Term in spanish


pronunciation: teɹ̩minoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

term1 = término. [Cualquiera de los símbolos convencionales usados para describir un concepto y que consta de sonidos articulados y/o su representación escrita]

Example: Many other terms are used to denote a regurgitation or abbreviation of document content.


» action term = término de acción.

Example: Here 'Diagnosis' is an action term, and so the operator for an action term is assigned to 'Diagnosis', viz. (2) Diagnosis.

» be on speaking terms = hablarse, dirigirse la palabra.

Example: The article `On speaking terms': towards virtual integration of art information' describes how previously separate databases are now being linked into multimedia, interdisciplinary information systems.

» broader term = término más general, término más genérico. [Término superior dentro de una relación semántica]

Example: Broader terms are generally indicated by the abbreviation 'BT'.

» BT (broader term) = TG (término general). [Término superior dentro de una relación semántica]

Example: Broader terms are generally indicated by the abbreviation 'BT'.

» coin + a term = acuñar un término.

Example: When the term was coined the predominant information and text-carrying medium in libraries was the book.

» coined term = término acuñado.

Example: For a term to qualify for trademark protection, the author of the coined term must demonstrate he uses or intends to use the term in commerce.

» collective term = término colectivo. [Término general que representa el todo dentro de una relación parte-todo]

Example: A collective term is a broader term representing the whole in a part-whole relation.

» contradiction in terms = contradicción, contrasentido.

Example: The use of the term ephemera is strictly accurate in the definitional sense describing those pieces of recorded knowledge it is applied to by librarians but is, nevertheless, a total contradiction in terms.

» controlled indexing term = término de indización controlado.

Example: Such systems, then, whilst they can search on controlled indexing terms, are specifically geared towards searching of natural-language terms.

» controlled index-language term = término del lenguaje de indización controlado.

Example: We might search under Glasshouses and retrieve a set of documents that had the controlled index-language term 'Greenhouses' assigned.

» controlled index term = término de indización controlado.

Example: This is an example of the way in which searching on controlled index terms can be used to yield maximum retrieval.

» controlled-language term = término del lenguaje controlado.

Example: This is an example of the way in which searching on controlled-language terms can be used to yield maximum retrieval.

» controlled terms = términos controlados.

Example: The use of Lexicon van Nederlandse Archiefterman as a list of controlled terms approved by the Society of Dutch Archivists is described.

» couch + in terms = expresar en términos.

Example: The problem is couched in factual and legalistic terms, sometimes hiding the real situation.

» CT (co-ordinate term) = TC (término coordinado).

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

» descriptor term = descriptor.

Example: The MEDLINE thesaurus, available online and ondisc, provides a complete list of all descriptor terms (i.e. the controlled vocabulary used in the subject indexing of all Medline citations).

» entry term = punto de acceso.

Example: These instructions codes convert the operators into machine-readable manipulation codes, and show which terms are to be used as entry term.

» equivalent term = término equivalente. [Término usado para representar el mismo concepto que otro término]

Example: An equivalent term is a term used to represent the same concept as another term.

» extraction of terms = selección de términos. [Proceso por el cual los términos de indización se toman del texto que se indiza]

Example: The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.

» fuzzy term = término impreciso.

Example: A disease or a condition can be described by a number of symptoms which may be crisp alphanumeric values or fuzzy terms such as 'high' or 'normal'.

» GT (generic term) = TG (término genérico). [Término general que representa el género dentro de una relación genérica]

Example: A generic term (GT) is a broader term representing the genus of a generic relation.

» hidden term = término oculto. [Término que no es el principal de un encabezamiento precoordinado]

Example: The second and subsequent entries cater for the hidden terms in the first entry.

» in absolute terms = en términos absolutos.

Example: The poverty of the majority of social workers' clients -- who are either women at home with dependent children, or single parents, or the elderly, or carers -- is increasing in absolute terms.

» in broad terms = en términos generales.

Example: Thus the title is a label associated with a work, which both identifies the document, and describes in broad terms its content.

» indexing term = término de indización. [Representación de un concepto por medio de un término derivado del lenguaje natural o de una notación]

Example: Keywords or indexing terms may serve as a crude indicator of subject scope of a document.

» index term = descriptor, término del índice, encabezamiento. [En lenguajes documentales, término que se utiliza para describir el contenido de un documento]

Example: This access is achieved by organising the tools so that a user may search under a specific access point or heading or index term, for example, subject term, author, name, title, date.

» in layman('s) terms = con palabras sencillas, con palabras simples, en términos de la calle, con palabras de la calle.

Example: Today we're going to attempt to break it down in layman terms so you don't have to be a theoretical physicist to understand it.

» in no uncertain terms = de manera muy clara, muy claramente.

Example: Related rights are making their presence felt in no uncertain terms in the Member States.

» in + Posesivo + own terms = según sus propias palabras.

Example: The most satisfactory results were obtained when the requester was obliged to formulate the request in detail in his own terms.

» in real terms = en términos reales.

Example: Whereas this proportion is dwindling as a percentage of the total budget, agricultural spending continues to rise in real terms.

» in relative terms = en términos relativos.

Example: With a work so massive as 'Best Books' it is only in relative terms that it can be called selective.

» in scientific terms = en términos científicos.

Example: I'm an actor playing the role of a balloonist and I want to be able to explain in scientific terms why helium and hydrogen make balloons rise.

» in simple terms = en términos claros.

Example: In simple terms, the essence of subject organisation is the division of literature (or references to literature) into manageable, or scannable categories, with each category being associated with an index term.

» in terms of = en términos de, según, en cuanto a, desde el punto de vista de, en relación con, teniendo en cuenta, con respecto a, en lo que respecta a, por lo que respecta a, a efectos de, atendiendo a.

Example: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.

» in terms of use = desde el punto de vista del uso.

Example: The success of the service in terms of use and solid revenue generated were sufficient to place the service on a secure footing.

» in the following terms = de la siguiente manera.

Example: The basic functions of a subject headings list as identified in section 16.6 above may be focused more precisely in the following terms...

» in today's terms = en términos actuales.

Example: A sociological definition of culture, in today's terms, has to take account not only of Notre Dame and Beethoven, but also of McDonald hamburger emporia, discotheques and the culture of Disneyland.

» inverted term = término invertido.

Example: Thesauri tend to avoid inverted terms (such as Sculpture, German).

» key term = palabra clave.

Example: Various of the key terms in the thesaurus may be drawn in an alphabetical sequence.

» leading term = término inicial.

Example: The leading term determines the position of the entry, and the qualifying terms are subordinate to it.

» lead-in term = término inicial.

Example: Programs are available which generate alphabetical listings, including lead-in terms, reciprocal entries, hierarchical displays and other special sections of the thesaurus.

» lead term = encabezamiento principal, término inicial de un encabezamiento compuesto. [Primer término de un encabezamiento de materia compuesto por el cual se ordena un asiento dentro de una secuencia. En inglés 'encabezamiento primario' sería equivalente a 'main entry' y 'encabezamiento secundario' a 'added entry']

Example: The lead term is the term under which the entry files and by which it is therefore sought.

» linguistic term = término lingüístico.

Example: This unit provides an excellent resource that explains linguistic terms in a humorous and detailed manner.

» main term = término principal.

Example: The display in the hierarchical index shows all terms related to the main term, either directly, or at one or more removes from it, by an 'NT' reference.

» multiple-concept term = término compuesto de conceptos múltiples.

Example: These multiple-concept terms yield greater precision, but are associated with a rather larger indexing language and a higher likelihood of harmful scatter.

» multi-word term = término compuesto. [Término formado por varias palabras]

Example: However, the frequent use of multi-word terms in a list which is prepared along analytico-synthetic lines does serve to emphasize the problems of terminology that arise in the social sciences.

» narrower term = término más específico. [Término subordinado de una relación jerárquica]

Example: Narrower terms are signalled by the abbreviation 'NT'.

» narrower term generic (NTG) = término específico genérico (NTG). [Término específico de otro con el que mantiene una relación genérica]

Example: The Unesco guidelines allow a distinction to be made between the NTG (narrower term generic) and NTP (narrower term partitive) relationships.

» narrower term partitive (NTP) = término específico partitivo (NTP). [Término específico de otro con el que mantiene una relación de parte/todo]

Example: The Unesco guidelines allow a distinction to be made between the NTG (narrower term generic) and NTP (narrower term partitive) relationships.

» natural-language term = término del lenguaje natural.

Example: This is an example of the way in which searching on natural-language terms can be used to yield maximum retrieval.

» non-preferred term = término no admitido. [Sinónimo o quasi-sinónimo de un término admitido]

Example: Preferential relationships generally indicate preferred terms or descriptors and distinguish such terms from non-descriptors or non-preferred terms.

» NT (narrow term) = TE (término específico).

Example: Narrower terms are signalled by the abbreviation 'NT'.

» one concept term = término que representa un único concepto.

Example: Taube's original system relied upon 'uniterms' or one concept terms.

» on good terms = de buenas.

Example: With one or two exceptions he is respected by the staff; however, of late most have found remaining on good terms with him to be something of a challenge.

» partitive term = término partitivo. [Término específico que representa un elemento dentro de una relación de parte-todo]

Example: A partitive term is a narrower term representing an element in a part-whole relation.

» preferred term = término admitido. [Término escogido como descriptor de entre un grupo de términos equivalentes]

Example: These unused terms will normally be present in an index only in order to direct the user to the used or preferred terms.

» qualifying term = calificativo. [Palabra añadida a un término del índice para distinguir a éste de su homógrafo]

Example: In a general index it may only be possible to distinguish between different meanings of the one homograph by using scope notes or qualifying terms wherever the term arises.

» qualifying term = término secundario, calificador.

Example: The leading term determines the position of the entry, and the qualifying terms are subordinate to it.

» query term = término de la búsqueda.

Example: The simplest kind of output ranking, known as quorum matching, simply ANDS all query terms together, then drops any one, then any two, and so on, to give a weakly ordered output.

» query term weighting = ponderación de los términos de la ecuación de búsqueda.

Example: Ranking algorithms based on document and query term weighting significantly outperform Boolean systems.

» referred-from term = término de origen, término del que se envía.

Example: The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).

» related term = término asociado. [Término unido a otro mediante una relación de coordinación]

Example: Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.

» rotated term display = listado alfabético por cada uno de los términos del descriptor.

Example: The rotated term display is a ready reference tool which provides thousands of additional access points to the thesaurus terminology.

» search term = término de búsqueda. [Palabra o palabras usadas para recuperar información]

Example: The command function 'DELETE' is used to delete search terms or print requests.

» sought term = término buscado.

Example: Now we move up the chain providing index entries for each of the potentially sought terms.

» specific term = término específico. [Término específico que representa la especie dentro de una relación genérica]

Example: A specific term is a narrower term representing the species in a generic relation.

» subject term = materia, descriptor.

Example: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.

» subordinate term = término específico.

Example: The lead term 'metallurgy' is all right but you have then gone on to qualify this by the subordinate term in the chain 'assaying' and indexed this for the class number 669.

» superordinate term = término general, hiperónimo.

Example: With any given class number, the first alphabetical index entry made for that subject commences, or leads with the last term in the chain and qualifies this with the minimum number of superordinate terms that are necessary to indicate its precise context.

» synonymous term = término sinónimo.

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

» AT (Associated Term) = TA (Término Asociado).

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

» target term = término referenciado, término al que se envía.

Example: The code indicates the relationship between the target term and the referred-from term, and the type of reference that is to be printed (i.e. see or see also).

» term bank = banco terminológico.

Example: The system contains programs for updating and searching a term bank, making possible the interactive editing of terminological data.

» term card = ficha de término.

Example: An index based on term cards appears superficially little different from an ordinary card index, although in searching it must be noted that the index is in fact a post-coordinate index.

» term disambiguation = resolución de la ambigüedad entre términos.

Example: For the ambiguous terms, the SV contains the algorithmical rules of term disambiguation, rules based on semantic analysis of the contexts.

» term record file = fichero de registro por término.

Example: A 'term record file' conversely, is a file that is ordered by index terms, with each entry an index term and the document representations 'listed' in association with that term.

» term record index = índice de registro por término.

Example: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.

» term selection = selección de términos.

Example: Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.

» term variation = variación terminológica.

Example: Note that a title word search on 'high-temperature superconductivity' would have to include many term variations.

» term weight = peso, ponderación de términos.

Example: Applications of these methods facilitate more effective assignment of term weights to index terms within documents and may assist searchers in the selection of search terms.

» term weighting = ponderación de términos.

Example: These results depend crucially on the choice of effective term-weighting systems.

» title term = palabra del título.

Example: This article reports a study undertaken, using the bibliographic records of the University of Michigan's library catalogues, to examine the value of title terms as entry vocabulary to controlled lists.

» title-term indexing = indización por palabras del título.

Example: It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.

» top term = término superior.

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

» umbrella term = denominación general, término global.

Example: We shall, therefore, attempt to illustrate by examples the subject that is currently taking shape under the umbrella term of 'information technology'.

» unsought term = término no buscado.

Example: An unsought term is one which a user would rarely, if ever, think of consulting in the A/Z index when formulating his request for information about a particular subject.

» unused term = término no admitido.

Example: These unused terms will normally be present in an index only in order to direct the user to the used or preferred terms.

» unweighted term = término sin ponderar.

Example: In general, merging of word forms and of synonyms were both superior to the use of the hierarchical relationships in the thesaurus and better results were obtained with weighted terms (ie taking account of frequency of occurrence) than with unweighted terms.

» weighted term = término ponderado.

Example: In general, merging of word forms and of synonyms were both superior to the use of the hierarchical relationships in the thesaurus and better results were obtained with weighted terms (ie taking account of frequency of occurrence) than with unweighted terms.

» weighted term logic = lógica de términos ponderados.

Example: In its role in formulating search profiles, weighted term logic may be introduced either as a search logic in its own right, or as a means of reducing the search output from a search whose basic logic is Boolean.

» weighted term search = búsqueda por términos ponderados.

Example: The first takes the list of search terms, which the user is asked to rank in order of importance, and uses them as the basis of a weighted term search producing output in ranked order.

» wider term = término más general.

Example: This layout gives the lead term in the context of wider terms on the same line (the Qualifier) and narrower terms (the Display) on the second line.

» XT (overlapping term) = TX (término que solapa a otro en el significado).

Example: Amongst them can be listed: 'GT' Generic to; 'SA' See also; 'TT' Top term in a hierarchy; 'XT' Overlapping term; 'AT' Associated term; 'CT' Co-ordinate term; 'ST' Synonymous term; and 'SU' See Under.

term2 = plazo, período, mandato, legislatura. 

Example: The board consists of seven members elected by popular ballot for three-year terms.


» at term = al cumplir la fecha.

Example: When its resources allow, the EIB may grant loans on which capital is repaid in full at term (bullet loans).

» be short term = durar poco.

Example: The most obvious downside to having a fling is the fact that it is short term.

» face + a gaol term = condenar a la cárcel, condenar a prisión, sentenciar a la cárcel, sentenciar a prisión.

Example: A 57-year-old West Australian man is facing a gaol term for importing child pornography.

» face + a jail term = condenar a la cárcel, condenar a prisión, sentenciar a la cárcel, sentenciar a prisión.

Example: Based on her crime, she could be facing a jail term of up to 15 years.

» face + a prison term = condenar a la cárcel, condenar a prisión, sentenciar a la cárcel, sentenciar a prisión.

Example: He is a prominent lawyer and human rights defender and faces a prison term on charges of supporting Kurdish rebels.

» far-term = a largo plazo.

Example: These processes can be viewed as near-term and far-term.

» full-term = a término, nuevemesino, sin complicaciones.

Example: Most healthy, full-term, newborn babies can sleep through the whole night without feeding by the time they turn six months old.

» gaol term = pena de cárcel, pena de prisión, condena, encarcelamiento. [La palabra gaol también se escribe jail, principalmente en inglés americano]

Example: The family of a disabled boy who was bashed in an abandoned property is outraged his attackers will escape a gaol term.

» in the far term = a la larga, a largo plazo.

Example: In the far term novel techniques are being developed to remove carbon dioxide from fuel gas or flue gas from energy conversion systems.

» in the long term = a la larga, a largo plazo.

Example: For a scheme to be successfull in the long term it is vital that there should be an organisational structure to support the scheme.

» in the long-term future = en el futuro a largo plazo.

Example: It seems possible that in the long-term future all school librarians could be dually qualified in teaching and librarianship.

» in the medium term = a medio plazo.

Example: CD-ROM may be a transient technology being overtaken by multimedia and improved online services but in the medium term its applications will increase.

» in the short term = a corto plazo.

Example: Controlled vocabulary is the best option in the short term = El vocabulario controlado es la mejor opción a corto plazo.

» jail term = pena de cárcel, pena de prisión, condena, encarcelamiento. [La palabra jail también se escribe gaol, principalmente en inglés de influencia británica]

Example: Most courts in India are unwilling to impose heavy fines and jail terms for wildlife crimes.

» life term = condena a cadena perpetua.

Example: Handing down sentence, the presiding judge said he had decided not to give Stone a life term on the grounds that his actions had not resulted in any serious injury.

» longer-term = a más largo plazo.

Example: Long-distance high-rate data transmission is possible at the present time by combining a number of narrow-band channels, but the longer-term solution is the installation of a new wide-band network.

» long-term = de hace mucho tiempo, continuo.

Example: Many long-term residents feel that Junctionville should be governed the way it was before Groome appeared -- by 'good old boys' who had worked their way up, who eschewed issues, and who faithfully rewarded their cronies.

» long-term = a largo plazo.

Example: The use of agents is necessary but not ideal, because an agent often represents rival concerns, and aims for a quick turnover rather than long-term profitability.

» long-term future = futuro a largo plazo.

Example: Most journals are increasingly subsidised by members of their parent societies or from other sources, and their long-term future is unclear.

» long-term loan = préstamo prolongado.

Example: A university library, for example, might group its holdings into long-term loans for books and bound volumes for periodicals.

» long-term plan = plan a largo plazo.

Example: Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.

» long term policy = política a largo plazo.

Example: One of the key recommendations for long term policy was the confirmation of the responsibility of the national bibliographic agency for establishing the authoritative form of name for its country's authors.

» long-term solution = solución a largo plazo.

Example: The long-term solution involved microfilming documents.

» medium-term = a medio plazo.

Example: One of the recommendations made by the group was to identify medium-term (five years) and longer-term needs for expanding the existing system.

» mid-term [midterm] = a medio plazo.

Example: The mid-term weight loss is similar with both techniques.

» midterm [mid-term] = examen parcial.

Example: A heavy reliance on midterms and finals were associated with lower teacher ratings across disciplines.

» near-term = a medio plazo.

Example: The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) is another volunteer organization; it meets regularly to discuss operational and near-term technical problems of the Internet.

» on a short-term basis = por un período de tiempo limitado.

Example: The government of this country has accepted the responsibility for providing a functional school media resource service, albeit on a short-term basis.

» over the long term = a largo plazo, a la larga.

Example: This project ought to develop over the long term from a system designed to support the exchange of entries in micro-print to a fully automated network for the processing of records.

» prison term = pena de cárcel, pena de prisión, condena, encarcelamiento.

Example: Why have you done nothing to stop Cuba's independent librarians from being subjected to campaign of threats, intimidation, harassment, police raids, evictions, confiscations, physical assaults and prison terms of up to 26 years? = ¿Por qué no has hecho nada para poner fin a la campaña de amenazas, intimidación, acoso, redadas policiales, deshaucio, confiscaciones, agresiones físicas y condenas de hasta 26 años a la que están siendo sometidos los bibliotecarios indenpendientes de Cuba?.

» serve + Posesivo + term = cumplir una condena.

Example: Mozambique and Zimbabwe will soon exchange prisoners to serve their terms in their countries of origin.

» short term [short-term] = de corta duración, a corto plazo, de breve duración.

Example: Whether this is a short term phenomenon or not, remains to be seen.

» short-term loan = préstamo breve.

Example: A university library, for example, might group its holdings into short-term loans for unbound periodicals.

» short-term solution = solución a corto plazo.

Example: Although microform can provide a short-term solution the long-term one may lie with the electronic journal.

» statutory term = plazo legal.

Example: Failure to make a renewal fee payment can result in the expiration of the patent prior to its statutory term.

» term in office = mandato.

Example: The book focuses on Nixon's two terms in office and draws on solid, original source material to get inside the minds of the president and his chief hatchetman, Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, in particular.

» term life insurance = seguro de vida a término.

Example: There are two basic kinds of life insurance products to choose from: term life insurance and whole life insurance.

» term of office = mandato, legislatura.

Example: At the same time we traditionally record the departure of those who have completed terms of office and who have given much of their time and some of their lives to forwarding the cause of libraries and librarianship.

term3 = trimestre, cuatrimestre. 

Example: I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.


» autumn term = trimestre del otoño.

Example: The retreat, held in an off-campus community room during the Christmas break following an unusually hectic autumn term, lasted a full day.

» half term vacation = vacaciones de mitad de cuatrimestre. [Vacaciones que en el sistema anglosajón de enseñanza existen cada número determinado de semanas de clase]

Example: Half term vacation fell in part of a week, so that it does not show in the records, as there was borrowing activity in the same week.

» spring term = trimestre de la primavera.

Example: I go to a girl school and we wear ties in winter and spring terms, but May-July we get to wear an open-neck collar.

» summer term = trimestre del verano.

Example: Your cost of attendance for summer term is automatically adjusted if you are less than full-time as of July 30.

» term paper = trabajo de clase. [Trabajo escrito que debe realizar el estudiante a lo largo de un curso]

Example: I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.

» term project = trabajo de clase. [Trabajo escrito que debe realizar el estudiante a lo largo de un curso]

Example: In 1994, 21 students on an introductory course on communication processes completed analyses of 14 different electronic lists or newsgroups as their term projects.

» term time = período escolar, período lectivo.

Example: A Herefordshire mother says she's facing a jail sentence for taking her daughter on holiday during term time.

» winter term = trimestre del invierno. [Usado generalmente con referencia al calendario escolar]

Example: I go to a girl school and we wear ties in winter and spring terms, but May-July we get to wear an open-neck collar.



» agree + (the) terms = aceptar las condiciones.

Example: She came up with a detail from a recent painting which was just the job, and we agreed terms relatively quickly.

» be on bad terms = llevarse mal, estar peleados, estar de malas, hacer malas migas.

Example: He thinks her mother used witchcraft against him and they are on bad terms.

» be on close terms = llevarse bien, congeniar, estar de buenas.

Example: There's always a way out if you move with times and are on close terms with the computer technologies.

» be on friendly terms = llevarse bien, congeniar, estar de buenas, hacer buenas migas.

Example: But reducing a small workplace entails the excruciating task of laying off people you know well and are on friendly terms with.

» be on good terms = llevarse bien, congeniar, estar de buenas.

Example: Tulisa was happy to get the call and they made up and were on good terms by the end of the call.

» be on unfriendly terms = llevarse mal, estar peleados, estar de malas, hacer malas migas.

Example: I still remember vividly us being on unfriendly terms back then, who knew we would end up this way?.

» come to + terms = ponerse de acuerdo, llegar a un acuerdo, alcanzar un acuerdo.

Example: They were up a gumtree and couldn't come to terms.

» come to + terms with = aceptar, asimilar, mentalizarse, enfrentarse, atajar, adaptarse, hacer frente.

Example: Much of the conventional wisdom of librarianship is going to have to undergo what is so aptly described as an 'agonizing reappraisal' before we can come to terms with the new information age.

» in + Posesivo + own terms = según sus propias condiciones.

Example: The industry should aim to develop each market in its own terms.

» on + Posesivo + own terms = según sus propias condiciones, según + convenir.

Example: Libraries want to deal with issues on their own terms and not on the terms of their clients.

term5 = denominar. 

Example: This process of analysis into facets is called facet analysis, and the resultant classification is termed a faceted classification.

terms2 = contrato. 

Example: By the beginning of the nineteenth century many British printers had come to rely for most of their work on relays of apprentices, who were simply discharged at the end of their terms and replaced by new apprentices.


» terms and conditions = términos y condiciones, condiciones, condiciones contractuales.

Example: In addition, many data base producers include prohibitions against downloading in the terms and conditions of contract with the data base vendor.

Term synonyms

condition in spanish: , pronunciation: kəndɪʃən part of speech: noun full term in spanish: , pronunciation: fʊltɜrm part of speech: noun
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