types of situation one may encounter when working with older adults who are terminally ill.

» terminally ill patient = enfermo terminal, enfermo en fase terminal.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

» terminally ill, the = enfermos terminales, los; enfermos en fase terminal, los.

Example: Your donation today will enable us to continue to advocate for the right of the terminally ill to die with dignity.
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