Tense in spanish


pronunciation: tiempoʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

tense [tenser -comp., tensest -sup.]1 = tenso. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: The urgency of his supplication was mirrored in the tense whiteness of his knuckles as he clasped his hands tightly in front of him.


» hypertense = hipertenso.

Example: Menopausal women frequently are hypertense and have risk of developing osteoporosis.

» tense minutes = minutos tensos.

Example: A nosy octopus nearly got away with a scuba diver's camera in an underwater tussle that lasted a few tense minutes.

» tense situation = situación tensa, situación de tensión, situación de estrés.

Example: The police said people should not try to intervene during a tense situation such as a dog attack because you could get hurt.

tense2 = tiempo verbal. 

Example: A simple past tense describes more effectively what was done and the present tense may be used in dealing with facts, properties etc, which still hold true.


» future tense = tiempo futuro.

Example: The article 'Future tense: science fiction confronts the new science' reviews recent science fiction novels for young adults that deal with artificial intelligence, robotics and genetic engineering.

tense3 = tensar. 

Example: If you neck is hurting during the exercise then you are tensing it too much and that means your technique is wrong.


» tense up = ponerse tenso, ponerse en tensión.

Example: My problem is that sometimes I will get tensed up unwantedly for small problems.

» tense up = tensar.

Example: Get comfy and totally relax your body and if you need to tense it up and then feel it let go then do so..

Tense synonyms

strain in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪn part of speech: noun tight in spanish: , pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective taut in spanish: , pronunciation: tɔt part of speech: adjective nervous in spanish: , pronunciation: nɜrvəs part of speech: adjective electric in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪlektrɪk part of speech: adjective, noun edgy in spanish: , pronunciation: edʒi part of speech: adjective drawn in spanish: , pronunciation: drɔn part of speech: adjective restive in spanish: , pronunciation: restɪv part of speech: adjective wired in spanish: , pronunciation: waɪɜrd part of speech: adjective jittery in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒɪtɜri part of speech: adjective strained in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪnd part of speech: adjective uptight in spanish: , pronunciation: əptaɪt part of speech: adjective isotonic in spanish: , pronunciation: aɪsətɑnɪk part of speech: adjective nervy in spanish: , pronunciation: nɜrvi part of speech: adjective aroused in spanish: , pronunciation: ɜraʊzd part of speech: adjective jumpy in spanish: , pronunciation: dʒʌmpi part of speech: adjective high-strung in spanish: , pronunciation: haɪstrəŋ part of speech: adjective wound up in spanish: , pronunciation: waʊndʌp part of speech: adjective constricted in spanish: , pronunciation: kənstrɪktəd part of speech: adjective suspenseful in spanish: , pronunciation: səspensfəl part of speech: adjective overstrung in spanish: , pronunciation: oʊvɜrstrʌŋ part of speech: adjective suspensive in spanish: , pronunciation: səspensɪv part of speech: adjective unrelaxed in spanish: , pronunciation: ənrɪlækst part of speech: adjective tense up in spanish: , pronunciation: tensʌp part of speech: verb cliff-hanging in spanish: , pronunciation: klɪfhændʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Tense antonyms

lax pronunciation: læks part of speech: adjective unwind pronunciation: ənwaɪnd part of speech: verb relax pronunciation: rɪlæks part of speech: verb unbend pronunciation: ənbend part of speech: verb relaxed pronunciation: rɪlækst part of speech: adjective decompress pronunciation: dɪkɑmprəs part of speech: verb unlax pronunciation: ənlæks part of speech: verb slow down pronunciation: sloʊdaʊn part of speech: verb at ease pronunciation: ætiz part of speech: adjective, adverb unstrain pronunciation: ənstreɪn part of speech: verb loosen up pronunciation: lusənʌp part of speech: verb make relaxed pronunciation: meɪkrɪlækst part of speech: verb
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