Terminal in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minɑl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

terminal1 = terminal de ordenador. [Pantalla de ordenador y teclado conectados a un ordenador central para enviar y recibir información]

Example: Terminals for use in online searching may be printer or Visual Display Units, and may often contain both components.


» battery terminal = borne de la batería.

Example: Open the hood and disconnect the negative battery terminal by loosening the holding clamp nut with an adjustable wrench in a counterclockwise direction.

» computer terminal = terminal de ordenador.

Example: In theory, any computer terminal or personal computer can use teletex, with an appropriate adaptor.

» CRT terminal = monitor.

Example: A CRT terminal is American terminology for a visual display unit (qv).

» dedicated terminal connection = conexión de terminal dedicada. [Línea directa que conecta el ordenador que contiene la información con un terminal remoto]

Example: Access to remote services is more often than not by means of dedicated terminal connections.

» dial-in terminal = terminal de conexión mediante llamada telefónica.

Example: Peripherals include dial-in terminals and voice synthesisers.

» discharge terminal = terminal de devolución.

Example: The discharge terminal is equipped with another data pen and this is used to read the books' bar code labels when they are returned.

» display terminal = terminal.

Example: A librarian can use the display terminal at his or her desk to search all catalogs and files online.

» dumb terminal = terminal tonto.

Example: Microcomputers with communications software are replacing the older dumb terminals for remote access to on-line data bases.

» hard copy terminal = impresora.

Example: They have to pay connect time and telecommunications charges while a lengthy list of references is printed out on a hard copy terminal.

» intelligent terminal = terminal inteligente. [Terminal de un ordenador multipuesto capaz de funcionar individualmente sin necesidad de depender de la memoria central del macroordenador]

Example: Roy Adams has developed an intelligent terminal capable of storing loan requests and transmitting them to the British Library Lending Division (BLLD).

» issue terminal = terminal de préstamo.

Example: The issue terminal also incorporates a warning light in case a reserved book has slipped through the system and found its way on to the shelves.

» online terminal = terminal en línea.

Example: Access to the contents of data bases is via some computer-searching technique, often using an online terminal.

» poll + a terminal = interrogar un terminal. [Usado generalmente en informática]

Example: One factor affecting the efficiency of OPACs (On-line public access catalogues) is the amount of time that is allowed to elapse between user entries before the computer assumes that the terminal is abandoned and stops polling the terminal (called the interactive timeout interval or ITI).

» remote terminal = terminal remoto. [Situada a cierta distancia del ordenador del que depende]

Example: SWALCAP supports a network arrangement of remote terminals and minicomputers linked to the central computer via private lines.

» sit at + a terminal = utilizar un terminal.

Example: Our system allowed us to accept four messages and queue them so that the person sitting at a terminal thought s/he was the only person on.

» terminal emulation = emulación de terminales de ordenador.

Example: This includes terminal emulation to access popular online catalogues or other systems allowing remote access.

» terminal operator = operador de terminal.

Example: The OSU (Ohio State University) system employs telephone access to an online catalog via terminal operators.

» touch terminal = terminal con pantalla sensible al tacto.

Example: Peripherals will improve, note the introduction of touch terminals, and other significant developments are in the offing such as the flat-screen monitor which can be hung on a wall.

» typewriter terminal = terminal de impresión.

Example: The system checks that the number is valid and then prints the label at the typewriter terminal associated with the display terminal.

» video terminal = monitor.

Example: Access to the system is through video terminals and by telex.

terminal2 = terminal. [Usado generalmente para aviones, trenes y autobuses]

Example: Whenever I arrive at a terminal with extra time before my flight, I always look for an open electrical outlet to plug in my laptop.


» terminal building = edificio de la terminal.

Example: Just across the street from the terminal building, the parkade offers the perfect spot for business passengers or those who simply prefer the convenience of being close to the airport.

terminal3 = final. 

Example: Numbers may be grouped in columns according to their terminal digit.


» terminal decline = situación de decadencia irreversible.

Example: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

» terminal digit card = ficha de dígito terminal.

Example: Sometimes known as term cards, terminal digit cards have the document numbers listed on each card arranged in an order which is designed to facilitate scanning and comparison of lists of numbers.

» terminal education age = edad de finalización de los estudios.

Example: Increasing the average terminal education age is the best way to increase public library use.

» terminal illness = enfermedad terminal.

Example: Changes can also be seen in attitudes towards children suffering from serious or terminal illnesses.

» terminal patient = enfermo terminal.

Example: This book is intended to help the counselor learn to work with terminal patients.

Terminal synonyms

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