Tension in spanish


pronunciation: tensioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

tension1 = tensión, tirantez, conflicto, conflictividad. 

Example: A data base must respond to a dynamic reality in which terms, 'strain, crack and sometimes break under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still'.


» ease + the tension = relajar la tensión.

Example: And, just as important, the sharp division between home and school is blurred a little and the tensions Hoggart talked about are eased.

» emotional tension = tensión emocional.

Example: Mental block -- an inability to remember or think of something you normally can do -- is often caused by emotional tension.

» heighten + tensions = aumentar las tensiones.

Example: The risk remains that the United States will react in the spirit of some American war lovers in a way that heightens tensions and the possibility of war.

» hypertension = hipertensión.

Example: Half of the subjects had at least one biological parent with hypertension.

» hypotension = hipotensión.

Example: The most common drug related adverse events were bloodshot eyes, nasal congestion, dry mouth, hypotension and dizziness.

» mounting tension = relación cada vez más tirante, tirantez cada vez mayor.

Example: China urged all sides to try to ease mounting tensions over Iran's nuclear plans and focus on negotiations.

» political tension = tensión política.

Example: The continuing political tension in Pakistan undermines the government's ability to tackle the country's multiple crises.

» pre-menstrual tension (PMT) = tensión premenstrual (TPM).

Example: The pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), also called pre-menstrual tension (PMT), usually starts in the second half of your menstrual cycle and goes away by the time your period starts.

» racial tension = tensión racial.

Example: Few American colleges are immune to racial tensions, and race-related incidents tend to flare up at this or that campus.

» release + tension = liberar la tensión, desahogarse.

Example: They both exploded into laughter, thereby releasing the pent-up tension.

» relieve + tension = liberar la tensión, desahogarse.

Example: As I said earlier, if we can't relieve tension through smoking, pressures will take their tolls on other parts of our bodies.

» tension + mount = tensión + aumentar.

Example: As a bigoted radio personality incites whites to seek revenge, tensions mount and Smith fights to slake the anger that engulfs him.

» tension reliever = relajante.

Example: What you don't understand, Juan, is that smoking is a tension reliever.

tension2 = tensar. 

Example: Tension the battens until those wrinkles disappear.

Tension synonyms

stress in spanish: , pronunciation: stres part of speech: noun tenseness in spanish: , pronunciation: tensnəs part of speech: noun tensity in spanish: , pronunciation: tensəti part of speech: noun tautness in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌtnəs part of speech: noun latent hostility in spanish: , pronunciation: leɪtənthɑstɪləti part of speech: noun
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